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关于”食物的句子“的英语句子3个,句子主体:Food sentence。以下是关于食物的句子的xx年级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Food sentence

1、Food being weighed means food has become scarce. 食物被称重量意味食物稀少。

2、Just like super foods you should not over indulge on spicy foods. 如超级食物一样,辛辣食物也不能过量食用。

3、Health food includes natural food with minimal processing, i. e. , there are no preservatives to help it last longer or other chemicals to make it taste or look better. 保健餐的食物包括那些尽可能不予以加工的天然食品,也就是说,这些食品中不含有延长食物保鲜期的防腐剂,不含用以改善食物味道的食用味素,不含用以美化食物的食用色素。

4、Experiment with your food intake to determine the optimum size meal to have in the evening. 你的饮食经验决定了晚餐最适的食物份量。

5、The box is considered as arena where they can hunt and gather food. 这个盒子呗想象成一个可以捕获食物和存放食物的平台。

6、In a predator chain, a plant-eating animal is eaten by a larger animal. 在捕食链中,植食性动物被较大的动物所食;

7、Dougie never steals food though, not like the pigs who sometimes come in the house. 但道基从来不偷食物,不会像猪一样有时会跑到屋子里找食物。

8、If we think about what is food and what isn't food, we have to ask what are the definitions. 当我们判别何为食品时,我们得知道食物如何定义

9、We have chicken,duck,fish,pork and such as. Dumplings are the most traditional food . 我们吃鸡鸭鱼肉和类似的食物.饺子是最传统的食物.

10、He was poisoned by the poisonous mushrooms. 他因为误食菌类食物, 引起食物中毒。

11、Dumplings are the most traditional food .  饺子是最传统的食物 

12、Viktor Navorski: My food! My friend drive the food. 维克多:我的食物!我的朋友驾驶食物。

13、The objective function on line 20 minimizes the total food cost as the total of each decision variable (amount of food) multiplied by that food's cost per unit. 第 20 行的目标函数要对食物的总体成本实现最小化,该值是每个决策变量(食物数量)乘以每单位食物成本的结果。

14、Common reasons for undertaking an elimination diet include suspected food allergies and suspected food intolerances. 采用食物排除疗法的常见原因有,怀疑食物过敏或食物不耐受。

15、Condemn: means in respect of a food animal or a meat product, to determine that the food animal or the meat product is inedible. 禁止食用:意即就某种食用动物或肉类产品而言,决定该食用动物或肉类产品是不适于食用的。

16、I am still in recovery with liquid diet, then pureed food, then soft foods. 我仍然在恢复流质饮食,然后食物泥的食物,然后软的食物。

17、When refilling chaffing dishes, new food must not be added to existing. 在加添新食物时,不可把新食物倒在旧食物上。

18、Favorate food : All chicken foods. 喜欢的食物:所有鸡类食物。

19、Juding from the smell, the food must be delicious. 从气味来判断,这食物肯定很好吃。

20、The plant tissues form food for the plant-eating animals which are in turn eaten by the flesh-eating animals. 植物组织成为食草动物的食物,食肉动物又以食草动物为食。

21、Consider how the foods you eat condition your body. 思考一下饮食对身体的影响。 你不会变成下一顿食物的样子,但是食物却会影响你的生理。

22、The museum celebrates the development of food around the world. 该食品博物馆彪炳全世界食物(食品)的发展史。

23、Taste alone may not tell you which foods are high in sodium. 光靠味觉你无法判断哪些食物的钠含量高。

24、Dumplings are the most traditional food . 饺子是最传统的食物

25、Chew your food slowly and taste every bite. 慢慢咀嚼食物,品尝每一口食物。


26、Preferably, eat "real" food. Eat food your great-grandmother would realize as food. 最好吃真正的食物,就是你的曾祖母认为是食物的那些食物。

27、So the top predators have a lot more contaminants than those lower on the food chain. 所以,比起那些处于食物链底端的动物,那些处在食物链顶端的肉食动物体内则富含有更多的污染物质。

28、F. atra was omnivorous. The food list was mainly made up of vegetations, but also contained some animals. 骨顶鸡是杂食性鸟类,食物以植物为主,但也摄取动物性食物。

29、Herbivores eat the leaves, buds, flowers or fruits of plants. 食草动物以植物的叶子、花蕾、鲜花或果实为食物。

30、The audience throws the food to them, the moneys fight for it, it is so funny. 观众扔给它们食物,猴子们在争夺食物,那是多么的有趣啊。

31、PROCESSED FOODS:- Processed foods include ready meals, crisps and chocolate bars. 加工食物 :-加工食物包括速食食物,炸土豆片和巧克力棒。

32、We have chicken, duck, fish, pork and such as. Dumplings are the most traditional food . 我们吃鸡鸭鱼肉和类似的食物。饺子是最传统的食物。

33、Relative improvement indicated able to eat solid diet, but bucked when ate fluid food. 好转为能顺利进食固体食物,但进食流质食物仍有呛咳。

34、Cassia seed, the leguminous plant, is the food material which can be used as medicine and food. 豆科植物决明子,是药食两用的食品原料。

35、Again, berries, whole grains, things like oatmeal , are much better for you. 还是那句话,浆果、全谷类食品,燕麦片等食物对你更好。

36、Because food intake can be driven by a variety of factors including how it tastes, how hungry the mice were beforehand and how 'sated' or full the food made them feel. 是因为老鼠食物摄取量由多种因素决定,包括食物味道如何,实验前老鼠的饥饿程度以及食物本身的油腻感和饱食感等等。

37、You're worm food! (realises his tactlessness). 就成了虫子的食物!

