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关于”一般疑问句的句型“的英语句子52个,句子主体:Sentence Patterns of General Interrogative Sentences。以下是关于一般疑问句的句型的高一英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Sentence Patterns of General Interrogative Sentences


1、Four whipping bars, ff as well as marcatissimo, put a more or less vicious and peremptory end to the .


2、"Please don't ask me to-night, " Jennie had said, which put an end to the sharpest form of his queries.

以加的夫语法中的位置概念为指导,我们还发现疑问句中的不连 续现象与其中某些成分的主位化紧密相关。

3、The discontinuity is closely associated with the thematization in interrogatives with the concept of "place" from the Cardiff Grammar.


4、They are metaphoric, almost like dreams, with the device of repetition used like a refrain or a chorus for both thematic emphasis and internal rhythm.

理解他的动机的一条线索,就是他年幼时对《圣经》里那句名言——“人若赚得全世界,赔上自己的灵魂,有什么益处呢?” 的疑问。

5、A clue to his motiveis provided by his childhood reaction to the famous Biblical query: "Whatshall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his ownsoul?"


6、Cummings said this was the second time he had been laid up, and we have never sent to inquire.


7、As the old saying goes, a picture is worth a thousand words, and this is just where the trouble begins.


8、When there is no information for a page or query yet, a helpful message telling the user how to start could go in that empty space.


9、Sometimes what you don't do means a thousand times more than what you do, as the film's bittersweet finale proves.


10、In other words, accessibility is an untapped market opportunity with potentially high rewards. 1


11、By the way, could you tell me something about the Computer Engineering Department in this university?


12、So as I say, notice that this is a general problem for scepticism.

天津的官员对东线工程能带来直饮水有所怀疑,他们视脱盐为可替代的( they are looking at desalinization as an alternative这句话在句中的含义也不太明白)。

13、Officials in Tianjin are so skeptical of the eastern route’s ability to deliver drinkable water that they are looking at desalinization as an alternative.

还可以通过 GRANT 和 REVOKE 语句控制对存储过程的访问。

14、You can also control access to stored procedures through GRANT and REVOKE statements.


15、It would be what they describe as the uncanny semblance between owners and their pets.


16、Today is very ordinary, but is not flat, in a word: cut continuously, the reason also disorderly, is sky, nether generally taste in the heart.


17、"Did the Niang get sick?"Becomes useful to finally seek a vacant in time, the asking of care is



18、No question need ever be asked through a closed bathroom door if I'm inside. I love you less with each syllable you utter.


19、Let me play devil's advocate here for a minute and ask, why do women need to go to B-school?


20、The "problem" begins here in 2Timothy

4:2 with "preach the word".


21、I like her the last series of questions in the book: why will become more and more blundering?我喜欢她书里最后的一连串问句:为什么会变得越来越浮躁?

22、Poverty does not engender a pure, angelic soul or an immaculate humility any more than sickness does.我觉得这句的意思是 疾病不会带来纯净、天使一般的灵魂或是无瑕的谦卑之心,贫穷更是如此。

23、In this regard, there is no doubt turn the Creation Society is a typical event.在这一方面,创造社的转向毫无疑问是一个典型的事件。

24、He hesitated, fumbled for the right words, then with a new immediacy in his voice, blurted out .他迟疑了一下,搜寻着贴切的词句,跟着,以急迫的声音突然说起话来。

25、According to the Three level Theory, some syntactic and semantic problems related to verb reduplication can be better interpreted.在这一系统中,与动词重叠相关的句法、语义问题能得到一定的解释。

英文句子26:,26、DB2DataReader - You typically use the DB2DataReader for fast forward-only access to disconnected result sets that are returned from executing SQL statements or stored procedure calls.DB2DataReader - 您一般使用 DB2DataReader 对断开连接的结果集进行单向(forward-only)的快速访问,这些断开连接的结果集是执行 SQL 语句或存储过程调用所返回的。

27、When you pick up your medicine from the pharmacy, ask: Is this the medicine that my doctor prescribed?主药房谢药的时候,问一句:这非尔的医生启具的药物吗?

28、Of course, she had those unforgettable violet eyes and cascading mane of dark hair.毫无疑问,她有一双令人难忘的蓝紫色眼睛,瀑布般浓密的深色长发。

29、I don't care what the difference is" is the meaning of the rhetorical question.我不管区别在哪“,是这个修辞的问句的意思。

30、Early next morning, the car see also MM, even casually asked the sentence: checked yet?第二天一大早,车也见的MM,甚至随便问了一句:检查还没有呢?

31、"Da Xiong preciousness palace", asking a feebleness question: Da Xiong is who in the Doraemon?“大雄宝殿”,弱弱的问一句:是机器猫里面的大雄末?

32、After exchanging the usual pleasantries, he asked me an odd question: “Is this like your conference party outfit?”寒暄几句后,他问了我一个奇怪的问题:“这就是你参加会议派对的行头吗。”

33、Captian Butler asks for me when he comes back, I'm asleep.现在,奶妈,你一定要帮我传句话。 如果巴特勒上尉回来问到我,就说我睡了。

34、There is in other words in Ricoeur's view a hermeneutics of suspicion, and "skepticism" or "suspicion" is a word that can also be appropriated perhaps more rigorously for philosophy as negativity.换句话说,在利科看来存在着怀疑解释学,怀疑主义,或,怀疑,在哲学上表示否定是可以的,或许更严格。

35、With this chance, Daiyu had something to ask Baoyu : "Let me ask you one question, and see how you answer."黛玉乘此机会,说道:“我便问你一句话,你如何回答?”

