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关于”比较霸气“的英语句子28个,句子主体:More domineering。以下是关于比较霸气的托福英语句子。

英文句子模板1:More domineering


1、This 'merges very well with the air quality of Beijing, ' remarks Mr. Scheeren.


2、That's less gruff than we talk here, and softer.


3、Indeed, before T. rex hit the scene, tyrannosaurs were relatively petite.


4、Single cylinder core, can be installed into the mould directly, require smoothness at the connection with the cylinder, high requirement of the hole drilling, smaller volume.


5、Ice-breaker assistance suspended until favourable weather conditions.


6、Hot balloons are preferred by most balloonists in the United States because of their safety.


7、Calculation shows that the tension parameter depends chiefly on the balloon height to radius ratio H/R and is stable to a great extent.


8、Safety management of JZ 20-2 gas field is unique and perfect.


9、The design of the disc turbine aerator and the oar turbine aerator are discussed. Their inspiratory capacity, air bubble diameter and distribution frequency are compared.


10、In very cold weather, look for "inversions, " places that are elevated and where the air will be warmer.


11、Summits are higher and can be very windy, and the weather can change on a dime.

12、这比较有礼貌一些,而直译靠什么谋生有点不客气) I will take care of you like as you are at home。


13、Having said that, let's compare Joba and Phil in a few key areas.


14、Methods: To comparatively study the lipophilic compounds by GC-MS in pummelo peel.


15、Conclusions (

1) The imaging of brain is obvious in divers of pulmonary barotrauma complicated with cerebral arterial gas embolism.

1 )空气潜水所致肺气压伤并发脑动脉气栓患者脑影像学有比较明显的改变;


16、The belts of prevailing westerlies in general have moderate average temperature.


17、Starring Steve Buscemi (Reservoir Dogs), this series promises to be extremely violent, so lighthearted viewers may want to give it a pass.


18、The total volume of HT-7 can be precisely measured when the gases reach equilibrium.


19、But for some reason, tyrannosauroids in eastern North America retained the more primitive features of shallow snouts and large arms.


20、Compared with N2O, the curves of enflurane were more dispersed than that of N2O under three cardiac output conditions.

21、Duct where the atmosphere is relatively stable atmospheric regions, there is often accompanied by low-level temperature inversion.大气波导现象所处区域大气层结比较稳定,常伴有低层逆温层。

22、But comparing with the results obtained in the air, the penetration depth of HLC is effected by constraints, while the KC changes present more stability.但与空气对比,亚半球装药侵彻深度受约束影响较大,K装药则变化较小,比较稳定。

23、It is something that defines the genre and is one thing I think StarCraft nailed when compared to other RTS.这是定义游戏特质的东西,也是在我看来与其他RTS游戏相比较而言星际争霸最为突出的特点了。

24、The presence of intramural or subserosal gas predicted a lower chance of reduction by conservative treatment or ultrasound guided hydrostatic reduction(P<0.05).与无积气者比较,存在壁内或浆膜下积气的肠套叠患儿经保守治疗后恢复的比例较低(P<0.05)。

25、The smaller boys were cowed by the class bully .般里年龄较小的男生被那个 小霸王吓倒了。

英文句子26:,26、A lower open-area ratio of distributor gave more significant gas mixing than a higher one.低开孔比分布器比高开孔比分布器具有较显著之气体混合;

27、Unlike true Antarctic penguins the gentoo prefers more temperate climes.它们同南极洲的企鹅不一样,比较喜欢温带气候。

28、Ate to fill can after enraging the medicine that enrich the blood, summer perspire quite?吃了补气补血的药以后夏天比较能出汗吗?

29、The results indicate that there exists a suitable range of gasification temperature, air to coal ratio and steam to coal ratio for air-blown fluidized bed gasifier.结果表明,流化床煤部分气化炉内存在较佳气化温度,汽煤比和空煤比区域。

30、The difference of the illness severity between defense, Qi and nutrient syndrome was insignificant (P>0.05), but was significant as compared with the blood syndrome (P<0.01);卫气营血辨证中卫、气、营分证病情轻重分布比较无显著性差异(P>0.05),但与血分证比较均有显著性差异(P<0.01);

31、The results show that gas is mainly distributed in the upper part of the porous brick, and has a uniform rising velocity in general.结果表明:净化气体主要分布在透气砖的上方区域,且气体在除气室中的气泡上升速度总体比较均匀;