38、Observes methods of food preparation and cooking, sizes of portions, and garnishing of foods to ensure food is prepared in prescribed manner. 观察食物准备及烹饪的方法,食物的尺寸规格,以及食物的装饰,确保食物按照所规定的标准去准备。

39、And there is also cold food, liquid food, soft food, hard food, and jelly-filled food. 而且还有冷的食物,流食,软性食物,硬的食物和水果味的食物可供选择。

40、Catering, Specialty, and Multicomponent Foods. 准备食物, 专门, 和多成份食物。

41、The lions roar for their prey and seek their food from God. 少壮狮子吼叫,要抓食,向神寻求食物。

42、Avoid high-risk food like shellfish, raw food or semi-cooked food. Scrub and rinse shellfish in clean water and immerse them in clean water. 避免高风险的像贝食物,生的肉食物或半烹调的食物。 在干净的水用力擦洗而且冲洗贝食物。

43、We have chicken,duck,fish,pork and such as. Dumplings are the most traditional food . 我们吃鸡鸭鱼肉和类似的食物.饺子是最传统的食物.

44、Dumplings are the most traditional food . 饺子是最传统的食物 

45、The effects of instruction on improving the judgment performance differed with age of children and type of food (countable or uncountable ). 指导对改善学前幼儿对食物量的判断,因幼儿年龄、食物属于可数或不可属性质的量,其效果也有差异。

46、Jiaozi is my favorite food. 饺子是我最喜爱的食物。

47、Food waste is the organic residue from food preparation and uneaten portions of food. 就是食物处理、烹调过程产生,或者食物食用后剩下的有机废弃物。

48、The forks poked and moved food. 叉子叉和移动食物。

49、Grazing herbivores would be deprived of their food source and die, depriving carnivores of their food source too. 食草动物会因失去食物而死,紧接着食肉动物也会因它们的食物缺乏而灭亡。

50、This herbivorous animals to eat the wolf bag, there is no food. 这样以草食性动物为食的袋狼就没有了食物。


51、Serve hot with butter, maple syrup, and fresh berries. Serves 希望能解决您的问题。

52、I like mooncakes best.Do you like mooncakes,too? ————————转摘自网络。

53、Green leaves make food for the whole plant. 绿色叶子为整个植物制造食物。

54、Let's just put together some criteria for what-- if you had to say what defines a food, what makes something a food, what would you say? 我们来总结一些,用来定义食物的判断标准,什么决定了某种东西是否是食品,你们认为是什么

55、Animal food and vegetal food , food not only contains protein, there are other substances. 动物性食物和植物性食物,食品中不仅包含蛋白质,还有其他的物质。

56、If you decided that eggs, salmon is your thing. Well,that's tough for your kidneys to handle. 如果你决定了鸡蛋、三文鱼是你最喜欢的食物,那么,你的肾脏很难处理这些食物。

57、Eating non-vegan dream food would be like eating dream sawdust or dream bugs. 进食非素食理想食物如同吃进木屑或虫子。

58、Cleptobiosis Robbery of food, in which one organism takes the food that another has collected; the act of plundering food. 掠夺食物食物的抢夺,掠夺另依生物以收集的食物的行为。

59、So, move away from food. 所以,抛开食物的例子。

60、Is there any proof that the food of plant differs from that of animals ? (同位语从句)有没有什么证据说明植物性食品不同于动物性食品?

61、Vegging out ! is dedicated to promoting plant-based food and nutrition, whether you are a vegan, vegetarian, or someone who simply wants to eat more food from the earth. 素食生活被指出有利于植物性食物物的推广和营养的提升,无论你是个素食者或严格素食者,或任何取食于地球食物的人。

62、Records of eating a certain type of food and having a certain gender of baby does NOT mean that the food CAUSED the gender. 食用某种食物并怀上某种性别的孩子并不意味着食物决定性别。

63、Those results above support to the hypothesis: the forage availability and food quality decide food selection. 从而进一步验证了食物选择决定于饲料可利用量和食物质量的假设。

64、We have chicken,duck,fish,pork and such as.Dumplings are the most traditional food . 我们吃鸡鸭鱼肉和类似的食物.饺子是最传统的食物.

65、True or False: Food allergies and food intolerances are the same thing. 判断:食物过敏和食物不耐受是一回事

66、The food and nutritional needs of any population at risk is based on its level of food security. 受灾人口的食物和营养需求是根据其食物安全水平决定的。

67、The links of the chain are formed by the herbivores that eat the plants and the carnivores that feed on the herbivores. 食物链的链环是以植物为生的食草动物和捕食食草动物的食肉动物。

68、FAQs about the World's Healthiest Foods 世界上最健康的百种食物评判标准

69、In the diet, it is necessary to give children pica eating fish, shrimp , lean meat , such as high-protein food and the hard shell of zinc, iron-rich food. 在饮食上,要多给异食癖的孩子吃鱼、虾、瘦肉等高蛋白的食物及有硬壳的含锌、铁丰富的食物。

70、The animal food is 74.51%. 动物性食物占总食物量的74.51%。

71、When you take your food next time, take care of the food what you are taking. Because the food you take determines your character. 下次当你选择食物的时候,注意你所选择的食物,因为这些食物决定你的性格,你不一定要相信,但这是事实。

72、Do you eat foods that contain hydrogenated fats, such as margarine, or do you eat any foods that contain canola oil or cottonseed oil? 你食用含有氢化脂肪的食物:例如麦淇淋,或食用含有菜籽油或棉花子油的食物吗?


标签: 四年级 年级

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