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关于”旅游的短句“的英语句子53个,句子主体:Short sentences of tourism。以下是关于旅游的短句的专八英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Short sentences of tourism


1、At the same time, it focuses on interaction of business travel, leisure tourism, health tourism, eco-tourism sharing resources, mutual benefit and win-win.


2、As a new product of the tourist market, sporting tourism has become a fashion, guiding China tourist industry.


3、With abundant resources of red tourism, red tourism has become a driving force of the tourism development in west Guangxi.


4、Popular science tourism has become an important aspect of Geopark'tourism development.


5、Tourism consumption has been the main research object on tourism.


6、Life is a long journey, challenges keep pace with opportunites during this journey.


7、Research range of tourism in our country is parochialism, low in arrangement, and pinch in theoretic, which closely related with unilateral, narrow, eyeless development of tourism of our country.


8、The tourism cycle economy was a new guilding ideology for developing tourism, which was a new normal form for realizing the sustainable tourism development.


9、After a brief rest we halfheartedly glanced through the tourist pamphlets liberated from the hotel lobby.

生态旅游已经成为旅游业增长最快的分支之一,全世界的生态旅游年增幅为10—15%(Miller, 2007)。

10、Ecotourism has become one of the fastest-growing sectors of the tourism industry, growing annually by 10-15% worldwide (Miller, 2007).


11、Nowadays, university students have become a new unnegletable group in the tourist market as their cous- umption brought about new tourism growth.


12、The harmonious tourism is a new target to tourism development in China, which is also the main direction for the tourism industry of ancient villages in southern Anhui Province.


13、Because of lacking of the study on tourist web-map based on cartography and tourist, its development was blocked.


14、Pacifica tour is look for a bilingual tour guide for escort tour group through san francisco.


15、Drifting tour with its special favor has become one of the most challenging eco-travel sports loved by the braves.


16、The Institute For Tourism Studies was awarded the Medal of Merit for Tourism in recognition of its significant contributions in advancing local tourism development.


17、Gather around what raise travel element degree, accelerate construction travel synthesis.


18、"Travel times" is a service in China's Xinjiang region, tourist information platform with the latest travel information, hundreds of tourist routes, hotels, air products, and ALICE origi…

记者走访合肥多家旅行社了解到,今年五一假期期间,短途出游依然唱主角; 而一些带有文化节目演出,能给游客带来文化享受的旅游项目越来越受欢迎。

19、Most holiday travelers preferred short trips during the 3-day May Day holiday, according to reports from various travel agencies in Hefei City.


20、Nowadays, Hulun Lake has already been an important part of the tourism line in Manchuria and the indispensable place for traveling.

21、As a new product of the tourist market, sporting tourism has become a fashion, guiding China's tourist industry.体育旅游作为旅游市场的一种新产品集赏心与健体为一体,已成为引导中国旅游业发展的新时尚。

22、Several local organisations have started selling guided trips through Kibera, a short drive from the luxury hotels that serve most foreign visitors in Nairobi.几个当地旅游组织已经开始推销由导游带领的漫步基贝亚之旅,从绝大多数来内罗毕的外国游客入住的奢华酒店到那里的车程很短。

23、Rural tourism can try to diversify the design and characteristics of outbound tourist routes combined.乡村旅游可以尝试设计多样化和特色游相结合的旅游路线。

24、The traditional sports of ethnic minorities in Xinjiang in the tourism industry can make use of the value of Golden Sands tourist area for the tourism industry to provide a new tourism products.研究了新疆少数民族传统体育项目在旅游产业方面的可利用价值,为金沙滩旅游区旅游产业的发展提供新的旅游产品。

25、To hire (a bus or an airplane, for example) for the exclusive, temporary use of a group of travelers.租(如公共汽车或飞机)以供一群旅游者短时内独自专用。

英文句子26:,26、Why has South Korea been able to become our biggest tourist resource country to China in a short period of 韩国为何能在短短的十几年时间成为我国的最大旅游客源国?而日本旅华客流增长速度越来越缓慢?

10 years while the Japanese develops more and more slowly?

