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1、拉丁名~gardenia jasminoides ellis (ellis可以省略) 英文名有两个 ~gardenia(拉丁名的省略) ~cape jasmin 没有其他的省略。


2、Did I mention that one in six children in Texas lacks health insurance, the second-highest rate in the nation?


3、Among 300 staffs, 31 are technologists.


4、Authorities say that 340 infants are still hospitalized, including 53 who are seriously ill, while another 913 are mildly ill.


5、Of those women,

4,603 had twins and 54,183 did not.


6、The test seats are limited, seize the chance!


7、Some have pursued fame and in the end have said, "what's it all for?"

没有, 我有用户名。

8、Oh, no. I use username.


9、So some functions have a name, some functions don't have a name.



19 players on the roster and

16 of them with guaranteed contracts, something has to give.


11、To wood floors, for example, the floor plate containing the names of a generic name , scientific name , alias, market names.


12、Six contestants, three stunts, one winner.


13、But, sophistication isn't what you wear or who you know.


14、contains a proper noun or proper-noun phrase referring to a person, possibly including any or all of the person's forenames, surnames, honorifics, added names, etc.

提名? 没有。

15、Nominated?: No.

名额有限,请尽快报名! 请点击下载报名表!

16、Please register as soon as possible as space is always limited.


17、Icelanders (mostly) have no surnames, only given-names and patronymics, and use given+patronymic for both sorting and display.


18、Sometimes, a rap group has no musicians---just a DJ and one or more vocalists.


19、In a nominative proxy signature scheme, only the nominee can verify the signature.


20、A surname is your family name.

21、In addition, the blue sky often as names, song names and other proper nouns.此外,蓝天也常作为人名、歌曲名等专有名词。

22、Please register and confirm early as seats are limited.名额有限,请尽早报名。

23、There were eleven. -There were eleven students.1名,-有11名学生。

24、If your shares are held in joint names, all joint holders OR the joint holder whose name stands first on our Register of Members should sign on this instruction slip in order to be valid.如阁下的股份以聯名方式持有,则所有聯名持有人或名列本公司股东名册的首名持有人须于本指示回条上签署,方为有效。

25、However, the translation of Chinese trademark names into English has not received enough attention as other proper names such as geographical names and human names.可是,同样是作为专有名词,商标名的翻译却没有像其他专名如人名、地名那样得到足够的重视。

英文句子26:,26、A candidate has two vice-presidents.一名候选人有两名副总统。

27、I've got lots of famous footballers' autographs .我有许多着名足球运动员的亲笔签名。

28、Two prisoners died and another was severely injured by a jailhouse bully.一名"狱霸"致两名在押犯人死亡,另有一名严重致残。

29、冰岛人(多数)没有姓,只有名和父名,称呼和显示都是使用名+父名的形式。Icelanders (mostly) have no surnames, only given-names and patronymics, and use given+patronymic for both sorting and display.

30、In 1940, there were 42 workers per retiree, in 1950 there were xx年时,是42名纳税人中有一名退休人员,xx年时有16名,现如今,三名纳税人就有一名退休人员,而在未来的xx年中,可能会两名或更少的纳税人中就有一名退休人员。

16, today there are

3 and in

20 or 30 years there will be

2 or fewer workers per retiree.

31、It consists of 62 classes, including 240 teachers and 3000 students.学校现有教学班62个,共有240名教师和3000名学生。

32、Do you ever use your real name?没有,我有用户名。

33、However, if an attribute name has no prefix, it has no namespace.但是,如果属性名称没有前缀,它就没有名称空间。

34、DB2 Instance Name - The name of the DB2 Instance ownerDB2 实例名 —— DB2 实例所有者的名称

35、Around the family customs are different, 56 family, there are 56 kinds of different ethnic culture in China.各地的名族风俗习惯各有不同,中国有56个名族,就有56种不同的名族文化。

36、The Izumi had her naming ceremony and was caleld Izumofor a reason.出云号有她的命名典礼,她叫这个名字是有原因的。

37、Between them, they proposed over 50 researchers, but several names recurred on many lists.其中,被提名的研究者共有50多人,但是有一些名字重复出现在了名单上面。

