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1、Polite formula, to feel sorry for one's own mistakes it is also used ot show modesty.


2、She apologized for the confusion and the insecurity that people felt as a result of the nuclear accident.


3、Evidently he made a public apology to everyone he’d hurt saying he wanted to do good from then on.


4、Mancini said had invited Tévez to his house after the Argentine's two-week suspension in order to allow Tévez the opportunity to apologize.


5、The News Channel presenter live in the studio acknowledged a mistake had been made, and we apologise for any offence caused.


6、In his resignation statement, Weiner people from the community to elect him and his family an apology.


7、According to Livescience. com, women apologize more often than men do, a new study showed.


8、Neither they nor the president offered apologies for their roles in the affair.


9、AT&T sent us a statement apologizing for the breach and downplaying the impact


10、I'll admit that my reciprocated actions were out of character and I apologize.


11、You ought to apologize and show there is no ill feeling between you .


12、At the end of the statement, Mr To bowed in apology.


13、To apologize for leaving so early,I brought you a little gift.


14、Over the weekend, Tang and his teammates wrote letters of apology online.

15、可怜的, 可悲的 The world is certainly in a sorry state. 这个世界的现状实在可悲。


16、The Marines couldn't find him and apologized to his mom in a telegram.


17、A:: Well, Mr. Brooks. I’m sorry again for the delay, but we should have everything completed by the time you get back.


18、Mr Erdogan said in the letter, which has been prepared with Moscow mediation, caused by aircraft incident and apologize.


19、"He seems to be angry," she says."I seem to have become a target.It's not very gentlemanly or gracious.But he did send me a letter apologizing for his last outburst, right before his wedding.


20、According to a series of studies conducted by Risen and Gilovich (2007), observers are harsher on an insincere apology than the person at whom it is directed.

21、I express my sincerely sorry again about the inconvenience caused by us.对您造成的诸多不便,我再次表示诚挚的歉意!

22、When Mary finally appeared, she made her apologies to Mrs Madrigal .最终露面时,玛丽向马德里加尔夫人表示了歉意。

23、So let me lay out a public apology for what may have been interpreted as rude and obnoxious.所以请允许我发表一篇公众道歉信,为我之前可能粗鲁和导致你不愉快的言论致歉。

24、对不起的, 抱歉的; 懊悔的 I'm sorry for giving so much trouble. 对不起, 给你添了很多麻烦。

25、China Central Television (CCTV) on Tuesday apologized for a massive fire that engulfed part of its new headquarters in the eastern central business district of the capital.周二,CCTV就在东商业中心区的新央视大楼旁配合楼发生大火表示道歉。

英文句子26:,26、Deputy Factory Manager to work the incident apologized for the accident, he said: "We will investigate the cause and prevent similar incidents from happening again."事发工厂副厂长就此次事故表示道歉,他说:“我们将查明原因,防止再次发生相同的事故。”

27、We apologize for any inconveniences the above change may have caused you.我们对上述改变对各位考生带来的不便表示歉意。

28、In a brief statement, Spitzer said he has already begun to atone for his private failings with his family and he apologized to his supporters.斯皮策发表简短声明说,他已经开始为他个人的失败向家人做出补偿,并向他的支持者表示道歉。

29、When he received the letter he offered to apologise and to change his comments, but the club rejected this.奈杰尔收到信后,愿意向俱乐部道歉,并修正他的评论,但俱乐部拒绝了这个服软的表示。

30、The first thing Min Ho did was to apologize for the cancellation of the event at Plaza Singapura, citing security reasons and hope that everyone will be understanding.李民浩首先为狮城大厦的活动道歉,他表示那全是为了安全,希望大家谅解。

31、Belle home, rose says bought dishwasher, two artificial thing sorry before.贝儿回家,玫瑰表示买了洗碗碟机,二人为前事抱歉。

32、She apologized for the confusion and the insecurity that people felt as a result of the nuclear accident. But Ms.她后来对这一微博造成的困惑核人们由于核事故引发的不安全感表示道歉。

33、Japan's public broadcaster NHK reported that Mr. Toyoda offered apologies for accidents caused by defective cars and expressed his determination to do more to prevent reoccurrence.日本广播公司(NHK)报道说,丰田章男为问题车辆导致的事故道歉,并表示决心采取行动防止此类事故再度发生。

34、I'm trying to apologize for any inconvenience caused by my mistake. It's a big mistake.他说:“我对因为我的错误引起的任何不便表示道歉,这是一个严重的错误。”

35、After much soul-searching, Tom said sorry to his wife for neglecting her feelings.汤姆在经过一番反思后,对于自己忽略太太感受表示歉意。

36、The Times, George Caulkin: "The first recorded expression of regret from José Mourinho did not preempt an apologetic performance by his Chelsea team last night."《泰唔士报》记者乔治考尔金:“切尔西的主帅穆里尼奥首次发表申明表示道歉,但申明并未涉及球队昨晚的糟糕表现。

37、But Pengshui police already said the libel case against Qin Zhongfei was unfounded, and apologized to Qin for injuries caused.可是彭水警方已经明确表示秦中飞诽谤案属于错案,并对给秦造成的伤害表示了道歉。

38、Japan's deeply colorless prime minister, Keizo Obuchi, would only issue an oral apology.极其无趣的日本首相小渊惠三只是发表口头道歉。

