自考英语单词表 英语

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自考的英语可以这样说: Self-study,还经常被译作 Since pro forma,在《郎文当代初级英语辞典》中,共找到61个与自考相关的释义和例句。


1. Self-study

自考翻译为 Self-study 。

示例:这条街比那条街宽三倍 自考成绩查询。 This street is three times wider than that one.


2. Since pro forma

自考翻译为 Since pro forma 。

示例:我只是想独自考察一下。 I just wanted to explore on my own.


3. self-study examination

自考翻译为self-study examination。

示例:来自考古学的证据却显得模棱两可。 The archaeological evidence for ancient cookery is equivocal.


4. Self

自考翻译为 Self 。

示例:Moody self-obsession is only attractive in men who can play guitar and are considerably taller than you. - - moody self -obsession


英语短语&俚语, Self-Taught Student ( 自考生 )

NanTong BaiDu Education ( 南通百度自考 )

Self policy Self-study examination policy Since the policy ( 自考政策 )

Self-Study Examination self-taught examination taught examination examination for self-taught stude( 自学考试 )

NanTong NanCai Education ( 南通南财自考 )

Cowdray Park ( 自考雷德公园 )

Self-study Examination Tutorship Classes ( 自考助学班 )

Guangxi University of self-study ( 广西大学自考 )


1. Hundreds of corpses, mostly from Khao Lak, wait to be identified in a temple off the coast of Ban Muan, nearly 120 km (75 miles) north of the Thai resort island of Phuket December 29, 2004.

译文:数以百计的尸体大多来自考勒,等候在一个离海岸的班务安庙发现,有近120公里(75英里)的普吉岛xx年xx月xx日泰国度假岛北部。 。

2. This was just one of

18 examples of ambush marketing at Euro 2008 identified by researchers at Coventry University Business School.


3. A client is often asked, what kind of documents do it for me, full-time, self-taught distance learning diplomas.


4. i wanted to see for myself how good you can be.

译文:我伪装. 也不过是想亲自考验一下你。

5. i intend to personally look into your project... to determine its viability within the moral principles of this company.

译文:我打算亲自考察你们的项目... I intend to personally look into your project... 确定它是否在公司道德允许范围内 to determine its viability within the moral principles of this company.。

6. i have passed the exams of all the Self-Undergraduate of English Majoy of Beijing Foreign Langage School and acquired the English Literature degree in 2006.

译文:生活小百科网:xx年我通过了北外自考英语本科的全部考试,获得了英语专业学士学位。 。

7. He tried to get jesse out of the life, encouraged him and his girlfriend to get their GEDs.

译文:他试图让Jesse远离那种生活 鼓励他和他的女朋友去拿 他们的自考高中毕业证书。

8. Yes, that's what you think of me! Graduated two times, diplomas in sports and Political Science, what is it good for?

译文:成人自考文凭,体育和政治学学位 一文不值是不是?。

9. i just wanted to explore on my own.

译文:我只是想独自考察一下。 。

10. So... We'll think it over and see about the lessons.


11. i'm considering it myself.



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