32、Generally, the isotope values of coal-generated methane are heavier.整体上,煤成气甲烷碳同位素值比较重。

33、But Chick Hicks wasn't about to lose this race to a rookie.路霸可不想在比赛中输给一个新人。

34、Water vapor is lighter, which would otherwise not rise into air.水汽(比空气)较轻,否则它不会升到空中。

35、Due to the much milder climate, Rizling from Macedonia is much softer and less acidic than German Riesling.由于较温和的气候,马其顿的薏丝琳比德国的柔和及酸度较轻。

36、StarCraft has the best macro style of any RTS ever made.星际争霸较其他RTS游戏有着最好的宏机制。

37、We were able to compare the weather of Tokyo and some of the other cities.我们比较了东京和,其他地方的天气状况。

38、The water resources are sensitive to the climate change in the Miriverdrainage basin.弥河流域水资源对气候变化比较敏感。

39、As Tong introduced, since it was cold earlier during the Spring Festival and the temperature has been rising quickly, this year's flower blossom period would be concentrated.据童园长介绍,由于今年春节期间气温较低加上前一段时间气温回升较快,所以今年的梅花花期比较集中。

40、The reservoirs of the medium rank coal characterize low gas content, low gas saturation, good permeability, and high energy in Hedong area of Shanxi, China.中国山西河东地区中阶煤储层的含气量比较低、含气饱和度低,而储层渗透性好,储层能量比较大;

41、Condorcet and IRV let us compare the overall winner with the status quoin that way.孔和通气,让我们比较总冠军现状的方法。

42、You are irritable and low EQ . You can't control mood sometimes.你的脾气颇大, EQ 指数比较低,有时会控制不住情绪。

43、ObjectiveTo compare the effect of the normal frequency jet ventilation with the high frequency jet ventilation in suspension laryngoscopy.比较常频通气与高频通气在支撑喉镜手术前应用效果。

44、SEE ALSO: New Tyrannosaur Had More Teeth Than T. Rex比霸王龙拥有更多牙齿的新生代

45、Xiao Zhaowei snow solar term, before and after, three categories of patients more.肖诏玮介绍,小雪节气前后,三类病人比较多。

46、Day4: The starter should have sweet aroma with slight pleasant sourness and full of bubbles.应该有股比较愉悦的酸味且充满气泡。

47、Maybe a healthy Yao could battle Kobe Bryant and Dirk Nowitzki for Western Conference supremacy.一个没有受伤的姚明也许能够和科比布莱恩还有诺维茨基较量,并赢得西方新闻发布会的霸权。

48、William:I heard they are blooming earlier this year because of the unpredictable weather.听说今年因为气候异常的关系,比较早开。

49、China and Japan are the two largest countries of primary energy consumption, featuring with big proportion of coal, oil and natural gas consumption and high greenhouse gas emission.中国和日本是一次能源消费大国,煤、石油和天然气消费比例较高,温室气体排放量较大。

50、As Mr. Tong introduced, since it was cold during the Spring Festival and the quick-rising temperature recently, this year's flower would blossom in a short period together.据童园长介绍,由于今年春节期间气温较低加上前一段时间气温回升较快,所以今年的梅花花期比较集中。

经典英文句子51:比较霸气,51、The volume percentages of hydrocarbon and CO in generated gas are higher in N2 atmosphere. Gasification is more efficient in organic waste disposal.同时发现N2气氛下产生的气体中烃类和一氧化碳的体积百分比明显高于空气气氛下的百分比,气化工况对有机物的处理比较充分。

52、Outgassing amounts for different temperature are compared.对两者的放气量进行比较;

53、It is also likely that fewer stars would have formed, and a higher fraction of our universe's baryonic mass would still be in a gaseous state.同时,恒星的形成数量可能比较少,使得宇宙里处于气体状态的重子质量比例较高。

54、Compared blowing nitriding to ladle with alloying nitriding, the blowing nitrogen to ladle is thought to be a economic and advisable method.对钢包内吹气增氮和合金化增氮进行比较,认为钢包吹氮是一种比较经济、可取的方式。

55、Displacement indicates engine size, and compression ratio compares the total cylinder volume to compression chamber volume.位移表明发动机的大小,和压缩比比较气缸总容积压缩室容积。

