令人钦佩用英语怎么说 令人钦佩英语翻译

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令人钦佩用英语怎么说 令人钦佩英语翻译

令人钦佩翻译为英语通常说作: Admirable,还经常被译作admirable,在《郎文当代中级英语辞典》中,共找到49个与令人钦佩相关的译文和例句。


1. Admirable

令人钦佩翻译为 Admirable 。

示例:忠诚是她最令人钦佩的品质。 Loyalty was her most admirable quality.


2. admirable


示例:吐温是个令人钦佩的人物,可以与亚伯拉罕·林肯相提并论。 Twain was an admirable figure comparable to Abraham Lincoln.



1. to admiration(极好地,令人钦佩地)

2. admirably(美好地 极好地 令人钦佩地)


3. admire(钦佩


4. admirative(钦佩的


5. admirable(可钦佩的

英语短语&俚语, admirable impressive Noble ( 令人钦佩的 )

admire courage ( 令人钦佩的勇气 )

admirable patience ( 令人钦佩的坚忍 )

admirable advice ( 令人钦佩的意见 )

formidable ( 令人惊叹 钦佩 的 )


1. i'm impressed you didn't call us this time.

译文:你也很令人钦佩 这次都没打电话来。

2. An admirable bit of sentiment, my boy.

译文:感情令人钦佩 我的孩子。

3. Loyalty was her most admirable quality.

译文:忠诚是她最令人钦佩的品质。 。

4. Your dedication to your sisters is admirable, but it is not necessary to close all doors to life.

译文:你对你姐妹的奉献令人钦佩 但不必对生活关上所有大门。

5. Twain was an admirable figure comparable to Abraham Lincoln.

译文:吐温是个令人钦佩的人物,可以与亚伯拉罕·林肯相提并论。 。

6. What a queen she would have made!


7. Well, i just think it's so admirable what you're doing for that poor church that burned down.

译文:我只是觉得令人钦佩 你为了那间烧掉的教堂做了这么多。

8. Maybe it's not very admirable.


9. So amongst Hannah's many impressive experiments, this is one of my favorites.

译文:在Hannah众多令人钦佩的试验中, 这个是我的最爱之。

10. You Majesty. How do you know that?


11. The widow Gouveia, resolute and admirable, had three kids.


12. Yes, it requires a bravery that i couldn't imagine.


13. So amongst Hannah's many impressive experiments, this is one of my favorites.

译文:在Hannah众多令人钦佩的试验中, 这个是我的最爱之 。

14. it's a fine goal, to be sure, but it seems to me, a ship like that makes this one here a bit superfluous.

译文:真是令人钦佩,不过跟这艘大船比起来 这艘小船就不够看。

15. Why are these Teutons such admirable physical specimens and moral beings?

译文:为什么这些日耳曼人在身体和道德方面都如此令人钦佩呢? 。


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