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关于”描写人“的英语句子32个,句子主体:Describe people。以下是关于描写人的小学英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Describe people


1、Most of the love stories between humans and ghosts in classical Chinese novels are those of the relations between male humans and female ghosts.


2、All I can say is that this is the lightest and most tasteful of the excerpts.


3、One such example is Bilbo Baggins's waistcoat which does indeed sport brass buttons, as referred to in "The Hobbit ".

4、She is charming when she smiles.她笑起来的时候很有魅力.


5、Each study volunteer filled out a detailed questionnaire describing their health and mental status annually, and all participants retired by the age of 64.


6、And Mars has this sort of human, flabby torso that's not-- it's sympathetic, but it's a different portrayal of war.

7、Her hair is brown and curly.她有着一头棕色而卷曲的头发.

8、When he laughs,we see his even teeth.当他笑的时候,我们看见他有一口整齐的牙齿.


9、Its romanticized heroism had a huge and decisive impact on the young people who grew up with New China.


10、Everyone looked at her in astonishment.


11、A lot of their traveling works have the description of immortals, which indicates their desire for surpassing the reality and eliminating their depression.


12、Jianghu has multiple meanings. The "Jianghu" in Heroes of the Marshes refers to the rivers and lakes of itinerant men.


13、In his school years, Chopin was noted to be an accomplished sketch artist and a talented, witty letter-writer.


14、Some people have seen Dostoevsky's novels as prophetic depictions of life under the Soviet regime.

20世纪xx年代晚期有人有点批判地描写政策制定者的短视。 而我则感受到了新的谦恭。

15、As someone who has written somewhat critically of the short-sightedness of policymakers in the late 1930s, I feel new humility.


16、The role of resilience is not to be underplayed in the landscape of student achievement, Mrs Woods said.


17、Rabelais also praised the power and intellect of people and call on us to respect life, through which humanism is emphasized.


18、Contemporary Chinese is flecked with references to jade and many people say they believe it has medicinal and even magical powers.


19、In the story of Moby-Dick, European depended on whale oil for lighting.


20、He could have begun Lycidas with this, with something like a description of the uncouth swain: "Oh, let me tell you about this uncouth swain."

21、His descriptions of rural Sindh and the troubled feudal landowner he finds there are unforgettable.他对农村信德省人的描写,以及在那儿他看到的烦恼的封建地主形象都令人难忘。

22、The drawing of fighting tigers in Tang Dynasty is true source of the drawing of Wu Song 's fighting tigers.唐人的打虎场面刻画,是武松打虎描写的真正源头。

23、Story of Prisoner Li Tongzhong, Hungry Daughter and Porridge Banquet are the novels which describe hunger.《犯人李铜钟的故事》、《饥饿的女儿》和《粥宴》这三篇小说都是描写饥饿的现实主义文学作品。

24、The book brightens as the authors describe their blossoming relationship.这本书中描写的最轻松的一段就是两位作者在现实生活中和自己的朋友及亲人逐渐建立起来的亲密关系。

25、Many of the history that many portrayals , Tang Li Bai's "difficult Shudao" the most popular.历史上许多文人墨客曾有不少描写,以唐李白的《蜀道难》最脍炙人口。

英文句子26:,26、In this novel, Morrison reproduces and rewrites the myth of flying Africans through depicting the flights of Black ancestor Solomon and his great grandson, Milkman.莫里森通过描写黑人祖先所罗门及其曾孙“奶人”的飞翔,再现并重新演绎了非洲飞人传说;

27、They found that those who wrote directly to someone showed greater reductions in cholesterol than those who wrote in the third person about someone.他们发现那些直接写给某人的试验组成员比那些用第三人称描述的有更显著的胆固醇降低。

28、Mr Mathews's book is an exercise in ethnography, the discipline of describing individual lives in detail.马修斯的书是一以人种学的方式书写的,其准则就是详细地描绘个体生活。

29、The Green Berets, one of the earliest novels on the Vietnam War, depicts the Vietnamese from a colonists perspective.反映越战的早期小说《绿色贝雷帽》,以殖民者的眼光描写越南人,其中不乏对越南人的偏见和误解。

30、From the film depicts men and women reversal has been accepted the eighth generation - general ji zong era.前作电影描写的是男女逆转已被人接受了的第八代将军——吉宗的时代。

31、He was impressed by the war scenes, saying that this film describes something that Western people don't know about World War II.他对战争场面印象深刻,认为这部片描写了第二次世界大战里,西方人所不知道的一面。

