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关于”唯美的励志“的英语句子21个,句子主体:beautiful inspirational。以下是关于唯美的励志的小升初英语句子。

英文句子模板1:beautiful inspirational


1、If the team wins, each member gets $100, plus the regular $25 reward, but only if he or she completed the assessment.


2、But the unnamed seller didn’t do too badly either: he’d bought the comic for 150, 000 dollars at auction

15 years ago.

因为标志的改变仅仅是一个美学上的问题。 但是我们发现,那些品牌意识较强的消费者在看到标志更改之后会觉得受到威胁。

3、But we find these customers see themselves as so connected to the brand that they feel threatened.


4、This group took the test; a $5 reward was promised for

10 or more right answers.


5、The US-Japan Treaty of Mutual Cooperation and Security (generally known as new US-Japan Security Treaty) marked a new developmental stage in the US-Japan relations.


6、It was created by a fellow named Stewart Brand not far from here in Menlo Park, and he brought it to life with his poetic touch.


7、The gunman escaped and a $10,000 reward for information has been offered, Troyer said.


8、One report listed $257, 000 worth of 'incentive cards' -- gift cards bought as rewards.


9、What's more, both my works and thesis published in Meiyuan Journal 2009-06.


10、The girl, unlike most people photographed for fashion magazines, was not beautiful.


11、The completion of MJG's Chinese production represents the formation of global management, European design and scientific production.


12、In 1981 the work" who" won the second national youth art exhibition two prize.


13、Four Travel Journals: The Americas, Antarctica and Africa, 1775–1874 ( Hakluyt Society, Third Series )


14、The dusk was coming; she dared to ask Wang Li, "What about trying the delicious food here?"


15、Ideal is good, but there is no will, ideal rainbow is but a fleeting moment.


16、Praise him and give him a piece of kibble from the bowl on the table.


17、Objective To study the concentration of dextromethorphan hydrobromide in human plasma.


18、A news vendorFuwai StreetBeijing said that magazines about luxury trends are priced up to 25 yuan ($3.80), while news magazines usually cost

10 yuan.



19、Before long, the picture of the cougar perched on top of the sign became almost as widely known as ford's oval and chrysler's pentastar.


20、Strange Tales from a Chinese Studio shows a new aesthetic value preference in its attitude toward alternative images: a tendency towards alternative immortalization.

21、Nicknamed the Stevie? for the Greek word "crowned, " the International Business Awards are the only global, all-encompassing business awards program honoring great performances in business.在希腊语中,Stevie?是“加冕”的意思。该奖项是唯一具有全球性、包罗万象的国际企业大奖,用于鼓励有突出贡献的企业。

22、It helps to write down appropriate rewards for each step, so that you can look forward to those rewards.给每一步都写一些适当的美评,这样你就能回顾以往的奖励了。

23、We can also see from the logs in Listing 我们还可以从 清单

9 that tag 5512d0a4327416c499dcb5f72c3f4f6a257d209f is the last (and only) commit in the empty-gdbinit branch.

9 的日志看出,标记 5512d0a4327416c499dcb5f72c3f4f6a257d209f 表示 empty-gdbinit 分支中的最后一个也是唯一一个提交。

24、For example, food can look extremely appetizing and delicious in a full-color magazine advertisement.如果是全彩的杂志广告,食品看上去会非常的美味可口。

25、The value of stock awards, stock appreciation rights and stock options, which declined to $1.05 million in 2009 from $6.43 million in 2008.股票奖励,股票增值权和股票期权价值,从xx年的六百四十三万美元下降到xx年的105万美元。

英文句子26:,26、In an effort to encourage other good Samaritans, a civic group in Hangzhou announced Wednesday that it would give Gomez Arregui an award amounting to $472 for her heroism.为了鼓励其他善良的撒玛利亚人,杭州的一个民间组织星期三宣布,打算奖励戈麦斯·阿瑞奎472美元,表彰她的英雄行为。

27、In the harbor sits Denmarks best-known landmark: the Little Mermaid.丹麦最有名的标志性建筑筑——小小美人鱼就坐落在港口处。

28、"My given name calls will, " the man said, "but everybody all are called me beautiful Ling.“我本名叫志强,”男人说,“但人人都叫我美玲。”

29、The guys in magazine ads make me feel even worse — they're perfect.那些杂志广告中的帅哥俊男让我感觉更加槽糕,他们的身材那么完美。

