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关于”描写夏天的诗“的英语句子57个,句子主体:Poems about summer.。以下是关于描写夏天的诗的高中英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Poems about summer.


1、Marriage is a book which the first chapter is written in poetry and remaining chapters in prose.


2、The French international midfielder has been described by Chamakh as a 'terrific' signing if the club loose midfielder Cesc Fabregas to Barcelona during the summer.


3、That's why he wrote the Twenty-third Psalm.


4、This petry is realistic. Idon't care for it very much .


5、He also wrote Jie Bian Gong clearly, His antiwar poetry and articles are notable in Chinese history of antiwar literature.



2 Poems1. There are various reasons why people write poetry.


7、I have a number of columns of poetry that I do in Japanese.


8、Tom beats the pants off Bob when it comes to writing poetry.


9、Today's Yuhang is constructing a beautiful land that is most suitable for living, and is writing a new chapter into the poetic history that has lasted for over 5000 years.


10、Taos really wrote his poverty life and countrysides depression.


11、When I finished and handed him the verses next day, he took me to the highest class and made me stand before the boys.


12、The poem vividly describes how the goose swims and frolics on the water.


13、He's not yet up to the task of a great poem yet.


14、It’s a scene from an epic poem by a Roman poet Vergil, about the building of Carthage by queen Dido.


15、He began writing poetry at Sefton Park Secondary School.

16、my bedroom is so nice.i like it. 我的卧室很好.我喜欢它.


17、He wants to devote his whole life to Gospel mission and writing poems.


18、Across the windows, occasionally to write a few leisurely poems, but have.


19、He wrote a poem in memory of his dead wife.


20、This is because the poetry and painting are people drawn to write King;

21、Expressing one's feelings on the present scene is a method of writing poems.即事叙景是诗人写作的一种手法。

22、The poem makes the most of the cruelties of slavery.这首诗把奴隶制度的种种残暴描绘得淋漓尽致?。

23、State Farm, Pace's insurance company, covered the roughly $3,500 in damage to Innes' car, and a claim representative sent Innes a letter of appreciation this summer.Pace 的保险公司 State Farm 负担了 Innes 的车大约 3500 美元的修理费用,并宣称将在今年夏天给 Innes 写一封感谢信。

24、Marriage is a book of which the first chapter is written in poetry and remaining chapters in prose .结婚, 是一本第一章以诗写成,其余各章则以散文写就的书。

25、Regardless of the body in where, we should write the most beautiful poems in today in tomorrow, the clear figure is printed on the world stretched on the horizon.不管身在何处,我们,都要把最美的诗篇写在今天留在明天,把潇洒的身影印在世界拉长在地平线。

英文句子26:,26、Andersen began his writing career by writing plays and poems for a local journal.安徒生藉由帮一家当地的杂志撰写剧本和诗而开始他的写作生涯。

27、It is customary to write a farewell poem, but I am neither poet nor calligrapher.按照惯例是要写一首诗来告别的。

28、Your poem was well written except for a wrong word.除了一个错字外,你的诗写得很好。

29、Charlotte, as a young girl, alone wrote 22 books, each with 60 to 100 pages of small handwriting.夏洛特,一个年轻的姑娘,独自写了22本书,其中每篇都有小字手写的60页至100页。

30、When you don’t feel motivated to write your poem, short story, novel, then don’t write that.当你提不起劲儿去写诗、写故事或小说的时候,就不要勉强自己。

31、He began poetry writing in the late 1970s, and had been a main writer of the famous underground literary magazine Jintian (Today) since 1978.xx年代后期开始写诗。xx年成为著名地下文学杂志《今天》的主要作者之

32、And because the special identity of Wang Yuan-liang and experience of life of" walking for 并且由于汪元量的特殊身份和“北行十三载”的生活经历,其“诗史”多描写宫廷中的人物及其命运。

13 years in the north ", his " history of poetry " describe more personage and his destiny in the palace.

33、I remember how the few women who wrote poetry in those days were looked upon as miraculous creations of the Deity.我记得那时候,少数写诗的女子是如何被看作为上天在人间创造的奇迹。

34、They have made a positive contribution to the development of China's landscape poems.谢氏子弟以画为诗,显示出高超的写景技巧,为我国山水诗的发展做出了积极的贡献。

35、This explains why Lin Shu adopted translating methods such as addition, deletion, abridgment and adaptation in his Chinese translation of Uncle Tom's Cabin.作为个案研究对象,对照《黑奴吁天录》原著和林纾译本中运用增补、省略、缩写和改写等译法,探讨译文如何符合该时代的主流诗学精神。

36、The man wrote a tearful poem for his dying wife.那个人为他死去的妻子写了首叫人鼻酸的诗。

37、Mr. XX could not write metrical poems eight years ago.xx年前,XX先生不会写格律诗;

