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关于”超美“的英语句子55个,句子主体:super beautiful。以下是关于超美的八级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:super beautiful


1、Try sporting more than $4 million in emeralds and diamonds, like Kim Kardashian.


2、These companies have created over $522 billion in market capitalization and employ over 500,000 workers.


3、My arms and legs too thin, super beautiful.


4、A quality super spoon head BMB cross back.


5、The mega star makes maga bucks.


6、With contour artistic, novel electronic door lock, ultra warm, overspeed , imbalanced many kinds of protections, safety and reliability.


7、Chinese medicine called "as bold, " enjoy the "magic plant" Reputation.


8、In 2007, it reached over $2 million in online transactions.


9、According to the survey, published in Monday’s edition, 23 private college presidents made over $1 million in total compensation, and 110 made more than $500, 000.

xx年前,避险基金管理的资金仅为2570亿美元,今天却有超过8,000支避险基金, 管理着超过1万亿美元的资产(见下图)。

10、A decade ago hedge funds managed $257 billion. Today the world has more than

8,000 hedge funds, managing more than $1 trillion (see chart).


11、The domination sets and perfect domination sets in hypergraphs are researched, and the conditions of sufficient and necessary of domination sets and perfect domination sets are given.


12、On Thursday, IBM passed Microsoft to become the second most valuable tech company in the world, valued at $214 billion to Microsoft’s $213.2 billion.


13、Foreigners bought nearly $22 billion in Korean shares this year, more than five times the $4 billion worth of Japanese stocks they purchased, according to Nomura International.


14、Her entry auctioned at the event for over $7,000.


15、Profits, at $329m, were down by more than half.



16、This pa-per briefs the development of the over-the-horizon radars, and their features and key technologies.


17、March revenue guidance: $22 billion vs. $20.6 billion Street consensus, anything over $20 billion solid


18、It is just the beauty that awakens a certain sublime emotion that oversteps material, surpasses reality and exceeds fame.


19、Trade surpassed $120 billion last year (see chart




20、Meanwhile, the top 0.001 percent, ultra-rich households holding at least $5 million in assets, commanded $21 trillion -- a fifth of the world's wealth.

21、Revenue was $4.39 billion, beating the average projection of $4.09 billion in a Bloomberg survey.收入为43.9亿美元,超过彭博社调查预测的平均40.9亿美元。

22、Mutual funds have topped $3. 145 trillion in assets…共同基金的资产已经超过


23、I'll have a sweet dream when I sleep in a kingsize bed.睡在超大号的床上我会做美梦。

24、Our foreign exchange reserves exceeded US$ 外汇储备超过

1.52 trillion.


25、A tree ascending there. O pure transcension!一棵树高耸在那里,哦,完美的超升!

英文句子26:,26、In 2007, the $50 million-plus club's total earnings were $14.1 billion. The club earned just $6 billion last year.xx年,收入超过5000万美元人群的总收入为141亿美元,而去年只有60亿美元。

27、Thou art beyond speech, but I have sung Thee hymns;你超越了语言,但我却唱了你的赞美歌;

28、Wish "and" super shares of a group of friends all happy!祝愿“中美超级股友群”全体群友快乐!

29、Then they followed the ERP trend of going years over-schedule and billions of dollars over-budget.然后他们和ERP趋势一样,超期数年并超出预算数十亿美元。

30、Perfect stylish appearance, ultra-thin design.完美时尚外观,超薄设计。

31、Mainly it covers Yang Chunshi's Super-aesthetics and Pan Zhichang's Life-Aesthetics.它主要包括杨春时的超越美学、潘知常的生命美学。

32、Her beauty surpasses all description.她的美丽超出了人力所能描绘的限度。

33、Armani's aesthetic concept has resulted in the ultimate meaningfulness of the definition.阿玛尼的美学理念,已经超越时尚轮回,而具有了定义美的终极意义。

34、The charge for overweight luggage is 超重行李的费用是每公斤5美元。你须得托运超重行李。

5 dollars per kilo. You should have excess luggage checked.