36、The student got up, stood there, and said nothing. The teacher pressed him for an answer.那个学生起来,站在那儿,不说一句话。老师催他回答问题。

37、In fact, get what you pay remark is still very reasonable, the price slightly higher than the product effect is good!其实“一分钱一分货”这句话说的还是很有道理的,价钱稍微高一点的产品效果就是比一般的好!

38、Manchester United is pleased to announce that Ryan Giggs has today extended his contract for a further season until the end of June 2009.曼联很高兴的向外宣布,吉格斯将其合同延长到下一个赛季,直到xx年。(水平一般般,白话翻译了首句~~~)

39、Four whipping bars, ff as well as marcatissimo, put a more or less vicious and peremptory end to the phrase.四个鞭打般的小节,以带强调的最强音给乐句一个或多或少野蛮而断然的结束。

40、At first he thought this woman was me, so he asked if I was alright.起初,他以为那个女人是我,于是他就问了一句:“你没事吧?”

41、Uli lieutenant nodded, not quite like a soldier to ask a word.乌利中尉点点头,很有军人风度地绝不多问一句话。

42、The constable says:"Particularly mother-in-law, I also want to ask you a words."巡官说道:“尤婆婆,我也有句话要问你。

43、Now I do not expect to receive a smile, a word of greeting, or a little compassion without paying for it first.试问,不花钱你可能买到一个微笑,一句问候,一丁点儿恻隐之心?

44、Though this is a rhetorical question and I do not care much about a specific case which was mentioned in docs.虽然这是一个反问句,我不在乎一个具体案例中提到的文件。

45、By the way, don’t look for the technocrats to solve their electricity problems anytime soon.顺便说一句,任何时候都不要指望专家能够迅速解决电荒问题。

46、If the clues aren't obvious, parrot back what they last said in question format ("So, you say it was a great presentation?") and keep the spotlight on them.'如果没有明显的线索,鹦鹉式地重复他们最后说的,并以疑问的句式(“所以,你说这是一个伟大的演讲?”),并保持以他们为谈话的焦点。

47、Do you need some drinks? Would you like something to drink? What kinds ofd.要不要点饮料? 要什么饮料? (点套餐时他会问这一句)

48、Pilling writes he took a moment to process the *revelation, before inquiring further.帕琳在文章中称,在进一步询问前,他花了些时间来消化这句话。

49、I have attended a lecture by Mrs. Jiang, she would add "Is that clear" after each sentence.我听过蒋老师的课,每讨论一个问题都会加一句“懂了吗?”

50、Over the course of several months, he listens to her every word intently, treasuring each one like a precious jewel.经过几个月中,他仔细地听著她说的每个字,犹如宝石般珍惜每一句歌词。

经典英文句子51:一般疑问句的句型,51、If you have questions about your salary or the amount of tax you pay, the Finance Department can usually assist you.如果你对工资或应缴税有疑问的话,财务部一般会帮你解答。

52、Various commentators have asked variations on the question “is there an agile personality type”.大量的评论人士针对“是否存在敏捷人格类型”这一疑问提出了不同的问题。

53、Kitten Devine’s question… Yesterday at a hair shop they asked me what shampoo I used.Kitten Devine's 的疑问 :昨天,发型师问我用什么洗发露。

54、This movement, The violent timpani starts this movement. Then the trumpet, trombone and tuba play a series of thunderous rondo refrain, with a volcanic eruption-like intensity.这一乐章鼓乐长鸣,由小号,长号和大号在猛烈的定音鼓声之后奏出一连串雷鸣般的回旋曲迭句,有着火山爆发般的力度。

55、MARKETERS often cite a quote generally attributed to John Wanamaker, the pioneer department store merchant: “Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted; the trouble is I don’t know which half.”搞市场营销的人经常援引一般认为是百货公司的创始人John Wanamaker说过的一句话:“我们用来做广告的钱有一半是浪费掉的,问题是我们不知道是哪一半。”

56、The golfer buys it at once. "Just one question," he says to the salesman.高尔夫球手当即买下这个球,随口问了一句:“你从哪搞到它的?”

57、There is a long-lasting controverting on "existing sentence", including it's features, meanings, as well as the functions of THERE and the entity of existing sentence.人们对存在句一直争论不休,主要是关于存在句中THERE的定性、含义及功能和存在动词以及存在实体等一些问题。

58、Low-fat food is definitely the major trend of the times.低 脂肪型的食物毫无疑问是时代的主流。

59、We only need to ask if there is a kind of translation without translationese.我们只要问一句:有没有一种不具有翻译性的翻译存在?

60、Before marriage, liang sicheng Lin huiyin asked: "have a word, I only ask this time, later dont ask, why me?"婚前,梁思成问林徽因:“有一句话,我只问这一次,以后都不会再问,为什么是我?”

61、Some commentators suspected the bridge’s foundations, others an unusual air pattern.有些人怀疑是桥基的问题,其他人则认为是空气流型的问题。

62、At the same time, it had been proved that the existing models locating inspection stations and inspection level control were the special cases of the generalized model here. Several examples…基于现有研究,提出了质量检验策略问题的一般性模型,同时指出检验站配置问题及质量检验水平控制问题是一般性模型的特例。



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