文科生用英语怎么说 文科生英语翻译

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文科生用英语怎么说 文科生英语翻译

文科生的英语有三种说法,可以翻译为liberal arts students,还可以翻译为 Liberal Arts students,在《新英汉词典(第3版)》中,共找到25个与文科生相关的释义和例句。


1. liberal arts students

文科生翻译为liberal arts students。

示例:文科生被认为不如拥有工程或财会学位的毕业生。 Liberal arts majors are considered inferior to graduates with engineering or accounting degrees.


2. Liberal Arts students

文科生翻译为 Liberal Arts students 。

示例:文科生的最爱:了不起的盖比茨。 The school of arts living of favourite:Fantastic cover ratio Ci.


3. students of arts

文科生翻译为 students of arts 。

示例:存在专业差异,文科生多于理科生。 There are significant difference between liberal arts and science students.


4. students of liberal arts

文科生翻译为students of liberal arts。

示例:in truth, liberal arts education no longer exists -- at least genuine liberal arts education -- in this country. 事实上,真正意义的博雅教育 已经不复存在了 至少在这个国家是这样的情况



1. liberal art(文科)

2. liberal arts(文科)

3. giovenco(焦文科)

4. savenko(萨文科)

5. liberal arts university(文科大学)

英语短语&俚语, students of liberal arts liberal arts students ( 文科学生 )

academic principle graduate students of social science postgraduate ( 文科研究生 )

undergraduate essay ( 本科生论文 )

DLA doctor of liberal arts ( 医生的文科 )

undergraduate subculture ( 融入本科生文化 )

One minute how to ( 英文生活百科类节目 )


1. is a little too hippy dippy Even for me

译文:- 大学文科是不是太没创意了 - 有过吗?。

2. McMurry provides liberal arts education to every student.

译文:麦克默里为每个学生提供文科教育。 。

3. Dunno, i wasn't a math major.

译文:不知道 我不是念文科的吗。

4. Liberal arts. But i want to be a chef.


5. Welcome to the interacticum Foundation Experiment.


6. - Kevin Cole and Becky Carson.

译文:- 凯文科尔与贝特西卡尔森。

7. She got an Arts degree in Toulouse.


8. Just like that, Kevin Cole is out of politics.


9. Kleitman, Calculus for Beginners and Artists, Section


5: Power Series.



10. When Simon began to go against his wishes, Venco targeted him as well.

译文:西蒙开始违背文科的意愿后,文科又把他视为眼中钉。 。

11. Where's the payoff on the humanities?

译文:学人文科学的报偿在何处呢? 。

12. i went to a liberal arts college.

译文:我去 一所文科大学。。

13. Amory Lovins is still taught in maybe every liberal arts environmental states class in America.

译文:一曰他仍然 - 在所有可能 学位课程在文科。。

14. i'm not good with numbers.

译文:老板 我文科出身的 数学不太好。

15. i'm more of a humanities guy.



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