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关于”上册“的英语句子47个,句子主体:First volume。以下是关于上册的xx年级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:First volume


1、The DSM-IV devotes only one paragraph to the topic.


2、Many professors submit IDs and then they basically could become a research project.


3、Welcome to register online in advance for Visitor Card at www. cibf. org. cn.


4、At that time, everyone had to go back to their own hometown to be counted.


5、Study on Safety Input of Construction Engineering and Evaluation of Safe Management;

您可以在手册上找到有关 nice 和 renice 的更多信息。

6、You can find more information on nice and renice in the man pages.


4: Register a Resource with the Registration Service for processing.

4 步:向注册服务注册一个资源以进行处理。


8、Design and production of brochures, booklets , name cards etc.


9、He said 'millions' of people are on voter rolls 'who shouldn't be registered.


10、Historically, the elite government officials are generally people with bound volumes of the family tree.


11、Authors and publishers could register works and be paid for books and other publications that the search giant would put online.


12、Classmate: Yes, I also plan to take a training course for CPA.


13、Nothing on the internet elicits as much squawking as a change to Facebook.


14、Furthermore, he basically has no written contract with the club with which heis registered12.


15、Last month, Veronica Rodriguez, Ms. Sturgis’s mother, paid for a full-page ad in the yearbook that is to include a photograph of her daughter in a tuxedo.


16、Zhou Lan glanced at the judges who were busy writing on their mark sheets.


17、The Caymans have no corporate income tax for companies incorporated there.


18、No problem; a sign-up link is provided on the Delicious log-in page.


19、Make it easy for registered users to log in and for new users to register.


20、Then, a rose is tossed onto the stage, accompanied by a low-register male voice.

21、You ask what I am thinking. So help me, God, an immortality of fame.你问我在想什么,愿上帝帮助我,我想永垂史册。

22、“You should get on that boat, ” my father said to me. “It’s going to make history.”“你坐上船,”父亲对我说,“肯定会被载入史册的。”

23、Since the samples don't have registration numbers on them, and they couldn't be revised after printing on them. Nearly 因为样品没有印上注册号,并且印刷完成后是无法修改,所以当完成注册后,剩下的近1万盒将浪费掉。

10,000 cartons would be wasted after we finish registration.

24、Each page in his school years book had a small school photo for that grade glued to it.在他学校纪念册的每一页上,都贴有一张小照片,对应他上的年级。

25、Certified Safety Engineer is preferred, or at least Certified Middle Safety Officer.注册安全工程师或至少是中级注册安全主任。

英文句子26:,26、Conditions of Enrolment: There will be no refund after the second class has commenced . $10.00 administration fee will be charged if cancellation is requested prior to the second scheduled class.注册规则:上课三天后将不退回注册费,课程进行第三周才申请退学将会扣除


27、A:Right. Well, this brochure lists all the main sites and attractions.好的,嗯,这本小册子上列了所有主要观光名胜和景点。

28、Firstly, I needed to register domain name with a registrant. For e.g.我需要在域名注册商那里注册一个域名。

29、This is likely to take the form of a tick-box on the sign-up page.这很可能会在注册页面上采取打勾的形式。

30、Jivaro Bank has registered two internal endpoints in the Jivaro service registryJivaro Bank 在 Jivaro 服务注册中心注册了两个内部端点

31、A variation on the Directly Connected ESB pattern uses one registry per ESB (possibly augmented by a central registry, to the extent governance is centralized).直连 ESB 模式上的变量对每个 ESB 使用一个注册中心(可能通过中央注册中心来扩展,最大扩展至集中式控制)。

32、And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death.若有人名字没记在生命册上、他就被扔在火湖�。

33、Actually, iPLM already exists and even trademarked by Dassault Systems.事实上,iPLM早已存在,甚至已经被达索系统注册为 商标。

