改错用英语怎么说 改错英语翻译

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改错用英语怎么说 改错英语翻译

改错在英语中的翻译是"correct a wrong character word etc.",在《郎文当代中级英语辞典》中,共找到92个与改错相关的译文和例句。


1. correct a wrong character word etc.

改错翻译为correct a wrong character word etc.。

示例:尽管犯错是必然的,程序也可以不必经历改错的煎熬了。 Though such errors are inevitable, there may be a way to let speech-recognition programs take the pain out of making corrections.



1. this's( 改错)

2. what're( 改错)

3. error correction bit(改错位元)

4. programmer error correction(程序员改错)

错误校正;误差校正;误差修正\n 改错;短文改错;错误更正)

5. Error correction.(un. 纠错;

英语短语&俚语, Error correction ProofReading IV Mistake essays ( 短文改错 )

Identifying sentence Errors SentenceCorrecting Sentence Correctio gmat ( 句子改错 )

English Test ( 文章改错 )

copy and correct ( 改错复制 )

Revise the mistake Error correction question ( 改错题 )

sentence correction grammar correction ( 语法改错 )


1. This mistake shouldn't have happened, but once it did, it must be made right, not made worse.

译文:错误本不该发生的 但既然已经犯错 就要改错 而不是将错就错。

2. Correct the mistakes: new western teacher remind you: this isn't want you to pick the wrong, human body MM teacher, of course not helplessly take you into gehenna push.

译文:改错:新西方老师提醒你:这不是要你去挑MM身上的错误,为人老师,当然不能眼睁睁地把你往火坑里推。 。

3. now on lies have the orison, the teacher has a few topics to correct mistake!


4. Correct errors by moving functions to better categories where appropriate, and of course fixing typos.


5. in return i correct your mistakes.

译文:你一边做 我一边帮你改错字。


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