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1、Be a queen.


2、Queen Elizabeth II must have been a favorite of her granny, Queen Mary.


3、Queen queen wears a crown.


4、God save the Queen!


5、The Queen stood at the graveside.


6、Exercise is king; nutrition is queen.

(这电影)之前也提到的(第13位时),Queen Akasha是所有吸血鬼的母亲。

7、Mentioned earlier (No.

13), Queen Akasha is the Mother of All Vampires.


8、The queen alighted from the carriage.


9、YangGuang to yangzhou fief, farewell queen mother queen dugu.

纽·银河女王。 纽·银河女王。

10、Emmanuelle, Queen of the Galaxy. 1994 …


11、The queen created him a peer.


12、Long live queen!

王后queen king∶君王例:王后也随同国王前来。

13、The queen consort has come together with the king.


14、A queen bee uses her stinger only to sting another queen bee.


15、This hefty diamond and emerald necklace was worn by the last-ever queen of Italy, Queen Marie Jose.


16、He bowed down to the Queen.


17、Queen and me together.


18、We all bowed to the Queen.


19、After the normal age set lost its queen, worker bees remake queen cell to breed new queen, the increase of power of colony decrease

10.7% compare with the normal colony.

10 7%。


20、In 1504 Queen Isabella died.

21、The queen hanged herself.王后上吊自缢了。

22、The king and queen are both dead.国王和王后冲进塔内。

23、Her Ggracious Majesty Queen Elizabeth.伊利莎白女王陛下。

24、I named her Queen.我命名了她的皇后.

25、A queen in crown of rubies drest;头戴宝石金冠的女王;

英文句子26:,26、But you are the queen of the dancefloor.但是你是舞池女王。

27、The queen bee never leaves the hive.蜂王从不离开蜂房。

28、The Queen said, "I should like to send a present to my dear sister, the Queen of England.女王接着说:“我想要送一件礼物给我亲爱的妹妹*,英格兰的女王。

29、Why did the computer move its queen, or virtual queen?为什么它要移动它的皇后,或说成是一个虚拟的后

30、South Koreans call her Queen Yu-na.韩国人叫她女王妍。

31、Rise of the Resurrected Queen 重生之女王 Resurrected / Reincarnated / Reborn Queen 崛起 Rise

32、Certainly, as the new Queen Elizabeth and later the Queen Mother, she kept her distance.肯定的,作为新王后和后来的王太后,她与她保持距离。

33、Different from typical worship to Heavenly Queen, Imperial Heavenly Queen Temple in Tian Jin was a unique cultural phenomenon.天津皇会区别于一般的天后崇拜,成为天津独有的社会文化现象。

34、They request an audience with the Queen.他们请求谒见女皇。

35、The glass said, "The Queen is most beautiful of all." Then the Queen know that Snow-white was dead.于是,王后知道白雪公主已经死了。

36、Mary, Queen of Scots.玛丽,苏格兰女王。

37、Queen Vishpla (somewhere between 3500 and 1800 BC)Queen Vishpla (大约公元前3500-1800之间)

38、Queen-size is not stored now!大号现在没货了。

39、I'm the king , you are my queen.我不过是个木头人。

40、The world famous Koh-i-noor diamond accentuates the grandeur of the crown of Britain's Queen Elizabeth, the Queen Mother.全球闻名的光之山钻石皇冠向世人展现了伊丽莎白皇后母亲的庄严。

41、King Arthur and Queen Guinevere were very happy together. The people loved their beautiful queen.亚瑟王和格温妮维尔王后在一起生活地非常幸福。人们爱戴他们美丽的王后。

42、Queen Elizabeth: Something like that.伊丽莎白王后:也差不多啦。

43、They cringed before the queen.他们在女王面前卑躬屈膝。

44、"It is from the Queen, " said the fish. "The Queen invites the Duchess to tea this afternoon. "“这是王后发来的。”那条鱼说,“王后邀请公爵夫人今天下午一起喝茶。”

45、xx日 丹麦女王日 birthday of her majesty queen margaret ⅱ (denmark)

46、You are Great Queen of the Gods.汝为诸神之伟大之后。

47、Queen Elizabeth I of England is thought to be the Queen of Clubs.英国的伊利沙白一世女王一般认为是梅花王后。

48、I think I'm going to try one of Queen Helene's masques made for dry skin next.我想我会买一个Queen Helene 的干性皮肤用的保湿面膜配合这个用。

49、A queen bee uses her stinger only to sting another queen bee. She never uses it on workers, drones , or people.蜂王的刺只用来螫另一只蜂王,而从不螫工蜂、雄蜂或人。

50、The Queen will make the presentation herself.女王将亲手赠送礼品。

经典英文句子51:queen,51、Mary Stuart, 1542-1587, Queen of Scotland and Dowager Queen of France. Daughter of James V of Scotland and Marie de Guise.玛丽斯图亚特, 1542-1587, 苏格兰女王及作为遗孀的法国王后.