34、Agents registered in Shanghai is the first round of Internet banking to suspend the tide of the fastest reaction: regulatory tightening, their business has been a black swan.代理注册上海公司是这一轮互联网金融暂停注册潮反应最快的:监管收紧,他们的业务也遭黑天鹅。

35、Because of the varying requirements for trial registration around the world, many multinational, multicentre trials are registered in more than one registry.由于全球试验注册的要求不同,许多跨国跨中心试验在多个注册中心注册。

36、I finished editing my biological document for the first volume of biology textbook for grade seven's students this morning.今天早上,我完成了对xx年级生物上册的生物文档的编辑工作。

37、Every night, they two read a set of Green Fairy Tales in 每天晚上父子俩一起读三册一套的格林童话。

3 volumes.

38、The manual shows a three-inch-diameter rubber ring, but I don't have it.手册 上说有一个直径三寸的橡胶圈,但我的没有。

39、The contents include: Registrable Designs and Proceedings for Registration;其内容包括:外观设计的注册和注册的法律程序;

40、Everyone has a copy.人手一册。

41、Between my school and the zoo is a stone bridge.在我的学校与动xx年级上册英语短语物园之间是一座石桥。

42、We can't find it in your enchiridion. Please inform us. Thanks.的零件,我们在你们的黄手册上查不到,请告之,谢谢。

43、Of the 30 million dot-com names registered worldwide last month, more than 90 percent were dropped, according to domain name registrar GoDaddy.com.根据域名注册机构GoDaddy.com的资料,上个月,大约有3000万个.com的域名在世界范围内被注册,超过90%却被弃置了。

44、People can pick up the books at 170 star-rated hotels in the city.人们可以在上海的170家星级酒店拿到这些手册。

45、I'm looking for the registration . Do you know where the registration is?我在找注册处。你知道注册处在哪里吗?

46、Soldier department Huang Ce up, he is thousands at the Pu Anne Wei of Guizhou even Yi.兵部黄册上,他在贵州普安卫平夷千户所。

47、Please log on often to check if any openings come up should your interested class is full.如注册人数达上限后,须请家长和学生及时上网查看是否有空缺。

48、Don't know how much they spend on domain name protection?嗯…不知道他们花多少钱在网域名称的注册保护上…?。

49、A total of 8695 societies have been or are deemed to have been registered.获准注册或被视作已注册的社团有8695个。

50、The "Springer Handbook of Robotics" incorporates these new developments and therefore basically differs from other handbooks of robotics focusing on industrial applications.在“斯普林格机器人手册”采用这些新的发展,因此,基本上是从其他的机器人不同手册侧重于工业应用。

经典英文句子51:上册,51、Signup Now for free, or browse the 1000s of members who already have!现在注册免费,快来看看我们拥有的上千名用户吧!

52、Traditional painting also is done in albums and on walls, lacquerwork, and other media.传统绘画也做了相册及在墙上,漆器,和其他媒体。

53、Photograph license plate and registration decal from mid-range and close-up perspectives.照片上的车牌及注册标记,从中期和密切跟进的观点。

54、No one believed it, but in fact Mary did get an A on her book report.虽然,没有人相信,但事实上玛丽的确在成绩册上得了一个A。

55、So I'm hoping you can read that, and it's also in your handout.我希望大家能去读读它,它在你们的课堂手册上。

56、If for any reason it appears to the Registrar that a ship in respect of which an application for registration has been made may not be registrable.注册官如因任何理由认为申请人申请予以注册的船舶不可注册。

57、The bidder needs to register before the tender on www. chinabidding. com.投标人在投标前需在中国国际招标网上完成注册。

58、Like many coffee-table books, this one is very scholarly.像许多摆在茶几上装潢精美的画册一样, 这本学术趣味很浓。

59、All right, sections are on the syllabus sign up sorry on the website, sign up as usual.小组讨论的安排在教学大纲上,哦我说错了 像平常一样在网上注册

60、But from those humble beginnings the Internet has grown to more than 80 million dot-com domain names.但如今,网上有超过八千万.com注册域名。


标签: 上册

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