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通过使用 usermode-helper API,模块通过 modprobe 加载到内核(应用程序通过 request_module 在用户空间被调用)。

1、Through the usermode-helper API, the module is loaded into the kernel via modprobe (the application invoked in user space via request_module).

通过设置 MCAUSER('nobody') 禁用所有未使用的通道,如名为 SYSTEM.DEF.* 和 SYSTEM.AUTO.* 的通道。

2、Disable all unused channels such as those named SYSTEM.DEF.* and SYSTEM.AUTO.*, by setting MCAUSER('nobody').


3、Notify: forcibly generates a sample Notification message (for testing).


4、This is usually used during inbound communication.


5、They use computers to keep the traffic running smoothly.

有些情况适合使用下限通配符,而另一些情况则适合使用上限通配符,通过 get-put 原则可以判断应该使用哪种通配符。

6、Some situations will call for lower-bounded wildcards, and some for upper-bounded ones, and the get-put principle can be used to determine which should be used.


7、This article means to study the universal formula to calculate potential of stoichiometric point in redox titration and the application of this universal formula was discussed.


8、What are Some Common Uses of Pendulum Dowsing ?

通用 ORB 间协议 (GIOP)

9、General Inter-ORB Protocol (GIOP)


10、The topological sorting algorithm works on unconnected graphs as well as connected graphs.

通用虚拟机 UVM?。

11、Universal Virtual Machine?


12、Allocate channel ch1 type disk;


13、Damageable pieces have strong currency.

Apache Beehive 项目正在进行通用 JSR-181 处理器通用实现方面的工作。

14、The Apache Beehive project is working on a generalized implementation of a JSR-181 processor.

发生匹配时,Trigger Manager 使用触发器处理程序格式化通知的内容并通过 UND 通知正确的用户。

15、When a match occurs, the Trigger Manager uses a trigger handler to format the notification and notify the correct user through the UND.


16、Applications verified.


17、physicians often prescribed medicines by trade name rather than generic name.


18、General Dynamics Armament and Technical Products is a business unit of General Dynamics (NYSE: GD).


19、For assemblies of Tee, Cross, Bend or other angles joints.


20、Upper and Lower communication using RS-232C communication protocol.

21、Electric Boat is a wholly owned subsidiary of General Dynamics.通用电船公司是通用动力公司的全资子公司。

22、Ventilation calculation is needed in both the mechanical ventilation and the natural ventilation.矿井生产无论是采用自然通风还是机械通风,都要用到通风网路解算。

23、Use three-way valve, a two-valve and can be saved over a three links.使用三通阀时,可省掉一个两通阀和一个三通接管。

24、Means through body interaction, is there any interation not through body?意味着通过身体交互作用。有没有不通过身体的交互作用?

25、The sender and receiver channels act in pairs.发送方通道和接收方通道成对地起作用。

英文句子26:,26、For a product, use the convenience.为通用型产品,使用方便。

27、Use AIM in Gmail.在Gmail中使用即时通。

28、All those are web-base, it's convient for normal user.系统通过网页的形式和用户交互,方便了普通用户。

29、In combination, the pods can be used either to spy on enemy communications or to destroy them;通过组合搭对使用,吊舱既可用来暗中监视敌方通讯系统又可用来摧毁它们;

30、However, user1 has access through one generic profile, and group1 has its access through a different generic profile.然而 user1 通过一个通用概要文件获得访问权限,group1 通过另一个通用概要文件获得访问权限。

31、English will be the Lingua Franca for one quarter of the world's population.通用语。英语将作为一种通用语被世界上四分之一人口所使用。

32、General specifications of pyrotechnic distress sig.船用烟火信号通用技术条件。

33、This coin will not pass.这钱币不通用。

34、XML-RPC defines procedure calls encoded in XML and communicated over HTTP.XML-RPC 定义了使用 XML 编码并通过 HTTP 通信的过程调用。

35、Local calls do not go through the communication layer and any objects can be passed by reference.本地调用并不会通过通信层,所有对象均可以通过引用传递。

36、Calendar, numerical tables, general tables and formulas.历法、通用数表、通用表格和公式。

37、According to land using nature, it focus on the three kinds: commercial land and traffic mode , residential land and traffic mode as well as industrial land and traffic mode.根据土地利用性质,重点研究商业用地和交通方式、居住用地和交通方式以及工业用地和交通方式三大类。居民出行方式是城市交通模式的微观体现。

38、Corporate benefits delivery-a corporate component based in schenectady n. y. serving all ge businesses by providing user-friendly information on various ge benefits programs.通过提供与通用电气公司福利方案有关的用户友好的信息,服务于所有通用电气公司的业务。

39、To use probevue directly with a user program直接通过用户程序使用 probevue

40、Collectively, ODVA and its members support network technologies using the Common Industrial Protocol (CIP).ODVA及其成员通过利用通用工业协议(CIP)共同支持网络技术。

41、The use of wild-card characters in the profile name creates what are known as generic profiles.在配置文件名称中使用通配符可以实现通用的配置文件。

