放寒假用英语怎么说 放寒假英语翻译

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放寒假用英语怎么说 放寒假英语翻译

放寒假翻译为英语通常说作:have winter holidays,还网络中常译为" Vinterpause",在《英语自学简明词典》中,共找到37个与放寒假相关的短语翻译和用法。


1. have winter holidays

放寒假翻译为have winter holidays。

示例:放寒假喽!老师给妈妈拷贝了我的一些学校生活的照片。 Winter holiday is coming! My teacher copies Mom some pictures of me in the school.


2. Vinterpause

放寒假翻译为 Vinterpause 。

示例:现在我已经放寒假了,我很开心,可以和朋友们玩。 Now I am in winter holiday, I am so happy, I can have fun with my friends.


3. have a winter vacation

放寒假翻译为have a winter vacation。

示例:- Winter. Winter. - Get it off her. - Winter,Winter


4. Vinter ferie

放寒假翻译为 Vinter ferie 。

示例:Vinter would've kill him in London and that's not what you asked for. {\fnMicrosoft YaHei\fs20\2cHFFFFFF\b0}温特尔本可以在伦敦杀了他 但是这不是你的命令 {\fnMicrosoft YaHei\fs14\2cHFFFFFF\b0}Vinter would've kill him in London and that's not what you asked for.



1. winter break( 寒假;

2. winter vacation(寒假)

3. winterholiday(寒假)

4. saberman( 寒假)

5. rhamnopyranoses( 鼠伤寒假)

英语短语&俚语, Schools out ( 放寒假了 )


1. During summer vacs some tehurtrs show up at seminars at college.


2. Well, that sounds like a fun winter break.


3. The bell rang for the very last time, and then Madam Maryam announced it was the winter holidays.

译文:学校的大钟最后一次响起,玛丽安女士宣布了寒假的到来。 。

4. i remember once i had some caligraphy homework.

译文:小学的时候 寒假作业是过年的时候写篇文章。

5. Most of the passengers are college students on their winter vacation and migrant workers retuning home for Spring Festival.


6. Moreover, i secretly carried out the work during the dry season in winter vacation

译文:再利用每年寒假的干水期 偷偷施工。

7. School districts across the United States are taking Christmas break off the calendar completely and replacing it with winter break.

译文:学区 横跨美国 圣诞假期 彻底关闭日历 和替换它 寒假。。

8. First half of school holidays on odd years, second half on even years.


9. He organized your Lieutenant's "winter holiday. "

译文:他组织了你们中尉的 "寒假."。

10. it was winter break, freshman year of college...

译文:那是一个寒假 我刚进大学...。

11. it's true winter vacation is an event worth waiting for.


12. Now, it's the end of the term and winter holiday will soon begin. itll last.


13. They said that Tae-soo grew a foot over winter break.


14. i called him, lest he did not know winter vacation this year's program!


15. During winter break, Osawa's mother started working at Atsuko's.

译文:刚放寒假不久 大泽的母亲 就到笃子家的理发店去工作了。


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