38、Thee King had a general called Yang Youchi who is very famous for his archery.国王有位将军名叫杨有持,此人以箭术闻名。

39、Nearly three in four children with disabilities attended school in 2008, compared with about three in five just two years earlier.xx年,每四名残障儿童中有三名入学,而就在两年前,这类儿童的入学几率是每五名中大约有三名。

40、The name. Should a quote, not have the last name unknown, or only has a first name.姓名。应当一口报出,不可有姓无名,或有名无姓。

41、According to Baidu news, among the electrician who have been called in, 356 of them are from Anhui, while 328 from Fujina and 254 from Jiangsu.新闻的资料显示,奉召进京的电工中,安徽省有356名,福建省有328名,江苏省有254名。

42、Normally, specialty goods have a brand name or other distinguishing characteristics.名产通常是名牌,或具有其它产品没有的特点。

43、Chinese herbal names belong to professionals, and in terms of a large proportion.中药材名称属于专名,在名词中占有很大的比例。

44、In Western Society we have at least two official names, a given name and a surname.在西方社会,我们至少有两个正式名字,一个教名还有一个姓氏名。

45、Following the most recent elections in 2007, even though 有如,在xx年选举中,尽管20名中有2名女性被任命为内阁部长,124名中有14名女性被选举为国会成员。

2 women cabinet ministers were appointed out of

20 and only

14 women out of the 124 members of parliament were elected.

46、There are saints, Ming Chen, celebrities and other distinguished.又有圣贤、名臣、名人等区分。

47、Use meaningful namespaces sUCh as the prod UCt name or the company name.采用有意义的命名空间名,例如产品名称或公司名称。

48、The Spanish famously have siestas.西班牙有名地有午休。

49、The University of California at Berkeley ranks at No. 南加州大学有183名,位列

13 with 193, the University of Southern California ranks at No.

15 with 183, and Tulane University ranks at No.

20 with 163 college sugar babies.




50、Xiaodong told me that he wanted to be a renowned lawyer.晓东说,他想成为一位著名的律师,是很有名很有名的那种。

经典英文句子51:有名,51、The 737 had two pilots, four flight attendants and 148 passengers.这架737班机共有两名机师,四名空服员和148名乘客。

52、Because you did not sign your plug-ins, they do not have signatures.由于您没有对插件进行签名,所以它们没有签名。

53、Each signer is represented by a signature file with extension .SF.签名者由带有扩展名 .SF 的签名文件表示。

54、The Chinese Academy of Engineering has 704 academicians, while CAS has 713, including 44 foreign academicians.中国工程院有704名院士、中科院有713名院士,其中包括44名外籍院士。

55、It has advantages of proxy signature and ring signature. It is very useful when proxy signers needed to sign messages on behalf of the original entity while providing anonymity.由于其具有代理签名和环签名两者的优点,在代理签名者想代表原始签名者签名,同时需要提供匿名性时是非常有用的。

56、Proper nouns—the names of people, places, and things—are good.专有名称是最好的选择,如人名、地名、事物等。

57、Of the 1225 patients, 618 (50.4%) had H. pylori infection and 607 (49.6%) were not infected.在1225名患者中有618名(50.4%)感染了幽门螺杆菌,607名(49.6%)没有感染。

58、是出名的 He is famous as a writer.作为一个作家他是有名气的。

59、Results: A total of 82 patients were included, 77 with ischemic stroke and 结果:研究共纳入82名患者,77名有缺血性卒中,5名有脑内出血。

5 with intracerebral hemorrhage.

60、The next day five new students signed up. The day after that another ten signed up. Within a week the enrollment was sky high.第二天,有五名学生来报名。第三天,有十名学生来报名,一周之内来报名的人数非常多。

61、CNAME (canonical name) -- An alias to an existing host.CNAME(规范名称)——现有主机的别名。

62、Ten soldiers were killed and thirty seriously wounded.有十名士兵阵亡, 叁十名重伤。

63、On the other hand, six states have more than 而6个州有20名以上众议员——加州有52名。

20 representatives — California alone has 52.

64、Squads consisted of five to seven commandos and a sergeant, and sometimes an officer or a medic.海军突击队小队通常由5到7名士兵和一名士官组成,有时配有一名军官或一名医务兵。



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