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关于”高冷“的英语句子21个,句子主体:high cold。以下是关于高冷的四级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:high cold


1、General situation, structure and features of cooling mode for BF furnace body are introduced.

大多数物质遇冷收缩, 24。大多数物质遇冷收缩,所以他们的密度在固态时高 大多数物质遇冷收缩 于液态。

2、Most substance contract when they freeze so that the density of a substance's solid is higher than the density of its liquid. 24.


3、The new repairing practice of strengthening the cooling strength of tuyere on the furnace chamber when its cooling plate damage by installing copper column cooler is introduced.


4、Using the efficient fluorine-free compressor, fast in cooling.


5、Beijing's cold winter, dry and cold of the dry and cold, windy, sitting inside listening to high-rise building, as if serious Guikulanghao general.


6、Adopt magnetism transmission principle and water cooling installation non-leakages transmit corrosive high-temperature media.


7、Shower in cold water until your body temperature rises and no longer feels cold, but toasty and warm.


8、He was "calm and collected, never raising his voice.


9、With the High Technology upgrade, the Cryocopter needs five shots to freeze an Ore Truck.


10、Have good excellent chemical resistance, high rebound, low cold flow.


11、Cool light, Good monochromaticity. High luminous efficacy.


12、It is found that for the fixed dimension, an increase in wet bulb temperature of air results in an increase in cooling water temperature at the exit of the cooling tower.


13、Good chemical resistance , high elasticity , low cold flow .


14、Thickness predicting precision was improved. A new precise and high efficiency way for cold continuous rolling exit thickness prediction have been provided.


15、In order to achieve better cooling, water-cooled air compressor machine adopts the high efficient water cooler. Its features.


16、Pei Bin even the explanations didn't explain. Took aim those people's one eye chillily, had yet superciliously walked.


17、The higher the carbon content, the slower this rate must be.


18、However, a temper brittleness has appeared after high temper.


19、The HTS sections of these leads are conduction cooled, and the upper ends are cooled with 79K LN2 and the lower ends cooled by

4.5K supercritical He flow.



20、High pressure gas refrigerants in the condenser cooling medium heat to be setting for liquid, through the throttle device reduced pressure cooling into the evaporator;

21、The wear mechanisms of them are shelling and spelling on the condition of high contacting stress.高钒高速钢冷轧辊试样磨损机制均表现为高接触应力下的疲劳剥落。

22、Machine main instrument is composed of a compressor air pressure gauge, pressure gauge, coolant cooling medium low pressure gauge;机台的主要仪表由压缩机空气压力表、冷媒高压表、冷媒低压表组成;

23、High flame resistant polyethylene high foaming products is petroleum chemical industry, construction industry, and refrigeration industries for cold insulation materials ideal.高阻燃聚乙烯高发泡产品是石油化工,建筑行业和制冷行业保温保冷的理想材料。

24、Purity was improved by further distillation of the condensate.用进一步蒸馏冷凝物的方法提高纯度。

25、The supercooled layer is thicker; supercooled water and large drop concentrations and the mode diameter are higher, favorable to the artificial seeding.云中过冷层较厚,过冷水含量较高,大滴浓度较高,众数直径较大,有利于人工催化;

英文句子26:,26、In the future, the cold rolling process may replace cold drawing to producing precision special steel bars.用冷轧法生产特殊钢高精度型材代替冷拔法是今后的发展方向。

27、With increasing of nitrogen pressure, the cooling capacity of nitrogen, the cooling velocity and hardness of the workpieces after quenching are improved.随着氮气压力的提高,气体的冷却能力、工件的冷却速度、工件淬火后的硬度等都得到了不同程度的提高。

28、Evapco serves the worldwide air-conditioning, industrial process cooling, thermal storage and industrial refrigeration market.益美高为全球工业制冷、暖通空调、蓄能和工艺冷却市场提供服务。

29、The ratio of acicular ferrite may increase by raising cooling speed and decreasing final cooling temperature.提高冷却速度和降低终冷温度可以增加针状铁素体的比例。

