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关于”描写天气“的英语句子55个,句子主体:Describe the weather。以下是关于描写天气的高中英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Describe the weather


1、In general, two types of dustfall are mainly composed of silt, but the dustfall collected under dust weather is poor sorting and more courser than that under non-dust weather.


2、Forecasters said the tides are expected to subside in the next few days as the weather improves.


3、Wine product description: this wine has rich red small bubbles.


4、Models are established based on the mechanism of gas in pipelines when there is a leak or not. In order to improve the accuracy of the models, a black-box model is presented based on RBFNN.


5、When I get time and the whether is not too bad I always like to go en plein air (paint-outs).


6、Firstly, this article makes an approximate description for present situation of modal particle research in Linli dialect.


7、They were told to monitor the regular news and weather broadcasts from Tokyo, just as they always did, but to pay especially careful attention to the phraseology employed to describe the weather.

severe weather 恶劣的天气 severe weather immobilized the rescue team. 恶劣的天气使救援队丧失了机动性。


在这周的《彭博社商业周刊》关于中国的研究报道中,我和我的同事John Duce写了关于中国寻找非常规的天然气——例如煤矿床中、或者是页岩层中积存的天然气。

9、My colleague John Duce and I wrote in this week’s issue of Bloomberg Businessweek about China’s search for unconventional gas — gas trapped in coal deposits, for instance, or in shale.


10、What will the weather be like tomorrow?


11、Sem has moved to a new method of distributing text and email weather and emergency alerts.


12、Caption :Like many Chinese cities, Shanghai is heavy with humidity and pollution. You'll rarely sees crystal-clear blue skies here, but the muted sunlight creates a cool, monochromatic mood.


13、Portraying myriad pictures for Shunyi.


14、They search in vain for the significance of motifs in Air Chrysalis, the novel that Tengo rewrites.


15、Weighted sum of gray gases model is used to simulate the properties of non-gray gases during deriving.


16、CT scan reveals bilateral lower lobe consolidation with air bronchograms.


17、The weather will be fair today.


18、The SAFT equation was used to describe the vapor and liquid phases.


19、In fact, the classical Chinese novel on ghosts has its own unique personality and temperament, and has a distinct flavor of the times in Five Dynasties and Song.


20、Other finer points of space travel are there as well: the depiction of acceleration, the need for air locks when entering and exiting the ship, and more.

21、Mom, fido's gonna finish her paragraph.妈妈,淘气包就快写完一段。

22、New climate portal depicts future scenarios for temperature and rainfall and expands access to climate data.新的气候变化门户描述了气温和降雨的未来情景,增强了气候变化数据的公开性。

23、Throttle Body Assemblies described here use an aluminum casting.这里描述的节气门体组件使用的铝铸件。

24、For example, an ugly man with bad temper will describe himself as a handsome and even-tempered.比如,一个又丑脾气又差的男人会把自己描述成帅气而且好脾气的人。

25、Very well, the wellbeing for human being will swell.拼写气味(一词)!

英文句子26:,26、Based on the characteristics of carbon isotope and components of gas in this field, it is believed that the gas is unlikely a mixture of biogas and the lower thermogenesis natural gas.基于该气田天然气的组成和碳同位素特征认为,该气田的天然气也不可能是生物气与下部热成因天然气混合的产物。

27、And in that essay she argues that O'Connor's grotesqueness, especially the grotesqueness of the women figures in her novels, is all wrapped up with the culture of southern womanhood.在那篇论文里,她主张奥克纳所描写的丑陋,尤其是她小说里女人丑陋的形象,都与南部女子气质的文化有关。

28、Today is Sunday. The weather is very good.今天是星期天。天气非常好。

29、'Wuthering' being a significant provincial adjective, descriptive of the atmospheric tumult to which its station is exposed in stormy weather.呼啸是一个寓意很深的地方性形容词,用来描述暴风雨天气中的狂风大作的声音。

30、Climate is statistical weather information that describes weather variation at a given place averaged over a longer period, usually 30 years.气候则是指描述某一特定地点在较长时期(通常为xx年)内的天气平均变化的统计信息。

31、That’s not bad, though. Hemingway, like me, woke early to write to avoid the heat and to write in peace and quiet.他跟我似的,喜欢早早起床写东西,这样可以避免炎热的天气的影响,在平和安静的环境里写作。

32、Mr Thomson's descriptive powers are deft: “The air is watery and grey, the colour of an empty milk bottle.汤姆森的描写手法非常灵活:“空气给人的感觉是平淡而灰白,那颜色就像是空牛奶瓶。”

33、it is warmer today than it was yesterday. 今天的天气比昨天暖和。

34、Based on the Doppler radar data, a technique is described with the cross correlation method to heavy rainfall nowcast.以天气雷达体积扫描的资料为基础,采用交叉相关法建立了一种对暴雨的临近预报方法。

35、I wanted to write an angry letter to him but I lost my nerve when I sat down to do it.我原想给他写一封信出出气,但真的坐下来执笔时,却又没有勇气写了。

36、The editorial is by John Church who is a chief scientist at the Centre for Australian Weather and Climate Research.编辑评论由约翰彻勅所写,他是澳大利亚天气和气候研究中心的首席科学家。

37、Firstly, the toroidal poloidal decomposition for incompressible velocity fields is used to describe the vertical velocity, vorticity and helicity in the three dimensional atmosphere motions.本文首先将不可压缩流体速度场的螺-极分解用来描写三维大气运动的垂直速度、涡度和螺度;