42、Many common parts and common mold base parts are used while the designer are designing powder metallurgy die.在进行粉末冶金模具设计时经常会用到大量的通用零件和通用模架。

43、In the general sense, frequency ranges can be emphasized or attenuated using low-pass, high-pass, band-pass or band-stop filters.在通常的概念中,频段可以被增强或削弱通过使用低通,高通,带通和带阻滤波器。

44、Through the generalized design for transportation platform of military shelter we can realize the universality of military shelter.通过军用方舱运输平台通用化设计,实现军用方舱陆地运输的通用化。

45、This is the ventilation shaft through which air leaves a mine.这是煤矿上用来疏通空气的通风井。

46、General requirements (food hygiene).通用要求(食品卫生)。

47、General motors lack foreknows.通用汽车缺乏预见。

48、It is advanced expounded that dredging method is suitable for treating diseases of Zang with clinical application cases.通过临床运用案例,进一步说明脏病使用通法亦属常用之治法。

49、And navigation is usually common, so maybe SSIs work for that, as well.导航通常也是通用的,所以 SSI 也可能适用。

50、General Dynamics Advanced Information Systems is a business unit of General Dynamics.通用动力先进信息系统公司是通用动力公司业务部门。

经典英文句子51:通用,51、Through the generalized design for transportation platform of military shelter we can realize the universality of military shelter. It will increase the mobility of mobile military equipment.通过军用方舱运输平台通用化设计,实现军用方舱陆地运输的通用化。有利于提高可移动军用设备的机动性。

52、Straight-through processing Xuan Sefa mainly used to do cut off, three-and four-way-to medium allocated for the distribution of traffic.直通式旋塞阀主要做切断用,三通式和四通式用于分配用于分配介质流量。

53、At present there are two narrow lifelines drilled, one for communication and one for food supplies.目前已经挖通两条生命线,一条用于通信,一条用于食品补给。

54、Channel listeners and their associated channels are generally used by services that receive communications initiated by clients.通道接听程式和其关联的通道通常是由可接收用户端启始之通讯的服务所使用。

55、I typically use 6061 aluminum, it is a general purpose alu .我通常用6061铝,它是一个通用的铝。

56、The global parse_line()method is generated as a global function outside of the MyClass class.通用的 parse_line() 方法作为 MyClass类外部的一个通用函数生成。

57、SPEs communicate with the outside world by using channels.SPE 通过使用信道 与外界通信。

58、Creating an international general ledger application创建内部通用账务应用程序

59、The channel userid for channels that use the TCP/IP protocol defaults to the channel initiator's userid, but if the channel uses SSL, a userid can be assigned through the SSL client's certificate.使用 TCP/IP 协议的通道的通道 userid 默认采用通道启动器的 userid,但是,如果通道使用 SSL,那么可以通过 SSL 客户机的证书分配一个 userid。

60、Functional programming achieves code reuse by abstracting out generic pieces of machinery, customizable via higher-order functions.函数式编程通过提取通用的功能部分来实现代码重用,可通过高阶函数进行定制。

61、It can be widely used in high-pass, low pass and band-pass filter design.它可广泛应用于高通、低通和带通滤波器设计中。

62、regular people got to stick to public transport.普通人还是坚持用公共交通。

63、Adding generic endpoints make it possible for you to document communication between applications that use unsupported communication protocols.通过添加一般终结点,可以记录那些使用不受支持的通信协议的应用程序之间的通信。

64、The present invention may be used as one floor cleaner when the sucking unit is changed into one floor brush.如将吸入装置更换成普通地板刷,可作普通清洁器使用,一机多用,利用率高。

65、The Development of CAD System on the Powder Metallurgy Compacting Die for Withdrawing Process Based on SolidWorks;在进行粉末冶金模具设计时经常会用到大量的通用零件和通用模架。

66、Send a message using HTTP and receive the response using a different HTTP channel (two dual-channel transports)使用 HTTP 发送消息,但使用不同的 HTTP 通道接收响应(使用两个双向通道传输方法)

67、Support for common clients with DRDA对使用 DRDA 的通用客户机的支持

68、Co-deployed applications can take advantage of intraprocess communication protocols, which typically facilitate direct communication between the applications.将应用程序部署在一起可利用进程内通信协议,而这样通常可促进应用程序间的直接通信。

69、Comsat:a trademark used for a communications satellite.通信卫星公司:一个用于通讯卫星的注册商标。

70、Use the Common Application essay questions.使用通用申请的作文题目。

71、They then communicate using the common cipher suite that offers the highest level of security.然后它们使用提供最高安全级别的通用密码组合进行通信。

72、The management application communicates through the local libvirt to the remote libvirtd through a custom protocol.该管理应用程序通过一种通用协议从本地 libvirt 连接到远程 libvirtd。

73、It has passed the International General-Purpose "SGS" Testing Approval. It is especially fit for the leadless welding.并已通过国际通用的“SGS”检测认可,特别适用于无铅焊接。


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