蚊帐用英语怎么说 英语

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蚊帐的英语是" [纺] mosquito curtain",还经常被译作 mosquito net,在《英汉新词词典》中,共找到10个与蚊帐相关的翻译和例句。


1. [纺] mosquito curtain

蚊帐翻译为 [纺] mosquito curtain 。

示例:在坦桑尼亚,我遇到一位有五个孩子的母亲,当时她正在购买生命中的第一顶蚊帐。 In Tanzania, I met a mother with five children who was buying the first bed net in her life.


2. mosquito net

蚊帐翻译为 mosquito net 。

示例:公共卫生官员不建议在这些地区的儿童床上使用蚊帐。 Public health officials are reluctant to recommend the use of mosquito nets over children's beds in such areas.


3. bed net

蚊帐翻译为bed net。

示例:我撩开蚊帐,跳下床,拉开百叶窗。 I threw aside my mosquito net, jumped out of bed and drew up the blind.


4. mosquito net -

蚊帐翻译为 mosquito net - 。

示例:You could pick that scab on your arm. It's a mosquito bite.



1. mosquito curtain(蚊帐)

2. mosquito cutain(蚊帐)

3. mosquito netting(蚊帐)

4. midge nets( 蚊帐)


5. bednet(臭虫;

英语短语&俚语, mosquito curtain gauze mosquito ting kachoji ( 蚊帐纱 )

Mosquito Net Factory ( 蚊帐厂 )

mosquito-resistant fabric mosquito netting musahri resistant fabric ( 蚊帐布 )

curtain grass cloth ( 蚊帐夏布 )

crib mosquito net ( 罩式蚊帐 )

crib mosquito netting BABY CRIB MOSQUITO NET ( 婴儿床蚊帐 )

bleached mosquito netting white mosquito netting ( 漂白蚊帐布 )

mosquito bar ( 细眼蚊帐布 )


1. Okay, we heard about bed nets earlier.

译文:是的,我们之前谈到了蚊帐。 。

2. "if you give the nets for free, people are not going to value them.

译文:“如果你免费提供蚊帐 人们不会珍惜蚊帐 。

3. "if you give the nets for free, people are not going to value them.

译文:“如果你免费提供蚊帐 人们不会珍惜蚊帐。

4. We got, later, the mosquito netting.


5. if they get it for free, they use it.

译文:他们免费得到蚊帐 会使用 。

6. if they get it for free, they use it.

译文:他们免费得到蚊帐 会使用。

7. They might be able to buy mosquito nets.


8. Well, the good news is, people, if they have the bed nets, will use the bed nets regardless of how they got it.

译文:好消息是 当人们拥有蚊帐时 他们会使用蚊帐 不管蚊帐是如何得到的。

9. Takes away the mosquito net.


10. You don't always use them for that. People fish with them.


11. Okay, we heard about bed nets earlier.


12. Go back to the bednets once more.

译文:再次回到蚊帐的例子。 。

13. And people who got the free one were actually more likely to purchase the second one than people who didn't get a free one.

译文:免费获得蚊帐的人们 实际上更可能买第二个蚊帐 相比没得到免费蚊帐的人而言 。

14. Societies should be willing to go out and subsidize the net, give them for free, or, for that matter, pay people to use them because of those contagion benefits.

译文:社会应该愿意行动 资助购买蚊帐,并且免费捐赠 或者,在这个问题上,补贴那些使用蚊帐的人 因为蚊帐的防传染功效 。

15. We got, later, the mosquito netting.

译文:之后,我们有了蚊帐。 。



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