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到达医院用英语说是" get to the hospital",在《在线英语词典》中,共找到76个与到达医院相关的短语释义和例句。


1. get to the hospital

到达医院翻译为 get to the hospital 。

示例:你需要在手术当天的早晨到达医院。 WHAT TO EXPECT THE DAY OF SURGERY: You usually arrive at the hospital the morning of the operation.



1. arrival(到达


2. arrive(到达

3. land up in(到达)

4. arriving(到达)

5. advene(到达)


1. it's an emergency, one must keep increases to arrive at the hospital ...

译文:这是一个紧急情况,必须继续增加 到达医院...。

2. When we land in Phoenix and when we get to the hospital where his mother had fixed up the room real nice...

译文:当我们到达凤凰城的医院时 他妈妈准备了一间非常漂亮的房间。

3. - They in New York now? - No.


4. We'll reach the hospital before the ambulance comes.


5. i am standing at the military hospital where displaced people continue to arrive.

译文:(我现在正站在军医院) (人们被陆续转移到达这里)。

6. You want to go to the hospital again?

译文:去医院吧 医院。

7. - i need to get to the hospital.


8. She's been sold to the hospital?

译文:医院? 被卖到医院去了?。

9. When they arrived at Winter Park Memorial Hospital, Tamia saw shock in the eyes of the staff. Now she was scared.


10. That's the hospital. They're targeting the hospital.


11. - Go to the hospital, go to the hospital.

译文:-别急 -有医院 去医院。

12. Here, the hidden factor is the relative proportion of patients who arrive in good or poor health.

译文:这里,隐藏变量是患者到达医院时 健康状况的构成比。 。

13. And that's if you get there.

译文:当你到达那, 。

14. What hospital? Shit, i'll finish you off.

译文:哪家医院 傻逼你跟医院说 我们要轰了那家医院。

15. Remember Teheran when Cindy was born... driving

12 miles to the hospital in a Coca-Cola truck?

译文:还记得辛迪在德黑兰出生时 你乘着可口可乐卡车经过12英里到达医院吗?。



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