38、It is a glory epic inscribed in the loess ground.这是一部铭写在黄土地上的壮丽史诗。

39、Shih-te was a poet too but he never wrote much down.拾得也是一个诗人但他写下来的不多。

40、Geoffrey Chaucer was an English poet, his best known work is The Canterbury Tales, which describes a group of pilgrims traveling to Canterbury to visit Thomas Becket's tomb.乔叟是一位英国诗人,他最著名的代表作是《坎特伯雷故事集》,该书描写的是一群朝圣者到坎特伯雷祭拜托马斯班别特墓地的事情。

41、Original, enlightening, and with a narrative as thrilling as an epic film, Burying the Bones is a triumphant landmark in the development of creative biography.《埋葬骨头》这本书通过最事件的还原,启迪人的智慧,通过与史诗片般惊心动魄的描写,成为创造性的传记发展中的重要里程碑。

42、'Tiangong, my lover, for the arrival of this moment ─ wait for me. I'm coming, ' the poem concluded, according to the news agency.据新华社报道,诗的末尾写道:“天宫一号”,我的爱人,为了这个时刻的到来,等着我,我来了。

43、Poetic Tone Pictures attracted every pianist for its exquisite harmony and beautiful melody, and the wonderful scenery was typical Dvorak's music vocabulary.这部钢琴组曲向世人展示德沃夏克是一位如音乐诗人舒曼般的、善于用音乐语言来描绘自然美的音乐家。

44、It isn't exactly, though, the first poem that Milton wrote.尽管说这是弥尔顿写的第一首诗不太确切。

45、At the time, I didn’t even know her.写那首诗的时候我甚至还不认识她。

46、Nowadays there is nothing strange in a youngster writing verses.现在年青人写诗已是司空见惯。

47、Inside, the ceilings are painted with mesmerizing depictions of the Hindu epics, most notably the Bhima Swarga story, in which a man enters the underworld to rescue his parents.建筑内部,天花板上描绘着引人入胜的印度教史诗画卷,最值得注意的是怖军天堂(Bhima Swarga)的故事,讲述了一个男人进入冥界营救自己父母。

48、Hi, I'm visit here. Are you very busy?You haven't written a.写得真好比我还更能写诗呢在群里有人对我有意见你这个。

49、Among many worries and labors, I cannot write poems.在许多忧虑与劳动中,我不能写诗。

50、Edith: Blanche says Sara writes poetry- in the dunny !伊迪丝:布兰奇说萨拉写诗——在厕所里面!

经典英文句子51:描写夏天的诗,51、Revisiting Dead Poets Society again I was struck less by the depiction of generational conflict and more by what I now consider the film's dominant theme.再次观看《死亡诗社》,我不像从前那样强烈得被电影中描写的两代人之间的冲突所吸引,更多的则是对电影的主题所震撼。

52、The Road Not Taken is a famous poem by Robert Frost.是罗伯佛罗斯特所写的名诗。

53、While in England I began another poem, which I went on with during my journey home, and finished after my return.在英格兰的时候,我开始写另一首诗,在归国途中继续写,一直到回家以后才把它写完。

54、Hahaha… ok, I feel better now after writing that ridiculous poem.哈哈,写完歪诗,我感觉好多了。

55、Roosevelt's secretary of state, Cordell Hull, wrote in his memoirs: "Never have I admired a people more than I admired the British in the summer and autumn of 1940."罗斯福的国务卿科德尔·赫尔在他的回忆录中写道:“我从来没有像崇敬xx年的夏天与秋天的英国人那样崇敬任何一个民族。

56、They say he wrote poems the world will always know.专家们还说他写过的诗,这个世界将永久留传。

57、If I'm a poet, I'll write impressive poems with great passion to sing for the vast ocean and vault of heaven, then present them to you, my broadminded and erudite teacher.如果我是一个诗人,我将以满怀的热情写下动人的诗篇,赞美大海的辽阔和天空的遂远。然后把它献给您——我的胸怀博大、知识渊博的老师!

58、'Although I don't sit around thinking about money, I do sit around thinking how I'm going to earn it -- when I'm not writing poetry.虽然我不会坐等着天上掉钱,但我不写诗时,会坐在那儿考虑如何赚钱。

59、It consisted of a group: on the pedestal stood two female figures in the costume of Eve and in attitudes for the description of which I have neither the courage nor the fitting temperament.那上面雕着人像: 有两个全身的女人立在台座上,装束得跟夏娃一样②,至于描写她们的姿态,我却既缺乏勇气,又缺乏适当的气质。

60、Fake poets seek poetry from imitating, acting and writing; soon or later, they will end up going astray.假的诗人只想从模仿,做,写中求得诗,所以他们终于是迷途者。


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