52、Zoe Saldana - The Red Carpet Queen佐伊索尔达娜-红毯女王

53、xx日 丹麦女王日Birthday of Her majesty Queen

54、Mary Stuart, 1542-1587, Queen of Scotland and Dowager Queen of France.玛丽斯图亚特, 1542-1587, 苏格兰女王及作为遗孀的法国王后.

55、Queen Elizabeth II is the Queen of Australia, a role that is distinct from her position as Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom.名义上, 伊丽莎白二世是澳大利亚女王。

56、The Queen: It’s pretty great to see the Queen listening to people sing “God save the Queen.”女王:看到女王聆听人们唱“天佑女王”真是相当的美妙。

57、You are the chess queen dujour.你就是国际象棋皇后。

58、The Queen looked blushed in her turn.皇后时,她脸红了。

59、Queen mothers birthday is coming.母后的寿辰即将来临。

60、Beautiful dreamer, queen of my song.美丽的梦神快快醒来。

61、The queen was in the parlor.王后在客厅吃面包蜂蜜。

62、The number of divas who can hit the f6 in Mozart's Queen of the Night is vanishingly small, and you just can't perform The Queen of the Night without that famous f6.能唱出莫札特午夜皇后(The Queen of the Night)中f6高音的女主唱少得像是快绝迹,而没有著名的f6就不能演出午夜皇后。

63、Then I was Queen of France,and Queen of Scotland too.于是,我既是法国王后,又是苏格兰女王。

64、My Lord, her Grace the Queen.大人, 王后陛下来了。

65、He glanced at Queen Selyse.他看了一眼赛丽丝王后。

66、She was the queen of Westeros;她是维斯特洛的太后;

67、She was the queen of society then.那时她是社交界女王。

68、The bride also wore a diamond tiara previously worn by Queen Mary, the Queen Mother, the Queen and the Princess Royal.新娘还佩戴了一顶钻石头冠,先前玛丽女王、女王的母亲还有皇室的公主都曾佩戴过。

69、Silence! The queen plays. Bravo, Queen!安静!王后在玩。好极了,王后!

70、Queen Clarion, it was me.克拉昂女王陛下,是我。

71、These changing meanings and roles of queen make Ambrose Bierce’s Devil’s Dictionary entry just about right.对于单词queen来说,它的这些意义与角色的变化使得下面的解释看起来非常正确——安布罗斯·比尔斯在他的《魔鬼词典》里对queen做出了解释

72、Mary Queen of Scots House is in Queen Street, Jedburgh, Roxburghshire, about 90 minutes drive South of Edinburgh, Scotland.苏格兰玛丽女王的住宅位于苏格兰罗克斯巴勒郡耶德堡的女王大街(Queen Street, Jedburgh, Roxburghshire), 从爱丁堡驾车前往只需90分钟。

73、Quack, quack, Duck Queen.呱,呱,鸭子皇后。

74、The queen mother waved to the crowd.王太后向人群挥手。

75、Groups Set Queen bedroom furniture for sale, cheap queen bedroom furniture, bedroom furniture, black oak queen bedroom furniture set, contemporary bedrooms.女王卧室家具套发售,王后卧室家具便宜,女王橡木卧室家具一套卧室家具一套黑色的,当代的卧室。

英文句子模板76:queen,76、Angelhood is going to invite the professional trainer from Coffee Queen to conduct a training course for our customers to deepen their understandings about QUEEN products.“安继行”将邀请来自群韵饮料机械(上海)有限公司公司的专业培训人员开展一场培训活动以加深客户对于QUEEN 产品的认识与了解。

77、"I, " said the Queen. "I, Jadis the last Queen, but the Queen of the World. "“我,”女王说,“我,简蒂丝,最后的女王,但也就是世界女王。”

78、'Then come with me, 'said the Queen.“那么跟我来,”王后说。

79、Adrian : She is the Prom Queen.阿德里恩: 她是舞会皇后。

80、(like a queen作状语) she lived like a queen. 她过着女王般的生活。


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