30、It was demonstrated that condensate depression and nucleation rate increase with increasing cooling velocity and intracrystalline nucleation is main nucleation form of the new phase.结果表明,超高冷却速率使过冷度变大,形核率升高,新相形核主要以晶内形核为主。

31、Applied to cool the micro–cutting under the high-speed .通用于高速之微量切削冷却。

32、Efficient refrigerating machine for temperatures, the imported compressor operating without Freon for the purpose of environment protection.高效制冷系统,采用进口压缩机组(无氟环保制冷剂)。

33、In 1962, at the height of the Cold War.在xx年冷战高峰期。

34、The sudden refinement of crystal structure is determined by the high nucleation rate under large undercooling.确定了超过冷条件下晶体组织的骤然细化起因于大过冷度下的高形核率。

35、A combustors maze composite cooling structure is an innovative and highly efficient cooling structure that integrates impingement, convection heat exchange and approximate perspection cooling.燃烧室迷宫复合冷却结构是一种集冲击、对流换热和近似发散冷却于一身,结构合理,冷却效率高,具有创新性的新型冷却结构。

36、According to experiment result of high temperature superconducting magnet cooled with G-M refrigerator, we researched its key technology problem.根据高温超导磁体冷却的实验结果,研究了G-M制冷机在磁储能直接冷却应用中的关键技术问题。

37、The main products are high precision cold-drawn fuel tank, high strength precision cold drawn cylinder tube, precision honing tubes, hydraulic cylinder assembly.主要产品有高精度冷拔油缸、高强度精密冷拔油缸筒、精密珩磨管、液压油缸总成。

38、Beijing g's cold winter, dry and cold of the dry and cold, windy, sitting inside listening to high-rise building, as if serious Guikulanghao general.北京的冬季很冷,干冷干冷的,还刮风,坐在高层建筑内聆听,严重时犹如鬼哭狼嚎一般。

39、Throttle body made from high temperature and high pressure liquid into the evaporator of refrigeration.节流机构使制冷从高温高压液体进入蒸发器。

40、Electrically heated hot water high-pressure cleaner with Kärcher power nozzle.电加热冷、热水高压清洗机。

41、The results indicate that cold vortex always has a biggish bound cold air pool in middle and high level.结果表明:冷涡总是以水平旋转的中高层的干冷空气堆作为其结构特点。

42、More around the meadow, arrow bamboo, fir, alpine cuckoo .四周多草甸、箭竹林、冷杉、高山杜鹃。

43、"Gregorovitch?" said a high, cold voice.“格里戈维奇?”一个高亢、冷酷的声音问。

44、Due to high Ni, Cr, Mo alloy elements contained in the ICDP roll, it is necessary to water cool the roll while using.由于高镍铬钼无限冷硬铸铁轧辊中含有较高的合金元素,轧辊使用中对轧辊充分水冷是必要的。

45、When the switch closes, the A/C amplifier switches the condenser cooling fan to high speed.当开关关闭,A/C扩大器将冷凝器的冷却风扇调至最高速运转。

46、The normal region is cold irrigated areas of Loess Plateau.适宜黄土高原冷凉区水地种植。

47、The measure result of cooling effect of hard line and mild line indicates that turbulent flow cooler has more effective cooling effeciency than straight spray cooler.现场硬线软线冷却效果实测结果表明,湍流式冷却器比直喷式冷却器具有更高冷却器效果。

48、The invention relates to an efficient anti-scaling condensation pipe.本发明涉及一种高效无结垢冷凝管。

49、I remember, I remember the fir trees dark and high;我记得呀,我记得:苍郁高耸的冷杉;

50、Are you teeth overly sensitive when exposed to hot or cold?你的牙齿遇冷或热会高度敏感吗?

