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关于”押头韵“的英语句子49个,句子主体:Head Rhyme。以下是关于押头韵的专业英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Head Rhyme


1、What is collateral?

2、alliteration 头韵 The weary, wayworn wanderer bore 音义一体,语音与情景交融


3、Alliteration is the repetition of the same initial consonant sound within a line or a group of words.


4、And it came to pass after this, that Absalom prepared him chariots and horses, and fifty men to run before him.


5、Wen Xiang shook his head, feeling ornate carving of this kind was too overwrought and lacking in taste.


6、In Chapter Two, theories on compensation are reviewed to form the theoretical foundation of translation of English alliteration into Chinese.


7、Losses suffered by the mortgagee as a result thereof shall be compensated by the mortgagor.

愿他的血, 在约押的全父家和在他头上旋转!

8、May his blood whirl over the head of Joab and the entire house of his father!

他们将押沙龙丢在林中一个大坑里,上头堆起一大堆石头。 以色列众人都逃跑,各回各家去了。

9、And they took Absalom, and cast him into a great pit in the wood, and laid a very great heap of stones upon him: and all Israel fled every one to his tent.


10、You assume he’s probably having an affair – or wants one.


11、So shall their blood come back on the head of Joab and on the head of his descendants forever.


12、Determining margin, paying and charging interest, rolling over of open positions, liquidating under-margin positions, and supervising rehypothecation of any.


13、The banking giant has been brought to its knees by gaping losses on mortgage-related investments.

又攻打摩押, 摩押人就归服大卫, 给他进贡。

14、And he smote Moab; and the Moabites became David's servants, and brought gifts.


15、The injection mould design of pressure head is introduced, and the points of design are also elaborated.


16、Commodity Futures Trading Commission data showed speculators boosted their bets against the euro in the week to June

8 although net short positions were below record levels. [IMM/FX]


17、Then Abner looked behind him, and said, Art thou Asahel?


18、These days there's a good chance yours won't be kept in one piece by the banks that lent you the money.


19、The debtor whose property is subject to the mortgage is called the mortgagor.


20、We chose alliteration on the theory a little vulgarity enhances memory.

21、Now this is an example of a text in which alliteration is plainly predominant.这个范例文本中,头韵被普遍应用。

22、I was received by a tall, lithe, vibrant woman in her 70's, white-haired, and still beautiful.接见我的是一位高挑轻盈,满头银发的女人,她虽然年逾古稀,但神采奕奕,风韵犹存。

23、But even bulls acknowledge betting on emerging markets is a 'crowded trade.'然而,就连多头者也承认,把赌注押在新兴市场是“拥挤交易”。

24、Alliteration is a language device that uses several words in series that all begin with the same letter.头韵是一种语言的设备,它使用一系列的不同的单词都开始以同一个字母。

25、After a VERY long, very alliterative introduction, it is my very great pleasure to meet you, and you may call me V.在经过无比漫长的头韵的引介之后,我非常高兴遇到你,你可以称我为V。

英文句子26:,26、English alliteration is a phonetic rhetorical device, widely used but often over looked by Chinese students.英语头韵是被广泛应用的一种语音修辞手段 ,但常常被中国学生所忽略。

27、One of the psychics claimed that the general was held in a brick building with a red roof, and another guessed that the hostage was being held in Padua, a small city in the north.一名通灵人声称,将军被关押在一座砖头砌成的、有红屋顶的建筑物内;另一名推测人质被关押在意大利北方小城帕多瓦市。

28、And David sent Abner away; and he went in peace.于是大卫送押尼珥去,押尼珥就平平安安地去了。

29、In some cities, people who have paid their mortgages for a decade have little or no home equity.一些城巿,好些付按揭xx年的人手头上只有少许,或没有房屋抵押资产了。

30、Zhu Yun leisurely, walk;竹韵悠然,走过;

31、Now the ancestral beams and columns on the exquisite wood carving charm surviving, Ma Tau wall painting is still colorful.如今祠堂梁柱上的精美木雕风韵尚存,马头墙上的彩绘依然色彩斑斓。

32、Cornelius nodded to several of the soldiers, who led the supercargo away behind an avocado tree.斯 朝几个士兵点头示意,他们随即把押运人领到一株鳄梨树后面。

33、See Annex 不同抵质押品的最低抵质押水平、超额抵质押水平,以及最低违约损失率见附件

3 for the minimum collateral level, overage collateral level and smallest LGD of the collaterals of different categories.


34、And so as the other man is being carted off to the guillotine to be killed, our hero takes his place.所以当另一个人被装在车里押到断头台行刑时,我们的主角就代替了他。

35、The horse won by a nose and my friend came back with the 2000 bucks, looking like the cat. that ate the canary.那马就赢了那么一头不到,我朋友押中了,得了2000美元,得意非凡哩。

36、David also defeated the Moabites, and they became subject to him and brought tribute.又攻打摩押,摩押人就归服大卫,给他进贡。

37、Play these pieces enough and the texture of them is graven on the inside of your brain.演奏得次数多了,这些曲子的神韵就深深印在了你的头脑里。

38、The correspondence of sound is based on the vowels and succeeding consonants of the accepted syllables, which must be preceded by different consonants .但元音前面的辅音是不同的。这与元韵和头韵类似,但前者要求在一定的间隔中出现,而后者比较自由。

39、And Abner was very angry at the words of Ish-bosheth, and he said, Am I a dog's head of Judah?押尼珥因伊施波设的话就甚发怒,说,我岂是犹大的狗头呢?

