学数学用英语怎么说 学数学英语翻译

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学数学用英语怎么说 学数学英语翻译

学数学的英语有三种说法,可以翻译为mathematical cartography,其次还可以说成"mathematical sedimentology",在《新英汉汉英词典》中,共找到94个与学数学相关的译文和例句。


1. mathematical cartography

学数学翻译为mathematical cartography。

示例:No, but this is a mathematical conclusion. but this is a mathematical conclusion.


2. mathematical sedimentology

学数学翻译为mathematical sedimentology。

示例:No, but this is a mathematical conclusion. but this is a mathematical conclusion.


3. mathematical module

学数学翻译为mathematical module。

示例:lacks mathematical support. 缺乏数学依据 lacks mathematical support.


4. mathematical morphology

学数学翻译为mathematical morphology。

示例:in order to get the precise overprint error, a new detection algorithm based on mathematical morphology was proposed. 为了精确检测套印偏差,提出一种基于数学形态学的偏差自动检测算法。



1. mathematical cartography(数学地图学)

2. mathematical crystallography(数学晶体学)

3. mathematical module(学模块,数学模)

4. mathematical morphology(数学形态学)

5. mathematical sedimentology([地质] 数学沉积学)


1. So, well, i do applied math, and this is a peculiar problem for anyone who does applied math, is that we are like management consultants.

译文:话说,我是学应用数学的 对于每一个学应用数学的人来说 有一个特殊的难题,就是 我们和管理顾问都很像 。

2. i studied mathematics because it has no relations to reality:

译文:我学数学因为它和 现实没有任何关系:。

3. That's why you're staying in school.


4. But it's reassuring that at the heart of this mathematics is pure, beautiful geometry.

译文:但是我们确信 数学的核心是 纯粹美丽的几何学 。

5. And the mathematics part and the experimental science part was pulling away from philosophy.

译文:数学这部分 和实验课学这部分 开始和哲学分离。。

6. MPhil in Economics, University of Oxford. Majors: Mathematical Economics, Public Economics, international Trade.


7. And the mathematics part and the experimental science part was pulling away from philosophy.

译文:数学这部分 和实验课学这部分 开始和哲学分离。 。

8. "government or religion, mathematics or anthrology..."


9. The degree provides a thorough grounding in both mathematics and statistics.

译文:这个学位提供对数学和统计学全面的基础训练。 。

10. Technology sits firmly on the foundation of math, engineering and science.

译文:技术则以数学、工程学和科学 作为其坚实的基础。 。

11. But it's reassuring that at the heart of this mathematics is pure, beautiful geometry.

译文:但是我们确信 数学的核心是 纯粹美丽的几何学。

12. Extension mathematics is the quantitative tool of Extenics.

译文:可拓数学是可拓学的定量化工具。 。

13. Mathematics, minor in economics.


14. But it wasn't physics, chemistry and engineering.

译文:不过不是学什么物理学 化学 工程学 而是复习简单的数学。

15. No, i'm lucky to have math, makes it easy to tutor or find high-level temp jobs.

译文:幸好我学数学,找事容易 上家教或去公司代班。


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