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1、The objective of innovation-oriented education is to cultivate and produce compound-type talents with innovative personality, innovative consciousness and innovative ability.


2、Accurately grasp the new meaning and new character of new outline is the basic premis…


3、Do something new. new things, new challenges, then this way give you new energy.


4、New Migrants: How new?Why New?


5、This new release updates Pidgin to the latest version.


6、So what's the new-new thing?


7、The bride and groom new family, new things new everything, to love and honor each other judges, mutual affinity corners, accommodation? People often talk, the confidence to new forever.


8、Discoveries of backpackers, their new routes and new pleasure.

The couple is coming here. I now give the toast to bride and groom.呃…新郎和新娘向这边走来了,我现在想新郎和新娘举杯祝贺。

9、Ann: Ah…


10、New and often needlessly novel. //No article before it .

半翅目 盲蝽科 点翅盲蝽属 新种 新纪录 新名。

11、Heteroptera Miridae Compsidolon new species new record new name.


12、I will show new scene, write new record, creat new achievement with new gesture in new start-point and new level.


13、Learn new culture, create new thought, establish new idea and reach new success.


14、The company also celebrates outstanding innovators in public ceremonies and names new products and business innovations after the people who think them up.


15、Relaunched with new jackets and

8 pages of new text!


16、Recent updates about QUERY.


17、There are four hydrocarbon source rocks, Palaeocene, Eocene, Oligocene and Miocene.


18、At the same time, these are new wars; with new missions, new methods, and new perils.


19、After the groom gives the bouquet to the bride, the mother of the bride lowers the veil then escorts the bride to the wedding hall.


20、My resolution this year is to try out something new everyday – be it a new recipe, a new song, a new movie, or a new shirt.

21、Jingjiang Foreign Language School adopts the new concept to educate the new talents with new teaching methods.靖江外国语学校以新理念办新学校,用新模式育新人才。

22、This paradigm legitimizes new methods, practices and tools, new values, new behaviors, new perceptions and new perspectives with respect to software development processes.这种模式认可了关于软件开发过程的新方法、新实践和工具、新价值、新行为、新观念和新视角。

23、New century calls for new marketing. New marketing needs not only marketing theory, but also new marketing talents.新世纪呼唤新营销,新营销既需要营销新理论,更需要新型营销人才。

24、New fandom, new pairing, new coloring!新的运动迷,新的配对,新的着色!

25、In the future, new style will emerge in the compulsories and fresh…令后规定动作出现新风格,自选动作将有出“新”用“新”的新局面。

英文句子26:,26、One of the best things about a new year is that you always have something new to look forward to: new clothes, new shoes, new targets, as well as new anime.新年的好处之一就是你总有些新的盼头——新衣服、新鞋子、新目标,以及新动画。

27、Fu Tian-lin's poetry Lemon Leaves, is featured as one word "novelty, " namely, new content, new form, new feeling, new presentation, and new achievements.傅天琳的诗集《柠檬叶子》,其突出特点是全显出一个"新"字,新的内容、新的形式、新的感觉、新的呈色、新的成就。

28、) discovery of knowledge 知识的发现 科学家的本分就是发现知识,发现新东西,新定律,新药物,新星球等等。

29、New Media, New Idea, New Market!新媒体、新创意、新营销!

30、Creative: Be bold to explore, enhance oneself by new thought, new concept, new method.创新:勇于探索,用新思维新理念新方法来提升自己。

31、Added auto-update feature;新增自动更新功能;

32、New lords, new laws.新官新法。

33、Fire brings into manifestation new insights, new approaches, new outlooks, and new ways of being in the world.火元素带来了新发现、新手段、新观点和新的存有形式。

34、New semester, new feature.新学期,新面貌。

35、Ah.. The couple is coming here. I now give the toast to bride and groom.呃。。新郎和新娘向这边走来了,我现在想新郎和新娘举杯祝贺。

36、It discusses mainly the new quality view, the new quality objective, the new techniques for quality improvement and the new task of quality worker.重点讨论了新世纪的新质量观、新质量目标、新质量改进技术及质量工作者的新任务。

37、Anyway, on a brand new Sunday, a new atmosphere is naturally in our expectation - new treats, new mood and new lives.不过新的星期一,自然会期待新气象,期待新待遇,期待新心情,期待新“生活”。

38、Innovation * New product development * Number of new products创新学习视角 * 新产品开发 * 新产品数量

39、In the future, new style will emerge in the compulsories and…令后规定动作出现新风格,自选动作将有出“新”用“新”的新局面。

40、The tendency of Denying New Theory is harmful to academic circles and political circles.拒新致思趋向主要表现为拒绝承认新思想、新理论和新学说。

41、" new two": new opportunities, new challenges, new markets; service is only a starting point, with no end.“三新二点”:新机遇、新挑战、新市场;服务只有起点,满意没有终点。

42、We need to come up with suitable translations for words, phrases, concepts and procedures.我们需要为新字、新词、新概念和新程序作出适当的翻译。

43、New Uniques, new Ladder Characters, many more new things.新的暗金,新天梯人物,非常多新东西。

44、New species, varieties, forms and new names of Chinese Labiatae.中国唇形科植物的新种、新变种、新变型和新命名。

45、Nowadays the new ways of classroom organization are being called for by the new curricula reform and the new era.如今,新的世纪,新的要求,新的一轮课程改革呼唤新的课堂组织方式、呼唤教学的新境界。

46、The couple is coming here. I now give the toast to bride and groom.新郎和新娘向这边走来了,我现在想新郎和新娘举杯祝贺。

47、There are new lands, new man, new thoughts.我们有了新领地、新人类、新思想。

48、In the future, new style will emerge in the comp…令后规定动作出现新风格,自选动作将有出“新”用“新”的新局面。

49、Free 再来一对免费小白子全红给新新的新手!

1 more female if come to collect .

50、We sing new rhythms, inflections, stories, traditions into the whole.我们唱出的各种新的旋律、新的情感、新的故事和新的传统交相辉映,融为一体。

经典英文句子51:新,51、But it’s fairly common for news organizations to divide stories into two basic categories: hard news and soft news, also called features.但新闻机构通常把新闻划分为两个基本范畴:硬新闻与软新闻,后者也叫专题新闻或者新闻特写。

52、A clever trick, method, or device, especially one that is new and different; an innovation.新方法、革新机灵的诡计、办法或方法,尤指新颖别致的方法;创新。

53、Bride and groom.新娘和新郎。

54、New plants and factories need to be built, new products designed, new innovations taken to market, new businesses nurtured.新工厂需要建立;新产品需要设计;新创新需要推向市场;新业务需要培养。

55、Do you label content New or Updated or Recently Updated or Modified?标注内容是 新增的 还是 更新的 或者是 最新更新 还是 更正的 ?


标签: 英文

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