38、The mathematical model for simulating performance of gas storage cavern in salt formation is presented.提出了一个描述天然气盐穴地下储气库注采动态过程的数学模型。

39、Next day, the TMI Corporation's rear service main steward hotel has managed a gasification phrase message dropping, described the matter which lives, and not the proficient hotel studied again.第二天,TMI公司的后勤主管给这家酒店的总经理写了一封充满气愤字眼的投诉信,描述了所发生的事情,并且说再也不会到这家酒店来举办研究会了。

40、In City Lights he described the courage and strength of the poor in their struggles during the Great Depression of the 1930's .在《城市之光》里他描写了xx年代大萧条时期穷苦人在斗争中所显示的勇气和力量。

41、You write about a lot of failed business leaders, but your tone is usually sympathetic — they were well-intentioned, but simply didn't get the job done.你描写了很多失败企业的领导,但是你的语气通常都是同情--他们出发点是好的,只是没把工作做好。

42、But such are the hazards of writing about the weather, the climate or anything that flows from either.但是,这也就是进行有关天气、气候或任何形式的流动的写作时所必需冒的风险。

43、From "my" turn into to Eshegu house's, that moment starts , the slope depicts right away painstakingly that monstrous atmosphere that the ancient times fills the air all around in the house.从“ 我” 进入到厄舍古宅的那一刻开始, 坡就着意描写古屋中四处弥漫的 那种怪异气氛。

44、It takes a ZIP code and a Celsius/Fahrenheit flag as input and returns a String containing an HTML weather description.它接受 ZIP 代码和摄氏/华氏标记作为输入,返回包含 HTML 天气描述的 String。

45、The weather is ver pleasant today.今天的天气非常好。

46、He is especially good at noting the weather, the press and noise of crowds, the claustrophobic closeness of over-upholstered rooms and the foul state of the roads.他唯一擅长的就是对于天气、压力、人群的喧闹声、对于装饰豪华房间的幽闭亲密之感以及道路的糟糕状况的描写。

47、A semi-empirical and nonlinear aerodynamic model ONERA is employed to model aerodynamics that the nonlinear aeroelastic problem of a sandwich wing is well defined.然后采用半经验的ONERA非线性气动力模型描述空气动力,形成了对大展弦比夹芯翼大攻角气动弹性问题的描述。

48、Kathak dancing can often depict weather events.卡萨克舞蹈可以经常描绘天气事件。

49、I want to write an angry letter but I lost my nerve when I sat down to do it.我想写一封信出出气,但我坐下来写时又失去了勇气。

50、In 2008, Chongqing had 297 days with good air quality, compared with 187 days in 2000.xx年重庆良好空气质量天数为297天,而xx年良好空气天数仅为187天。

经典英文句子51:描写天气,51、We'll build the EJB-based WeatherForecast Web service using a common bottoms-up approach, as described in the following steps我们将使用自底向上的一种开发方式创建基于 EJB 的天气预报 Web 服务,开发步骤描述如下

52、Weather forecasts predict more hot weather, gusty winds and lightning strikes.天气预报预测高温、大风和雷电天气将继续。 。

53、While the description is a bit vague I'm going to assume you'rereferring to the Chinese serpent like dragon that is associated with water andweather.虽然描述有点模糊,但我想假设你指的是中国蛇龙,与水和天气有关。

54、Bad weather makes great pictures.恶劣的天气能成就非凡的影像,最好是风雨交加的天气。

55、Write "five-second" new energy research center during the gas hydrate research program (May 编写“十二五”期间新能源研究中心的天然气水合物研究规划(xx月xx日前)。


56、The weather's often cold in north and windy in the east. 北部的天气常常寒冷,东部的天气常常刮风。

57、The background, main content, new ideas, role and signification of the book Natural Gas Transmission and Distribution Engineering are introduced.介绍了《天然气输配工程》一书的编写背景、主要内容、创新特点、作用与意义。

58、Please write about the effect of tree planting on air in a city.请写写植树对城市空气的作用。

59、Support the real-time weather information display, such as current temperature, minimum temperature and maximum temperature, large weather icon and climate description.当前温度、最低温度与最高温度、天气大图标与天气描述信息。

60、A depression usually brings bad weather.低气压通常带来坏天气。

61、Breaking Waves; Tsunamis; Ocean Hydro Sea States; Weather Classifications.碎波; 海啸; 海洋水利及海象描述; 气候分类。

62、What’s the weather like today? -It is fine.今天天气怎么样??是晴天。

63、Today bright two days, whole town remains cloudy weather, will suffer the effect of southwest warm wet air current the day after tomorrow, whole town has spit weather.今明两天,全市仍然是多云天气,后天受西南暖湿气流的影响,全市有小雨天气。

64、It's a nice day today, sunny day!今天天气真好,是个大晴天!

65、The weatherman says it will be mostly sunny and fairly warm.气象员说今天大部份时间天睛,气温和暖。

66、Can you explain the atmosphere of baseball stadiums?你能描述一下棒球场的气氛吗?

67、No single weather event—heat wave, hurricane or blizzard—tells us much about climate.诸如热浪、飓风或者冰雹这样单一的天气事件不足以描述气候状况。

68、The weatherman's forecast for today's weather certainly came true .气象播报员对今天的天气所做的预十分准确。

69、The wind field retrieval data are obtained by plied MUSCAT technique to transact the rude radial velocity data which were observed by dual-Doppler radar volume scans.该资料是用双多普勒天气雷达同步立体扫描数据,通过MUSCAT技术,反演出风场。


标签: 天气

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