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1、However, some advantages to declaring a model are apparent.


2、This is not entirely surprising but neither is it obvious.


3、The tactical superiority of the defence team was evident from the outset.


4、The challenge off the eighth tee is evident.


5、Clearly, the work shows that the anti-violence philosophy.


6、The quality of being conspicuous; obviousness.


7、The influence of he to posterity is clear.


8、And it begs the obvious question.


9、Notably there are different indicators.


10、Both trends are apparent at Ordos.


11、The origins of these cultures are more or less obvious.


12、The very noticeable Teapot of Sagittarius is below Scutum.


13、For the apocalyptically inclined, the answer was obvious.


14、Some very obvious ideas are not so obvious.


15、There are two obvious applications of Inline.


16、But I think it's obvious. They want to sing on Broadway.


17、Already, Mr. Tedford says, inflation is apparent.


18、The traditional cycle is still in evidence.


19、The advantages and convenience brought by cell phones are obvious .

RFX 大部分对您而言都是显而易见的。

20、RFX is mostly transparent to you.

21、It's so obvious, why didn't they have them before?这就很显而易见,为何之前的人没想到呢?

22、This is obvious; of course no need to say further.这一点是显而易见的,自然毋须多言。

23、You can tell, I have less grey hair than he does.显而易见,我的灰头发比他的少多了。

24、It should also be admitted that his views are obviously narrow and limited.其诗学观的褊狭也是显而易见的。

25、Now Lycidas, and this is undeniable, is ostensibly, and maybe more than ostensibly, an elegy.利西达斯》,不可否认,显而易见,或许不止是显而易见,是一首悼亡诗。

英文句子26:,26、Obviously, " KOKORO " is full of the tragedy color everywhere.显而易见,《心》中到处充斥着悲剧色彩。

27、However, the "non-obviousness" standard did not end the uncertainty of patent law concerning inventive step, because the non-obviousness standard itself is "non-obvious".但是,非显而易见性标准并没有终结创造性给专利法带来的不确定性,因为非显而易见性本身就是“非显而易见的”。

28、The scar on the polished tabletop is an eyesore.这是一个显而易见的最难看的惨象。

29、An obvious example is templated typedefs.模板化的typedef是个显而易见的例子。

30、The advantages of the new Sempron models are obvious.新办法的好处闪龙模式是显而易见的。

31、Apparently, TCM is not up to this standard, " said Fang.显而易见,中医不能够达到这个标准," 方说。

32、Everyone is safe, though obviously uncomfortable.每个人都安全,但显而易见很不舒服。

33、China’s patent surge has been evident for years.显而易见,近年来,中国的专利数一直在狂飙。

34、In each of these instances, the technology is impressive.在上述事例中,科技的作用显而易见。

35、F or Chinese companies, the attractions of settling cross-border trade in their own currency are clear.对中国企业而言,用本币进行跨境贸易结算的吸引力显而易见。

36、Well, it's apparently not so obvious.这在表面上看起来不那么显而易见。

37、All of this is obvious, you say.你说所有的这些都显而易见。

38、As obvious as it sounds, this rarely happens.这听起来显而易见,但却很少发生。

39、In time that too would become a more obvious benefit.过些时日那也会产生更显而易见的收益。

40、For these, micro-organisms are the obvious choice," Chan said.因此,微生物是显而易见的选择。

41、They're kind of staring in your face obvious.它们如在你面前那般显而易见。

42、The less well-prepared students is obvious.没准备好的同学都显而易见。

43、The proof of your value will be obvious.这是你价值的证明,它将是显而易见的。

44、The mirage stops you from seeing the obvious, the preciousness of Being.这些幻想阻止你去看见显而易见,存在最珍贵的显象。

45、Obviously, ferrets need an abundant supply of food and water.显而易见的,貂儿需要大量的水和食物。

46、The answer to that ought to be pretty obvious.这样问题就显而易见了

47、The solution, to free-marketeers, seems obvious.对于自由市场主义者而言,解决的方法显而易见。

48、But Kingston's sincerity is apparent and disarming.但是汤婷婷的真诚显而易见,消除了我戒心。

49、It is clear that social tension comes from inequality.显而易见,社会紧张来自分配不公。

50、Ward membership may easily precipitate itself into many visible forms of behaviour.监护人的资格很容易以许多显而易见的行为方式体现出来。

经典英文句子51:显而易见,51、We saved the most obvious for last.我们把最显而易见的放在最后。


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