枇杷用英语怎么说 枇杷英语翻译

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枇杷用英语怎么说 枇杷英语翻译

枇杷的英语有三种说法,可以翻译为 [园艺] loquat,还网络中常译为"loquat",在《英汉简明词典》中,共找到58个与枇杷相关的译文和例句。


1. [园艺] loquat

枇杷翻译为 [园艺] loquat 。

示例:有斑的枇杷特别甜,而没有斑的也不是不甜。 There are special sweet spot of loquat, but not the only sweet spot.


2. loquat


示例:枇杷树树阴之下便是仆人的住所了。 In the shadows of a loquat tree, was the servants' home.


3. loquat -

枇杷翻译为 loquat - 。

示例:枇杷富含营养,且可以做成药。 Loquat has a lot of nutrition and can become medicine.


4. loquat -

枇杷翻译为 loquat - 。

示例:Although it is difficult to climb trees, but i still have to climb, because this is a long-famous "best in the world loquat"in tangqi loquat tree!




1. loquat(枇杷

2. Eriobotrya japonica Lindl.(枇杷)

3. eriobotrya japonicas(枇杷)

4. pe pae(枇杷)

5. Eriobotrya(枇杷属)

英语短语&俚语, Eriobotrya prinoides ( 栎叶枇杷 )

Eriobotrya deflexa Taiwan loquat Rosaceae Eriobotrya deflexa ( 台湾枇杷 )

Eriobotrya Eriobotrya lindley Japanese medlar ( 枇杷属 )

Loquat-Shaped Cake ( 枇杷果 )

Loquat Dog Meat ( 枇杷狗肉 )

Loquats in Syrup ( 蜜汁枇杷 )

Loquat Leaf Loquat Leaf Folium Eriobtryae Fortune Eupatorium Herb Herba Eupatorii ( 枇杷叶粉末 )

Oculinidae Oculiddae ( 枇杷珊瑚科 )

loquat flower Eriobotuya japonica Lindl ( 枇杷花 )


1. Now i got problem picking loquats.

译文:采摘枇杷可伤脑筋。 。

2. Fruits ranging from loquats, lichees, longans to tangerines are in plenty.

译文:水果是从枇杷、荔枝、龙眼,一直吃到福桔! 。

3. Hey, forgot to tell you, there are special sweet spot of loquat, but not the only sweet spot.


4. Comparison of the Content of Peimine in Chuanbeipipa Syrup Produced by Different Factories


5. Objective To study the effects of different preparing methods on the quality of Follum Eriobotryae.

译文:目的了解不同炮制方法的枇杷叶炮制品质量。 。

6. The world will loquat with cherries, plums and referred to as the "Three Friends of fruit. "


7. Flowers of Magnolia liliflora Desr.and leaves of Eriobotrya japonica are important potential resources.

译文:辛夷花和枇杷叶是重要的潜在资源。 。

8. Students, loquat you know it?


9. Shixing County is in the sub-tropical climate, excellent natural conditions, very suitable for loquat growth.

译文:始兴县地属中亚热带气候,自然条件优越,极适宜枇杷生长。 。

10. South loquat and wild honey used carefully brewed


11. Orange, orange, orange, pomelo, litchi, longan, LinQin (also called bonus), loquat, waxberry, olive.


12. Although it is difficult to climb trees, but i still have to climb, because this is a long-famous "best in the world loquat"in tangqi loquat tree!

译文:尽管这株树很难爬,可我还是要爬上去,因为这是长着赫赫有名的“天下第一枇杷”的塘栖枇杷树! 。

13. Fritillaria, Bellflower root, Loquat half catty each...


14. There are special sweet spot of loquat, but not the only sweet spot.

译文:有斑的枇杷特别甜,而没有斑的也不是不甜。 。

15. So, tell me, you ever had a taste of the pawpaw fruit... down there in the Seeonee?

译文:you ever had a taste of the pawpaw fruit... 枇杷果的味道吗 down there in the Seeonee?。


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