金融危机用英语说" monetary crisis",还网络中常译为"financial crisis -",在《英汉简明词典》中,共找到48个与金融危机相关的短语释义和例句。
1. monetary crisis
金融危机翻译为 monetary crisis 。
示例:如果不加以阻止,金融危机将加剧。 If this is not stopped, the financial crisis will deepen.
2. financial crisis -
金融危机翻译为 financial crisis - 。
示例:这次金融危机对小市民的影响大得多。 This financial crisis had a much greater impact on Main Street.
3. [金融] Financial crisis
金融危机翻译为 [金融] Financial crisis 。
示例:奥克兰正从金融危机中解脱出来,该市已经在基本服务上挣扎多年了。 Oakland has been reeling from financial crisis and has been nickel-and-diming essential services for years.
4. financial crisis -
金融危机翻译为 financial crisis - 。
示例:That's the financial crisis. 这就是金融危机。
1. economic crises(金融危机)
2. financiero( 金融危机)
3. the financial crisis( 金融危机;
4. financial crisis([经] 财政危机, 金融危机)
5. global financial crisis( 全球金融危机;
英语短语&俚语, the Asian financial crisis Asian financial crisis financial crisis in Asia the Asian Contagion ( 亚洲金融危机 )
the global financial crisis international financial crisis ( 国际金融危机 )
post-financialcrisis era ( 后金融危机时期 )
China’s response to the international financial crisis ( 应对国际金融危机 )
impacted by the international financial crisis ( 国际金融危机冲击 )
China’s response to the Asian financial crisis ( 应对亚洲金融危机 )
post-financial crisis period ( 后国际金融危机时期 )
joint response to the international financial crisis ( 联手应对国际金融危机 )
Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission FCIC Financial Crisis Inquiry Committee ( 金融危机调查委员会 )
1. Look around! There's a global financial crisis.
2. What do you mean, a financial crisis?
3. The strength of our country bulwarked us through the financial crisis.
译文:我国的实力使我们得以安然渡过这次金融危机。 。
4. This financial crisis means you have to stimulate the economy?
译文:这个金融危机了 靠你拉动内需啊。
5. And it's an industry which has bucked the current recession with equanimity.
译文:如今,它正冷静的应对着当前的 金融危机。
6. You know, there's a financial crisis going on.
7. Our family went bankrupt in the financial crisis.
8. "a once-in-a-century financial crisis."
译文:一次在 -A世纪 金融危机的影响。。
9. That's the financial crisis.
10. Part of the gloom predates the financial crisis.
译文:失望早于金融危机之前就存在。 。
11. That's the financial crisis.
译文:这就是金融危机。 。
12. However, at a time of financial crisis, funding diminished and little changed.
译文:然而,在金融危机时期,资金减少,其他变化不大。 。
13. i think the meltdown is serious this time,
14. The global financial meltdown just something happened to other people, was that right Madsen?
15. That appetite has remained following the GFC.
译文:这种偏好一直持续到全球金融危机。 。
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