30、One of the studies was published in the International Journal of Cosmetic Science in 2005.其中一项研究在xx年的《国际美容科学杂志》发表过。

31、And in Brazil, volunteers hand out 200 USD to relatives of deceased victims of a severe flood.巴西慈济志工,发放200美元的慰问金,给水灾灾区的居民。

32、A nonce is a non-repeating string freshly generated by the sender (the signer) such that the intended recipient can check its uniqueness.现时标志是一个由发送方(签名者)新生成的无重复字符串,这样目标接收方就能检查其唯一性了。

33、I think we could reduce our print media focus to glossy magazines only.我认为我们可以集中在印刷精美的高级杂志上作广告。

34、In addition to organizing exhibitions, he is also the Managing Editor of Yishu, the only English language magazine on contemporary Chinese art.他不仅在世界各地策划展览,还是世界上唯一一本以中国当代艺术为主题的英文杂志《艺术》的主编。

35、Compared with Shu Benhua s mysterious theory of unique will and gloomy pessimism, Lao Zhuang s philosophy is of both world-shocking power and profound wisdom.与叔本华那幽思玄妙的唯意志论和低靡沮丧的悲观主义相比 ,老庄哲学既惊世骇俗又深邃睿智。

36、Liang Qichao s view of culture in his later years, represented by Records of Travels in Eorupe , was philosophically subjective idealism.梁启超晚期的文化观 ,以《欧游心影录》的发表为主要标志 ,建立在极端的主观唯心主义哲学理论基础之上。

37、In the harbor sits Denmark s best-known landmark: the Little Mermaid.丹麦最有名的标志性建筑——小小美人鱼就坐落在港口处。

38、And Secretary Rice's trip signifies a new chapter in U.S.-Libya bilateral relations," Perino said.国务卿赖斯的利比亚之行标志着美利双边关系的新篇章。

39、Mission commander Zhai Zhigang's sole task was to retrieve a rack attached to the outside of the orbital module containing an experiment involving solid lubricants.团指挥官翟志刚的唯一任务是撷取机架连接到外部的轨道舱载有实验涉及固体润滑剂。

40、Our magazines feature beaming celebrities and happy families in perfect homes.我们杂志上的特写都是春风满面的精英人士和完美幸福的快乐家庭。

41、They were asked to make eight choices ranging from small, and immediate, rewards to larger, but delayed, ones including choosing to receive either $16 tomorrow or $30 in 35 days.然后让他们做八道选择题,有的奖励较小但发放即时,有的奖励丰厚但需耐心等待,其中一道题让他们选择是愿意第二天得到16美元,还是愿意35天后得到30美元。

42、Anna Nicole Smith/Howard Stern wedding, $1 mln - People.安娜·妮可·史密斯和霍华德·斯特恩的结婚照;100万美元--《人物》杂志

43、The old lady's sole bequest to posterity has since appeared in the Christmas edition of the News Magazine of the North Ireland Association for Mental Health.老妇人给后世的这份唯一遗赠,于是出现在了北爱尔兰精神健康协会新闻杂志的圣诞特刊中。

44、If you already subscribe to the mag you can download it to your iPad for free, if not it's $4.99 for the issue.如果你已经订阅了这个杂志,你可以将其免费下载到你的ipad上,如果没有那么这期杂志则是


45、Authorities believe this man Markeith Loyd pulled the trigger and offering a 60,000 dollars reward for information.当局认为劳埃德是罪魁祸首,并对提供信息者60,000美元的奖励。

46、Now his magazines and other business enterprises gross about $100million a year.现在,他的杂志和其他商业企业每年毛收入约一亿美元。

47、The majority of volunteer placements are in Africa, Asia and Latin America.大多数志愿者服务基地在非洲、亚洲和拉丁美洲。

48、This implication of humanistic concern comes from O'Neill's acceptance and reform of Freud's theory of Unconsciousness and Voluntarism of Schopenhauer and Nietzsche.剧本这一人文关怀的深层意蕴来自对弗洛伊德本能理论、叔本华和尼采唯意志主义的认同和改造。

49、In the study, employees who smoked got as much as $750 spread over a year if they quit.根据此项研究,吸烟的员工如果戒烟的话可以xx年获得750美元的奖励。

50、Bettie Page was a southern beauty with jet black hair and trademark bangs.贝蒂·佩姬是一位南方美人,有着黝黑的头发和标志性的刘海。


标签: 英文 励志 唯美

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