关于”主系表结构“的英语句子20个,句子主体:Main system table structure。以下是关于主系表结构的初中英语句子。
英文句子模板1:Main system table structure
1、If I were to use a relational table structure to design this relationship, I'd need at least three tables: the third being a join table linking a many-to-many relationship.
3 个表:第
3 表将是链接一个 “多对多” 关系的联接表。
2、The narrative structure of A Farewell to Arms is marked by a series of peculiarities. The regular formal division makes the novel resemble a five-act classic drama;
3、In this foundation, the overall framework of IPUMS based on SOA is proposed, functional and database modules are designed, and the main function structure charts and tables of IPUMS are provided.
4、Clustering of conformations in this space is observed, but not so clearly cut.
5、There are certain structural conditions that increase the probability of performative ties occurring.
POWER5 体系结构是对 POWER4 体系结构的改进,但是保持了二进制与结构的兼容性。
6、The POWER5 architecture is an enhancement of the POWER4 architecture, but maintains binary and structural compatibility.
7、It is pointed out that the nature of the Mei-Yu front's structures has changed into the sub-tropical style, something between extratropical fronts and ITCZ during the torrential rain period .
8、The architecture includes several layers, including a service layer, whose main purpose is to make the architecture imitate a real world application.
参加 IT 体系结构论坛,交流技巧和技术,分享关于 IT 体系结构这一广泛主题的其他相关信息。
9、Participate in the IT architecture forum to exchange tips and techniques and to share other related information about the broad topic of IT architecture.
10、Can you store semi-structured data in relational structures?
11、Not only the force feature of frame-tube structure with rigid arms under earthquake load and wind load, but also the measures which should be taken are discussed.
12、While architecture considers an architectural building block a black box, design deals with the configuration, customization, and internal workings of an architectural building block.
13、The structural parameter is much more sensitive and efficient than the collapsibility coefficient to show the early structural variation of loess.
14、As its main underground structure, under the action of blasting seismic waves, the blasting vibration effect of the anchor is notable, which relates to the safety of the whole structure.
15、Architectures are controlled at an enterprise-wide level by practicing architecture governance.
16、The practical network architectures in use are all layered ones, TCP/IP is the mainstream network architecture used by nowaday Internet.
17、In this figure, the overlap represents the common architecture and tools shared between content-owning communities that use this information architecture.
18、A series of polymeric diols with different comb-branched chains(CPDs)were prepared and characterized by FTIR.
19、A list of topics as covered in Unified that are pertinent to
16.20 is contained in the document entitled "Topics Covered: Materials & Structures Section of Unified."
16.20(结构力学)比较相关的“统合”主题 ,包含在“讨论主题:统合工程的材料与结构部分”的文档中。
20、The aromatic structure of pentane asphaltenes is mainly peri condensed, while for resins the proportion of cata condensed and peri condensed aromatic structures is comparable.