40、Alliteration is one of the most frequently used rhetorical devices in English. It is very expressive as a result of its rhythm and melody.头韵是英语中最常用的修辞手法之一,具有节奏美和音韵美,能增强语言表现力。

41、He knew he wanted the names to be alliterative, much like Luke and Leia.因为他想使这两个名字压头韵,就像卢克和莱娅那样。

42、The rescue comes a week after a decision to rescue two enormous mortgage companies, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.这次营救发生在房产贷款抵押巨头房利美和房地美得救一周之后。

43、Alliteration; Untranslatability; Compensation; Location;头韵; 不可译; 补偿; 位置;

44、Qiao soft because of striking back, they make very unhappy at home, dont want to go to terminal to meet people.巧柔因为韵书他们要回来,在家闹得十分不开心,不愿去码头接人。

45、Data from the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission showed speculators trimmed bets against the dollar in the latest week but still had hefty wagers against it.商品期货交易委员会(CFTC)数据显示,投机客在最近一周减少对美元空头押注,但空头仓位仍很多.

46、And it was told Joab, Behold, the king weepeth and mourneth for Absalom.有人告诉约押说, 王为押沙龙哭泣悲哀。

47、Then Joab went to Geshur and brought Absalom back to Jerusalem.于是约押起身往基述去、将押沙龙带回耶路撒冷。

48、Bailouts for Greece and Ireland in particular spooked many funds into reining in their bets.特别是对希腊和爱尔兰进行救助,令许多基金勒住押注势头.

49、Then the under-construction ship mortagage loan appears and seems to be prospering in all of the countries.于是在建船舶抵押贷款就应运而生了,并且在世界各国有蓬勃发展的势头。

50、Then, as Downey recalls, “the axe fell, ” and he and Fecteau were suddenly removed into solitary confinement.唐尼回忆说,随后“斧头砍了下来”,他和费克图突然又被押走,改成单独监禁。

经典英文句子51:押头韵,51、And he put the handmaids and their children foremost, and Leah and her children after, and Rachel and Joseph hindermost.他叫两个妾和她们的儿子走在前头,利亚和她的儿女跟着,拉结和约瑟押后。

52、On the historical evolution of the rhyme category of certain Chinese characters in Tang Yun Zheng.关于《唐韵正》对个别字韵部历史演变研究的考论。

53、Let it rest on the head of Joab, and on all his father's house;愿流他血的罪归到约押头上和他父的全家。

54、There is a constant irony throughout the film.影片从头到尾贯穿着讽刺韵调。

55、Lichuan locates along the Yi River, headstream of Qingjiang River.夷水河畔、清江源头、龙船古韵、风情种种。

56、They also seized an antique yacht and a smaller boat from two Florida marinas.同时麦道夫私人码头的一艘旧游艇和两艘小船也被扣押。

57、Very caressing in the mouth, balanced and ends with a long aftertaste of tobacco smokiness .舌头被这酒轻抚著,平衡得来并带著长长的烟丝馀韵。

58、And he smote Moab; and the Moabites became David's servants, and brought gifts.又攻打摩押,摩押人就归服大卫,给他进贡。

59、He stands out among contemporary rhymesters - magazine rhymesters - as a gladiator stands out in the midst of a band of eunuchs.他在同时代凑韵的人——在杂志上凑韵的人当中崭露头角,有如站在一群阉人中的格斗士。

60、The mortgage brokers loved these new products because they ensured an endless stream of fees.抵押经纪人之所以喜爱这些新产品是因为取保一个没有尽头的酬金。

61、Includes alliteration, harmonics, onomatopoetic, parallelism, symmetry and parables, etc.包括头韵,谐音,拟声,排比,对称和比喻等。

62、Frankly, you’ll rarely hear a customer say, “Great use of alliteration in the third paragraph.坦白说,很少有顾客会告诉你:“第三段的头韵用得很妙。

63、Article 42: Where a mortgagee wishes to dispose of a piece of mortgaged real property, he shall notify the mortgagor in advance in writing.第四十二条抵押权人处分抵押房地产时,应当事先书面通知抵押人;

64、"Charms of Beijing Series-Exhibition of Works on Landscape Charms"(National Art Museum of China);北京风韵系列之山水情韵作品展(中国美术馆);

65、As a patois , or colloquial , slang is permeated with rich local color and flavor.俚语是通俗的口头语,带有浓郁的地方色彩和民间韵味。

66、The later is also one of the main headstreams of voices recorded in Qie Yun.古关中话也是《切韵》所记录语音的主要源头之

67、I sat up and saw the glow of the milky way above my window, like a world of silence on fire, and I wondered if at this moment she had a dream that rhymed with mine.我坐起来看见银河高悬在我的窗户上闪烁星辉,好似那沉默的世界燃烧着,我疑惑是否她也如押韵般做了同样一个梦呢。

68、Then Joab went to Geshur and Absalom back to Jerusalem.于是约押起身往基述去、将押沙龙带回耶路撒冷。

69、Then Abner looked behind him, and said, Art thou Asahel? And he answered, I am.押尼珥回头说,你是亚撒黑吗。回答说,是。



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