细节决定成败在英语中的翻译是"Details determine success or failure.",还可以翻译为 Detail decides success or failure,在《英语汉语大辞典》中,共找到65个与细节决定成败相关的译文和例句。
1. Details determine success or failure.
细节决定成败翻译为Details determine success or failure.。
示例:态度决定高度,细节决定成败! Attitude is altitude, then details determine success or failure!
2. Detail decides success or failure
细节决定成败翻译为 Detail decides success or failure 。
示例:细节决定成败、勤奋成就人生。 Details determine success or failure, and diligence creates life.
3. Details determine success or failure
细节决定成败翻译为 Details determine success or failure 。
示例:杰克:是的。细节决定成败。 Jack: That's right. Details can mean succeed or fail.
4. No Details No Success
细节决定成败翻译为 No Details No Success 。
示例:Details, Leonard-- the success or failure of our deceitful enterprise turns on details. 详细资料 Leonard 我们的欺诈事业成败与否就在此
1. load the dice(事先决定成败, 使用灌铅骰子)
2. stand or fall(好坏, 成败)
3. even chance(成败机会相等)
4. even chances(成败机会相等)
5. detail(细节
英语短语&俚语,. Details is the key to success ( 细节决定成败)
Detail decides success or failure ( 细节决定成功或失败 )
1. ... wheretheplacementofasingle molecule can make the difference between triumph and catastrophe.
译文:一个微小细节的处理 可以决定成败。
2. We are slaves to the first few fractions of a second -- and that's where much of my work has to win or lose, on a shelf in a shop.
译文:初次印象决定了我们的思考 这就是决定我的作品 市场销售的 成败所在。
3. inlanguage learning it is attitude, not aptitude, that determines success.
译文:在语言学习上,是态度决定成败,而不是天资。 。
4. (Laughter) But it's the small things that matter.
译文:(笑声) 但是细节决定成败。 。
5. Everything that has ever happened in all of human history has happened on that pixel.
译文:悲欢成败... 战争饥荒...。
6. Key lime pie, with everything, it comes down to the details.
7. Projects aren't about grades, but success.
8. GEORGE: Always the details that undo us.
12 complete strangers will make or break your case
译文:这12个完全的陌生人 会决定案子的成败。
10. You'll have to devise a scenario that plausibly explains my absence, keeping in mind that the key to a good lie lies in the details.
11. Because you got nothing to lose.
12. it's all on the line tonight.
13. Sir, we can't predict what might happen.
14. i tell them the deil is in the details .
译文:我告诉他们细节决定成败。 。
15. The outcome is by no means certain.
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