21、The results shows that the change of industry structure has nothing to do with the structure of freight quantity, but has causal relationship with the structure of freight turnover quantity.检验结果表明,产业结构的变化与货运量结构变化没有直接的关系,而与货运周转量结构变化有因果关系。
22、The fram-shear wall structure is adopted in Ningbo Baokang Sunshine Hospital.]宁波保康光明医院主体部分采用框架剪力墙结构体系。
23、These attributes make XML dialects prime vocabularies for representing semi-structured data.这些属性使得 XML 方言成为表示半结构化数据的主要词汇表。
24、You also need to know whether the JVM correctly determines host processor architecture so that the JIT compiler can produce the correct set of instructions for that architecture.您还需要知道 JVM 能否确定主机处理器的体系 结构,以使得 JIT 编译器可以为那个体系结构生成正确的指令集。
25、The mechanical construction and electrical principle of the device is presented in this article.主要介绍了立磨三道锁风阀机械结构及其液压系统、电控系统的设计原理。
英文句子26:,26、The results showed: all of the ceramic sinters were a single phase of orthorhombic perovskite of BaCeO3;结果表明:两个系列的陶瓷样品均为斜方晶钙钛矿型结构;
27、This high-level architecture forms the basis for the architecture of the PROBIT tool.此高级体系结构形成了 PROBIT 工具体系结构的基础。
28、Their core characteristic is that they usually require a number of individual MDM architecture patterns or other architecture patterns.它们的主要特点是,它们常常需要许多 MDM 体系结构模式或其他体系结构模式。
29、MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Microstructure and ultrastructure of skeletal muscles were observed, as well as the expression of desmin and vimentin .主要观察指标:各组骨骼肌组织细胞微细结构和超微结构及结蛋白和波形蛋白的表达。
30、The research indicates that the style of structure has a significant effect on the cost of project and it is better to apply frames braced construction with rigid joint to heavy-duty multi-span plant.研究表明,结构体系类型对工程的经济性具有重要影响,多跨重型钢结构厂房宜采用节点刚接的框架—支撑结构体系。
31、Results show that the strength of ferrite phase paste mainly depends on the colloid-crystal structure.结果表明,铁相浆体强度主要依赖于胶体-晶体胶结结构;
32、For product structure, size and chief technical parameters, see Tables 3-9产品结构尺寸及主要技术参数如表3一表
33、The results obtained show clearly that the virtual diagnosis can identify more faults than t-fault diag…所得结果表明,虚拟诊断比t-故障诊断在同样的系统拓扑结构下能识别更多的故障子系统。
34、Hierarchies are the logical structures that an organization creates to describe relationships among its data.层次结构是组织创建用于表述其数据关系的逻辑结构。
35、Use third-party frameworks like Jakarta Struts, which excels at handling form-centric applications.使用了类似 Jakarta Struts 的第三方的框架结构,该结构善于处理以表格为主的应用程序。
36、The results show that open structure is the main structure type of natural loess and roadbed loess after 结果表明:天然黄土和冲击压实8遍的路基黄土,其微结构以粒状架空结构为主;
8 compactor passes;
37、But the characteristic of wasps were the same to parasitize the same posts, it shows that wasps were cooperated with their posts.但寄生于同种寄主的寄生蜂形态结构有趋同性,表明寄生蜂与寄主之间存在协同进化关系。
38、At present, the practical network structures are all layered-architecture, and TCP/IP dominates the Internet.目前,实用的网络体系结构都是层次结构,TCP/IP 是目前互联网所使用的主流网络体系。
39、The Metal look and feel uses a pluggable theme architecture.Metal look and feel 使用一种可插式主题体系结构。
40、Small cloud depth, low cloud top height, inhomogeneous structure are the main characteristics of the precipitation cloud.云层厚度小、云顶高度低、云系结构不均匀是此次降水云系的主要特点。
41、A new robot architecture classification is presented in terms of knowledge representation, which clarifies the importance of tacit knowledge research in robot architecture.首先根据知识表征对现有体系结构分类,明确了意会知识在机器人体系结构研究中的地位。
42、Pritchett argues that failing to update the architecture at the end of its life span may have important implications for business.Pritchett主张,如果没有在体系架构生命期结束的时候更新体系架构,可能会对业务有重大的影响。
43、Figure 图
4 represents the SOA view of the PROBIT architecture.
