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关于”冬天的诗句“的英语句子36个,句子主体:Winter's Verse。以下是关于冬天的诗句的初中英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Winter's Verse


1、The winter here is very cold,'said the Luck Fairy.


2、Hugh got engaged to her when traveling last winter.


3、The uppermost dimmer layer is snow from last winter, the bright layer in the center is last summer, and the dimmer layer at bottom is the winter before that.


4、In winter, I built snow tunnels and went sledding.


5、Then switch back to your regular stuff for winter.


6、Sweet smell; in winter, it carrirs a crisp chilliness …


7、He prophesied that there would be a bad winter.


8、Winter appropriate uses the fabrics of massiness , warmth retention property is strong;


9、The farmers in the northeast stay at home during the winter.


10、Medlar stewed mutton: also is very suitable for winter edible.


11、"It has been a hard winter, " Grandpa said to the turtle.


12、A woman's mind and winter wind change oft.

13、The winter here is very cold,'said the Luck Fairy. 这里的冬天非常冷,”幸运仙女说道。

14、Winter No one can stio the onset of winter. 没有一个人能够阻止冬天的“进攻”(来临)。


15、Glass windows steam over quickly at night in winter.


16、The lily of the valley in winter draw on emerald green breath.

杰克: 那儿的冬天最冷。

17、JACK:Well, they have some of the coldest winters around. I grew up there, near Chippewa Falls.


18、And then winter come, that was the well-known old Russian winter, with horrible frosts and lots of snow.

19、They went to town at times during the cold winter.在寒冷的冬天,他们有时候进城去。


20、Cold northern winters ensure the sugarcoating is firm and crispy.

21、It was the coldest winter within living memory.在当今人们的记忆中那是最冷的一个冬天。

22、Many insects hibernate or migrate during the winter, but honeybees are more like us, they bundle up and wait for spring.许多昆虫在冬天的时候冬眠或者迁徙,但是蜜蜂和人类一样,它们也把自己弄的暖暖和和的,等待春天的到来。

23、The night sky is now gorgeous with billions of stars.我是在一个满天星斗的冬夜遇到他的。

24、Oh, winter hydrangeas! How do you do it?哦,是冬天的绣花球花 你怎么种出来的?

25、What ingredients should you look for in a winter hand cream?冬天的护手霜应该富含哪些元素?

英文句子26:,26、He is very strong and he needn't wear cotton-padded jacket.他壮实的在冬天不需要穿棉袄。

27、If we cut down that grain you don't eat this winter.如果成功,你们在冬天就没吃的了

28、Snow geese travel thousands of miles to their winter homes.雪雁飞行数千英里去它们冬天的家。

29、Waist to protect from winter cold is the best protector.冬天保护腰不受冷是最好的护具。

30、L asparaginase is a very effective anti tumor agent.天冬酰胺酶具有显著的抗肿瘤作用。

31、L aspartic acid was the optimal amino donor.天冬氨酸是转氨反应的最适氨基供体;

32、The thermometer takes a nose dive the first day of winter.入冬第一天气温计的水银柱骤降。

33、In the following days,although it was winter,the sun still warmed the earth.在随后的日子里,虽是冬天,山上白天却阳光明媚。

34、And rent it out in the winter time for the snowbirds that come down to the desert.李维斯说,“然后在冬天租出去,总有些北方来的候鸟族喜欢在这荒漠里过冬的。”

35、Even in winter the roadsides were places of beauty.即使在冬天,路边道旁也是美丽的地方。

36、This winter is not only cold, but also windy.这儿的冬天不仅很冷,而且风也很大。

37、One winter night,the Luck Fairy visited them.一个冬天的晚上,幸运仙女来拜访他们。

38、The winter is coming now, how about your cool bareheaded feeling?(冬天已经来了,你的酷光头不冷吗?

39、E :I prefer to buy the hand-knitted winter wear.艾凡 :我比较想买手织的冬天服饰。

40、People catch all kinds of infections in the winter.人们在冬天易患各种各样的传染病。

41、Unfortunately, winter never gave me the special gift of snow on my birthday.遗憾的是,冬天从没在我生日那天送给我特别的礼物——雪。

42、He recalls his shock at the Wyoming winter.他还记得怀俄明的冬天给他带来的震撼。

43、ALWAYS have this silver around in Winter.在一整个冬天,我总是备有胶性银的产品。

44、Winter is white and the year is gone.冬天是白色的,并且这xx年就这样过了。

45、These bands wintered separately in sheltered river valleys.这伙人在藏身的河谷分散居住,度过冬天。

46、Hearing the leaving of winter, I wake up someday.听见冬天的离开我在某年某月醒过来。

47、He reappeared just in time for the winter frost.冬天的薄暮出现的时候他也刚好出现。

48、You see mixing clouds when you "see your breath" on a cold winter day.冬天天冷时,你会发现呼出的气体,变成了“混合云”。

49、He still owes for what he brought last summer.他去年冬天买东中欠的钱还已还呢!

50、Laughter is the sun that drives winter from the human face.笑声如阳光,驱走人们脸上的冬天。



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