经典英文句子51:高冷,51、Compared with high speed wet turning and milling with aqui-coolant showering, the ceramic . tool is of even higher wear- resistance in high speed dry turning and milling of steel D60.与水溶性冷却液浇注冷却的湿式高速车铣相比,干式高速车铣D60钢时,金属陶瓷刀具具有更高的耐磨性。

52、Cooling fin thickness is optimized for maximum heat dissipation, thereby eliminating the need for liquid cooling, maintaining that traditional clean, air-cooled engine appearance.冷却翅片厚度适合用于最高的散热,从而不再需要液体冷却,保持传统的清洁,风冷发动机外观。

53、The artificial shrinkage prior to vitrification could improve the survival rate and hatching rate of the vitrified expanded blastocyst.冷冻前人工皱缩囊腔体积能明显提高扩张囊胚玻璃化冷冻的效率。

54、Refrigeration compressor evaporator inner low pressure ( low temperature ) refrigerant sucked into a compressor cylinder, refrigerant vapor compressed, pressure, temperature increase;制冷压缩机将蒸发器内的低压(低温)制冷剂吸入压缩机汽缸内,制冷剂蒸汽经过压缩,压力、温度同时升高;

55、Microencapsulated Phase Change Material (MEPCM) suspension liquid is a coolant with high heat capacity, which can enhance considerably liquid cooling performance.相变材料微胶囊(MEPCM)悬浮液是一种高热容冷却介质,其应用可大幅提高高功率设备液体冷却性能。

56、When I get cold, I turn up the Sun.当我觉得冷了,我就把太阳的温度调高。

57、In fact, he had gone cold with fright.事实上,史高基既冷又害怕。

58、Magnetic refrigeration cycle is the key of magnetic refrigeration technology, which is the base of high efficiency of magnetic refrigerator.磁制冷循环是磁制冷技术中的重要环节,为磁制冷机的高效运行提供了理论基础。

59、Objective:To investigate the role of Acanthopanax Senticosus(AS) and to provide basis for its use in improving the ability of cold acclimatization.目的:研究刺五加复方口服液对提高冷习服能力的作用,为应用药物提高冷习服能力提供依据。

60、Effect of pre-cooling, with and without thigh cooling, on strain and endurance exercise performance in the heat.预冷,伴或不伴大腿冷却,对高温环境中运动过度和耐力运动的影响。

61、White is the pronoun of chasteness, nobility, chilly.白色是纯洁、高贵、清冷的代名词。

62、The product is developed for controlling refrigerant precisely which is used for refrigerating chamber and freezing chamber and it can promote temperature control accuracy substantially.本 产 品 为 精密控制冷 冻 、冷藏机制冷 剂 而 开发 ,能大幅度提高温度控制精度。

63、The connetion between cooling water flux and cooling effect of blast furnace wall is revealed by experiment.通过实验揭示冷却水流量与高炉炉壁冷却效果间的关系。

64、For the RCC high dam embedding high strength polyethylene cooling water pipe is studied.对RCC高坝埋设高强度聚乙烯冷却水管技术进行了研究。

65、The higher up we go, the colder it becomes.我们登得愈高就愈冷。

66、Three phase, wheel, DC fan-cooled, heavy duty.三相,有轮,直流风扇冷却,高暂载率。

67、The wall is too high, too strong - and too cold.这堵墙太高太坚固了,也太冷酷了。

68、The pre-cooling efficiency of fast moving water was apparently higher than that of slow moving water.冷却介质比例相同时,流动水的预冷效率显著高于半流动水。

69、The characteristics of deformation of H. S.分析了高速工具钢冷、温拔变形特点。

70、The investigation focused on the parameters affecting cooling effectiveness, including: opening ratio, height of ripple board, diameter of holes and height of cooling passage.研究隔热屏的四种结构参数开孔率、波纹板高度、孔径和冷却通道高度的改变对隔热屏冷却效果的影响。

71、Improvement of chilling tolerance in rice may significantly increase rice production.提高水稻的耐冷性将极大的提高水稻的产量。

72、We have four levels of heating and four levels of cooling that include low, medium, high and very high.我们有四级冷调及热调系统:低、中、高及超高。


标签: 英文

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