39、Meanwhile, may I tender to you my sincere apology for the inconvenience caused by my failure to inform the university on time.并对自己未予学校及时认真沟通造成的麻烦表示深深的道歉。

40、We are sorry for how this impacts the Swedish fans of Dead or Alive.该事对死或生瑞典粉丝造成的影响,我们表示十分抱歉。

41、Yet there's no proof that women are better than men at apologizing -- they just do it more often, sometimes for inconsequential offenses.然而,没有证据表明女性比男性更擅长于道歉──她们只是会更经常道歉而已,有时仅仅是为了一些无关紧要的事情。

42、And one in three said they have been given a gift as an apology by their other half.还有三分之一的人表示,自己曾经收到过另一半作为道歉的象征而送出的礼物。

43、AOL took the information off it's website. The company apologized and called the release a screw up .AOL把资料从网上去掉。该公司表示歉意,并要求释放。

44、While the man's politeness is demonstrated when apologizing for having done something wrong, something that should be noticed even more is the understanding of the woman in accepting his apology.对话不仅表现了这位男士在发现自己做错了事并向对方道歉时表现出的礼貌态度,而且更加表露出这位女士在接受道歉时的善解人意。

45、Wang Ping: I'm sorry to have kept you waiting so long.王萍和客户汤姆约好时间见面,但因事迟到,她表示歉意。

46、In a later statement, Mattel said that some reports had "mischaracterised" its comments and said it had "apologised to the Chinese today just as it has wherever its toys are sold".美泰在之后的一项声明中表示,某些报道“歪曲”了它的评论,并表示,公司“如今向中方致歉,与该公司向玩具消费者致歉的性质一样”。

47、At a special party meeting he convened Tuesday, Mr. Aso apologized for recent election losses.在他周二召集的一个特别党务会议上,麻生太郎对最近的选举失利表示了道歉。

48、To every New Yorker, and to all those who believed in what I tried to stand for, I sincerely apologize.我向每一个纽约人和所有相信我所代表的价值观的人表示诚挚的道歉。

49、We’d like to express our sincere apologies for the poor quality of the products.对货物的质量问题,我方向贵方表示诚挚的歉意。

50、Later, when he sobered up, the man apologized to the troopers and thanked them for keeping him from doing anyone harm.后来,这个人清醒过来,向州警们表示道歉,并感谢他们没有让他做出任何伤害。

经典英文句子51:表示道歉,51、Mr Brown had contacted Mrs Janes to apologise about a letter of condolence which contained a series of errors.布朗先生曾经和琼斯夫人接触,为一封错误百出的吊唁信表示道歉。

52、"On behalf of Ryde Hospital we do apologise to Paul Curtis, " Dr Roberts said. He says in future, patients with similar symptoms will be X-rayed.「身为莱德医院的代表,我们真的要向保罗.柯蒂斯道歉,」罗伯兹医师说。他表示,未来有类似症状的患者将会进行X光检查。

53、Lu jia jia, first of all, to the dream XiaoWei apologized and said before is your own fault.吕佳佳首先向梦晓薇表示道歉,称之前都是自己的错。

54、In a statement issued in response to the publication of the photos the US army apologised to the families of the dead.针对照片被公开发表,美军在一份声明中向死者家属表示了道歉。

55、In a separate case, H-P apologized to Chinese consumers on Tuesday for faulty laptops and offered extended warranties and compensation for those affected.在另外一件案例中,惠普公司周二为其有问题的笔记本电脑向中国消费者表示了道歉,并表示要为那些受影响的消费者延长产品保修期以及提供补偿。

56、He apologized and has worked to mix lighter and heavier subjects.他向大家表示歉意,把一些轻松和严肃的主题混合在一起。

57、DR Summer June 黄震夏本月xx日召开记者会表示:“无论如何,非常抱歉”。

12 press conference, said: "In any case, very sorry."

58、In Chinese culture, people make serious apologies to others by pouring them tea as a sign of regret or submission.在中国文化里,人们用倒茶的方式向他人道歉,表示悔意或谦恭。

59、To those who told us about unanswered emails, we apologise and promise to do better in the future.对于那些告诉我们没有收到回复邮件的被调查者,我们表示道歉,并承诺在未来做得更好。

60、Superintendent Dr. Julianne Lein said the district apologizes for the incident and is taking steps to remedy the situation.负责人Julianne Lein博士表示学区对所发生的事表示歉意,并正采取措施纠正此类情况。

61、In the letter, Emil apologized for not having written for six years, but offered to make good on his promise to bring Kostya to the free world.在信中,埃米尔对xx年没跟他联系表示道歉,但表示仍然愿意兑现自己的承诺,把克斯特亚带到自由世界来。

62、Suchen apologized and said she did not watch TV, and Walter seemed disappointed.苏晨表示歉意说她不看电视,瓦尔特似乎有点失望。

63、Well, Mr. Brooks. I’m sorry again for the delay, but we should have everything completed by the time you get back.那么,布鲁克斯先生,我再次对耽搁表示道歉,但您下次回来时我们会把所有的事情都办妥的。

64、Sorry about that … I definitely appreciated and enjoyed the humor.我在此表示歉意……我真的很感激和享受里面的幽默。



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