56、Aiming at the criteria based on comparing amplitude for fault line selection, a new criterion based on discernable matrix was proposed.针对电气量的幅值比较选线原理,提出了基于可辨识矩阵的幅值比较选线判据。

57、Compared experiment, That is better than one-gas flow about gas-particle.与实验比较,两相流动状态比单相气体流动状态更接近于实际情况。

58、The gaslights in the passage would be on, turned low.走廊里的煤气灯应该是开着的,调得比较暗。

59、The effects of average pressure and meridional wind on IB response are obvious in the tropic areas.在赤道区域,反变气压计响应受平均气压和经向风的影响比较明显。

60、An overall evaluation can be obtained based on the combination of direct comparison method and Z-score comprehensive evaluation method.Z分综合评价法与直接比较法相结合能够对空气质量做出比较全面的评价。

61、In the areas with high precipitation and low temperature, zero flux plane method is not fit for calculation of groundwater evapotranspiration and infiltration.在降雨量比较大或气温比较寒冷的地区,零通量面法就不适用于地下水蒸渗量的计算。

62、Objective Inspiratory pressures and air leak were compared between volume-controlled ventilation (VCV) and pressure-controlled ventilation (PCV) using laryngeal mask airway (LMA).目的比较小儿喉罩通气时压力控制通气(PCV)和容量控制通气(VCV)对气道压力和喉罩漏气的影响。

63、It is found that the results are influenced greatly by specific heat of air.建模过程中发现,空气定压比热对压气机性能计算有较大的影响。

64、It is for this reason that any new RTS I play I can't help but immediately compare it to StarCraft.也正是由于这个原因,每次我接触到一款新的游戏后,我总是忍不住把它同星际争霸相比较。

65、Winter - Cold, dense air, strong winds at times with stable air.冬天:寒冷、空气密度增加、风比较大,气流平稳。

66、Balinese compared with the Siamese cat, not too hot temper, sounds relatively gentle.巴厘猫与暹罗猫相比,脾气不太暴躁,叫声也比较轻柔。

67、The tree species richness and diversity indexes were high relative to forests in mainland China.结果表明:霸王岭热带山地雨林树种较丰富,物种多样性指数较高。

68、Yes, in cooler areas. But in warmer climates we start them in beds.在比较冷凉的地区是这样。在气候比较暖和的条件下,可以在苗床上育苗。

69、I used to be made much progress under iciba's help.在爱词霸的帮助下,我曾取得过较大的进步。

70、Materials without good melting property will not be melted and digging effect will exhibit evidently when electronic beam irradiating on it.熔融性比较差的镀膜材料在蒸发过程中以直接气化为主,挖坑效应比较明显。

71、These days, the dominant smell is more agreeable.这些天,占主导的气味比较令人心晴气爽。

72、Comparing with last interglacial, the climate change in Holocene is more gently.全新世与末次间冰期对比,总体气候变化较平缓。

73、The temperature inversion frequency is very high, the mixing height is low and the stratification tends to stable.逆温频率很高,混合层高度较低,大气层结比较稳定;

74、I'd say the tea of Fuliang is more famous.我倒是觉得浮梁茶的名气比较大。

75、People have often told me this is very biased and 'fan boyish', but StarCraft has in it what I think no other company has been able to capture no matter how hard they try.人们认为我的这种做法是有失偏颇的,并且也显得很孩子气。 但是在我看来,星际争霸有较其他游戏所无法比拟的东西,一种无论其他游戏如何努力也无法追赶的东西。

英文句子模板76:More domineering,76、Methane, the primary component of natural gas and among the more potent greenhouse gases, has far more of an effect on climate change than carbon dioxide.甲烷是天然气的主要成分,也是温室效应相对比较高的气体之一,它对气候变化的影响远比二氧化碳强得多。

77、He also mocking said "With my declined popularity, lesser people can recognize me when I walk on streets, it's more free."他还自我调侃说:「人气下滑走在路上比较没人认出来,我还比较自在。

78、Therefore, its interests in philosophy obvious gas.所以其哲学思想的气学旨趣比较明显。

79、There was no significant difference between the two groups (P>0.05).比较两组病人手术后的 气骨导差差异无显著性(P>0.05)。

80、Objective:To compare the collectibility of four culture medium on airborne Fungi.目的:比较四种培养基对气传真菌的收集能力。



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