35、"Truth, Empathy & Beauty"probes the relationship between Man and Soul, drawing out the beauty of tranquility and transcendence.“真、善、美”追问的是人与心灵的关系,呈现潜默超越之美。

36、Aesthetics is an existence on the basis of transcendence. It transcends the reality and the antagonism between subject and object and fulfills the inter-subjectivity.审美是超越的生存方式,它超越现实,也超越主客对立,从而实现了主体间性。

37、Our exports exceeded imports by $80 billion last year.去年我们的出口超过进口八亿美元。

38、For the full year, AIG lost over $99 billion, more than twice the total profits of Exxon Mobil.在2008整个年度,AIG已经损失了超过990亿美元,这一数字超过了埃克森.美孚全年盈利的两倍。

39、The average premium for Brent jumped against Dubai crude to more than $3 a barrel in 2016 from around $1.80 in 2015.xx年布伦特原油的平均溢价相对xx年涨幅大大超过迪拜原油,从


40、Chapter three make known aesthetics idea and logics from his cultural theory of hyperreality;第三章揭示超真实文化理论的美学思想和审美逻辑;

41、The drawing was valued at more than two hundred fifty thousand dollars.该图是价值超过两百五十万美元。

42、The proposal totals more than $3.5 trillion.这个预算计划的总金额超过


43、The occurrence of the Meissner effect indicates that superconductivity cannot be understood simply as the idealization of perfect conductivity in classical physics.通过一些超导现象或效应,你就会惊讶地发现超导的美。

44、At present, MerryMart supermarket's customer management is in a low level, it's still in the initial state.目前,美廉美超市的客户管理水平较低,还处于起步状态。

45、Fed liabilities have expanded to $2.26 trillion, up over 140% since September.美联储负债已扩大到22600亿美元,自xx月以来增长超过140%。

46、IHG has more than 180 hotels in Mexico, Central and South America and the Caribbean, and has been serving Latin America for over 60 years.洲际酒店在墨西哥、中美和南美以及加勒比地区有超过180间酒店,并在拉美地区有超过xx年的历史。

47、The destruction totaled more than $26.5 billion.经济损失的总额超过了265亿美元。

48、The cost of this earthquake was more than $400 million (这次地震造成的损失超过4亿美元(相当于今天的51亿美元)。

5.1 billion today).

49、Inasmile iG Ultra Thin Slim Fit and Fashion Case, to make your I9000 full of personality, and provide good protection from damage;超薄极简,完美贴覆, 超薄时尚保护外壳,让您的I9000独具风格,并提供全方位的完美保护,使之免受外界伤害。

50、The driver paid a fifty-dollar fine for speeding.司机因超速行驶付了五十美元的罚金。

经典英文句子51:超美,51、But I won't pay more than 6000.但我不会花费超过六千美元。

52、She had raised more than twelve thousand dollars.她已经筹募了超过一万两千美元。

53、The space shuttle cost more than 一架太空梭花费超过二百亿美元。

20 billion dollars.

54、Advanced Micro Devices' shares jumped 其竞争对手超微半导体(AMD.N: 行情)收高

4.4 percent to $7.82 as investors bet Intel's setback would give its smaller rival an edge.



55、Not even supermodels think they are perfect.甚至是超模都不会觉得他们的身材是完美的。

56、The company lost more than $14.6bn last year.去年该公司损失超过146亿美元。

57、Yes, on Jianshe road, across from the Meet all supermarket.是的,在建设路上,美特好超市的对面。

58、We're spending more than $150 a week for groceries.咱们现在的食品开销,每周都超过150 美元。

59、By 2005, Wumart had more than 450 hypermarkets, supermarkets and convenience stores.xx年,物美拥有了超过450家大卖场,超市和便利店。

60、Dry roses and grasses are distinguished , too.乾燥玫瑰与草也超美。

61、Export exceeds import by five million dollars.出口额超过进口额500万美元。

62、March EPS guidance: $4.90 vs. $4.43 Street consensus, anything over $3.92 solidxx月份每股收益指导:




63、The cost is estimated at more than five billion dollars.扩建工程费用预计超过50亿美元。

64、Israeli companies have raised just over $10 billion since the beginning 2001, but acquisitions and IPOs have returned just over $860 million over that almost eight-and-a-half-year period.自xx年初以色列的公司几乎用来超过xx年半才募集了刚刚超过100亿美元的资金,但是收购和IPO(首次公开募股)数回落到刚刚超过


65、The pound fell by more than half a cent against the dollar today, to $1.5667 by midday.今天,英镑对美元汇率下跌超过半美分,中午时降至


66、Looking upon the MJ future, Double Diamond Family, Mei-Juan (middle )has unlimited confidence.展望美兆未来,美娟超福(居中)充满无限信心。

67、According to experts, over $450 Billion was invested in GREEN ENERGY in 2009 alone and is expected to skyrocket to over $1.6 Trillion dollars this year.据专家介绍,超过4500亿美元是投资绿色能源仅在xx年,预计将猛增到超过


68、They´ve bid Priceline shares up more than 105% this year, to $151.63, while Expedia has soared more than 168%, to $22.15 over the same period.他们竞标Priceline今年的股价将上涨超过105%,达到151.63美元;而在相同时期Expedia的股价会飙升超过168%,达到22.15美元。

69、They raised more than $35, 000.他们筹集了超过35,000美元。



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