27、In the comprehensive hotel is a three-star standard construction, tourism administration of foreign tourist hotel approved and tourism designated hotel.棠中大酒店是按三星级标准兴建,旅游管理局批准的涉外旅游宾馆和旅游定点饭店。

28、For seasoned travelers, culture shock is only a short-term problem.对于经常旅游的人来说,文化冲击只是一个短期的问题。

29、In addition, over-developed tourism will occupy large numbers of farmland and lead to the shortage of the land.此外,过度开发旅游业会占用大量的耕地,导致土地短缺。

30、Guiyang should grasp the current opportunity of developing MICE tourism, give full play to its own strengths and set differentiated position in MICE tourism.贵阳应当紧抓当前会展旅游发展热的大好机遇,充分发挥自身优势, 扬长避短,设置个性化的会展旅游定位;

31、Conclusion Tourist behavior has inner relation with the traits of tourism product. Consumption characteristics is the obstacle to the development of tourism industry in Lintong.结论游客行为规律与旅游资源产品特点存在内在联系,滞留时间短及初端游览层次成为临潼旅游发展的主要障碍。

32、Excellent slogans in the advertisements for tourism embody effectively the mission of the tourist agency, the positioning of the enterprise, and the unique selling point of the product or the service.用词准确、造句洗炼、修辞手法独到的旅游广告语能够准确体现旅游经营机构的经营理念、形象定位、产品卖点等。

33、Thus he may abridge his travel with much profit.这样就能缩短旅游的时间,而又获益更多。

34、Chapter 第二章探讨了旅游流的内涵、特征、形成及其旅游流的影响因素,在归纳分析旅游流模式的基础上总结概括了区域城市旅游流的一般模式;

2 discusses the concept of tourist flow and its character, influential factors, and summarizes the general patterns of regional tourist flow after dissecting various patterns.

35、Eco-tourism is a rapidly developing new form of tourism and it is also currently a hot topic of the tourism industry.生态旅游是一种正在迅速发展的新兴的旅游形式,也是当前旅游界的一个热门话题。

36、A number of them departed for an outing.他们当中许多人外出作短途旅游。

37、Analyzed the present condition, the spatial distribution, the development chances and challenges of south-west tourism ring, to get a whole knowledge about it.通过介绍大西南旅游圈发展现状及其空间组合情况和分析大西南旅游圈发展旅游所面临的机遇与挑战,以对大西南旅游圈有较全面的认识。

38、Travel Alerts provide fast-breaking information about relatively short-term conditions that may pose risks to the security of travelers.旅游快讯提供快速打破信息相对短期的条件,可能危及旅客安全。

39、With the development of our tourism market, tourism product continues to mature, self-drive tourism is increasingly becoming drivers often favorites.跟着我们旅游市场的成长、旅游产品的赓续成熟,自驾车旅游越来越成为有车族的最爱。

40、Pacifica Tour is looking for a bilingual tour guide for escort tour group through San Francisco.柏西菲卡旅游公司正在寻找陪同旅游团浏览旧金山的双语导游。

41、This can easily be a day excursion–no need to get hotel rooms.这通常是一天的短途游——因为没必要住旅馆。

42、Cultural tourism is a market economy under the condition of the building of a new form of tourism and the "Productivity travel" an important part.文化旅游是市场经济条件下旅游建设的新形态和“旅游生产力”的重要组成部分。

43、We're adding one more travel trend to our 2014 list - tech-free tourism.xx年的旅游市场又添新的热点趋势:零科技旅游。

44、Tourism flow is the interactional results between destination and domestic tourist markets.旅游流是旅游目的地与客源地之间相互作用的结果。

45、Both universities are curtailing visiting hours for tour groups, while Tsinghua University is increasing patrols to supervise visitors' behaviour.目前,北大、清华都缩短了向旅游团开放的时间,而且清华大学还增派了巡逻人员来监督游客的行为举止。

46、The meeting introduced Zhuhai's tourist products and the tourist investment environment.推介会介绍了珠海的旅游产品和旅游技资环境。

47、Tourism is also a kind of folk cultural tourism, cultural tourism should people have, the key is to exploit their profound cultural connotation.民俗旅游也是一种文化旅游,文化旅游要长盛不衰,关键在于挖掘其深厚的文化内涵。

48、'Holiday changes will boost short trips, ' says Mr. Zeng, who has a six-to-12-month target of 32 yuan on the stock.曾光表示,假期的调整将会推动短途旅游。 他为中青旅设定的6至12个月目标价为人民币32元。

49、Tour in film and television base is a new kind of cultural tourism. It's a product of film and television's creation and tourism.留学解答资讯网:影视旅游是一种新兴的文化旅游,是影视创作与特色旅游结合的产物。

50、It was after his first visit, a quick, four-day trip during which we went to several of the Loire Valley chateaux that surround Tours.那是他的第一次造访,一次四天的短期旅行,我们那时正在沿着卢瓦尔河谷城堡观光旅游。

经典英文句子51:旅游的短句,51、The study on tourism history , the edge discipline between the history study and the tourism study , has double attributes.旅游史学是历史学和旅游学之间的一门新兴的交叉边缘学科,具有历史学和旅游学的双重性质。


标签: 英文 短句 旅游

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