4 表示 PROBIT 体系结构的 SOA 视图。
44、The employment worldwide changed as globalization, mainly in the reform on patterns and the institution of employment, and the labor-capital relations.主要表现在就业方式、就业结构以及劳资关系的变革上。
45、Architecture principles are formulated by the chief architect, who works with the enterprise CIO, the architecture board, and other key business stakeholders.体系结构原则由首席架构师制定,首席架构师要与企业 CIO、体系结构委员会和其他主要业务涉众进行合作。
46、ODS contains a specialized XML-to-relational visual mapper for building annotated schemas that identify how a given XML structure will be mapped to relational tables and columns.ODS 包含特定的 XML 到关系结构的可视化映射器,来构建带注释的模式,识别如何将给定的 XML 结构映射到关系表和列。
47、The building is constructed out of prefabricated concrete elements and its roof and end sections are tiled in grey aluminium.建筑采用预应力混凝土构件做主要结构,其屋顶和结束部分表面铺设灰色铝板。
48、The gas Meter is a kind of serialization products. Although the main difference is that gas meters of the same series possess different flux, they have the comparability in the entire structure.燃气表是一种系列化产品,同一系列产品的主要区别是燃气表流量的不同,而它们的整体结构具有相似性。
49、The interim structure of source program is pre-sented as generalized list. While assisting the realization of structural automated test, this method supports the visualization of program structure.采用广义表数据结构作为源程序的中间表示,在辅助实现结构性测试主要功能的同时,兼顾程序结构可视化。
50、Bit 32 in 32-bit architecture, or bit 64 in 64-bit architecture, is the hashed bit used to denote an object that has returned its hashed value.位体系结构中的第 32 位或 64 位体系结构中的第 64 位是散列位,用来表示已经返回其散列值的对象。
经典英文句子51:主系表结构,51、The steric structure is the main effect on the herbicidal activity as results.研究结果表明,影响其药效的主要因素是空间结构。
52、Some simulations suggest M51 's sharp spiral shape was partially caused when NGC 5195 passed through its main disk about 500 million years ago.一些模拟工作表明, M51 明晰的旋臂结构部分成因是5亿年前NGC 5195穿过了星系的主盘。
53、Clear to relationship in the data table design, compact structure, less logically can merge table structure design.在数据表设计时要关系明确、结构紧凑,减少逻辑上可以合并的表结构设计。
54、At the heart of DITA, representing the generic building block of a topic-oriented information architecture, is an XML document type definition (DTD) called "the topic DTD."DITA 的核心是一个称为 “主题 DTD” 的 XML 文档类型定义(DTD),代表面向主题的信息体系结构的一般构造块。
55、Mutual relation on molding shrinkage between central character and restriction character is studied, and connection formula is established.研究了塑件“主特征”和“限定特征”对成型收缩的影响关系,建立了考虑塑件结构特征影响的收缩关系表达式。
56、The developed quantitative formula can be applied to predict the biodegradation values of LAS and to help disclose structure-property relationship of chemical compounds.应用这一定量关系式, 能够合理表征LAS 的结构性能关系, 且有助于揭示化合物结构与性能之间的关系。
57、This architecture allows applications to deal principally with data graphs and data objects.此体系结构允许应用程序主要处理数据图和数据对象。
58、An approximate equivalent coefficient for two-dimensional sub wavelength was obtained with the related expressions of grating structure.构造了一种分析方法,然后利用光栅结构的有关表达式得到这种二维结构的近似等效系数。
59、Logic-semantic relation is the deep logic relation expressed by certain logic structure, and they are often inconsistent.逻辑语义关系是指由某种表层逻辑结构显现,并通过语言表达而附加出来的意义关系。
60、A three-tier architecture has a presentation tier, a business tier, and persistence tier.三层体系结构包括表示层、业务层和持久层。
61、AIX uses a segmented architecture that has both advantages and disadvantages.AIX 使用一个分段的体系结构,这种体系结构既有优点,也有缺点。
62、They're not representative of an actual infrastructure architecture.它们并不代表实际的基础体系结构。
63、Figure 图
2 lays out the key SAE architectural components.
2 展示了主要的 SAE 体系结构组件。
64、As stated above, the DITA architecture is focused on topics; information that is written for books needs to be redesigned in order to fit into a topic-based architecture.如上所述,DITA 体系结构强调的是主题,为书籍编写的信息需要重新设计,以便适应基于主题的体系结构。
65、Its effect on concrete structure results in partial incompact, cracking and sudden failure of the structure.在砼结构中主要表现为局部酥松变形、砼开裂、构件崩溃等。
66、The conclusion shows the mutual relationship between the bi-modality construction of the theme and the influences towards the whole construction of music.总结说明了主题的双态结构之间的相互关系及对全曲整体结构的影响。
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