32、The Undefeated tells that the protagonist runs into a picador when he goes to find the bullfighter hirer.《没有被斗败的人》描写了主人公去找斗牛士雇佣人,却在小酒馆遇到长矛手舒里特的故事。

33、Aristotle wrote of a large island in the Atlantic Ocean that the Carthaginians knew as Antilia.亚里士多德描写了大西洋里的大岛屿,迦太基人认为它是安提里亚。

34、By describing the intellectual life, Fang Fang thought of some philosophy about humans existence and destiny.当代小说家方方通过对知识者生活的描写,对人的存在和命运进行深刻的哲学反思。

35、And Mars has this sort of human, flabby torso that's not-- it's sympathetic, but it's a different portrayal of war.马尔斯看起来像一个普通人, 略微虚胖,这一点让人同情,但这是对战争的不同描写。

36、I found myself gasping over the tragedy of the poor people's lives that the play portrayed so well.我不由惊叹这部戏剧对于穷人苦难生活描写入木三分。

37、If tITe are not recruiters out tITe saying job seekers to underplay theirss ambitions and qualifications, then certainly I have to do preferable.假如有招工打工人们告诉找任务的人对本人的雄心壮志和资历轻描淡写的话,那我肯定能比她们做得更好。

38、It is the story center about the true residents of the Blue House;而是描写青瓦台里照顾总统一家起居生活的一群人的故事。

39、By describing the intellectuals s life, Fangfang gave a profound thought of philosophy about humans existence and fates.当代小说家方方通过对知识者生活的描写,对人的存在和命运进行深刻的哲学反思。

40、They have similar creative style in writing, which mainly describe farewell with their friends, feeling for live and leisure in daily life etc.二人创作风格相近,作品多为表现与友人的唱酬赠别、对人事的感怀以及描写日常生活的闲适等。

41、A range of individuals eagerly took to the road, writing extensively about their journeys and returning home with elaborate accounts.一群人热诚地踏上旅途,对他们的旅行进行了长篇累牍的描写,并将详尽记述带回故乡。

42、In his later work, the Biography of the Great Man, Ruanji described four images of character: gentleman, hermit, woodman and the great man.在写于其晚年的《大人先生传》一文中,阮籍描绘了“士君子”、“隐士”、“薪者”和“大人先生”等四种人格意象。

43、Then people like me write about it even though we don’t want him to get even more free publicity.人们希望描写这种性格,尽管他们不想让他得到更多的公众注意。

44、Mr Thomson's descriptive powers are deft: “The air is watery and grey, the colour of an empty milk bottle.汤姆森的描写手法非常灵活:“空气给人的感觉是平淡而灰白,那颜色就像是空牛奶瓶。”

45、He was born a hooked nose.他天生是鹰钩鼻

46、She is a girl of many accomplishments.我注意到他身材肥胖,秃了顶,在他那安详的面容上带着一种讨人喜欢的温和纯朴的表情 I notice that he was fat and baldheaded, and had an expression of winning gentleness and simplicity upon his tranquil countenance. 4她瘦得跟皮包骨一样。

47、Her latest novel 'Atemschaukel, ' published this year, depicts the exile of German Romanians in the Soviet Union.米勒最新小说《呼吸钟摆》(Atemschaukel)于今年出版,描写了二战后德裔罗马尼亚人在苏联的流放遭遇。

48、He could have begun Lycidas with this, with something like a description of the uncouth swain: "Oh, let me tell you about this uncouth swain."他可以以类似于对粗鄙的年轻人的描写,来开始叙述:,“让我告诉你,那个粗鄙的年轻人吧“

49、He never extols elegant and luxurious life, but describes the ridiculous and boring image by the exaggerated satire.他从不赞颂高雅和粉饰生活,而用嘲讽夸张的画笔,描写可笑而令人生厌的形象。

50、As we all know, men and women BOTH show off and exaggerate their "good sides" while downplaying and hiding their negative traits at first.我们都知道,男人和女人都会在一开始展示并夸大他们的“优点”,轻描淡写或隐藏弱点。

经典英文句子51:描写人,51、This is a little reminiscent of the protection rackets run by the gangsters in Mario Puzo's "The Godfather".这让人想起马里奥普佐的《教父》,里面描写了黑帮的收费保护。

52、Samson Towers was described as a big man in both height and figure, being over six feet tall with a solid muscular build.参孙。托尔斯被描写成一个又高又大的人,超过六英尺高,体格健壮。

53、A year later, Hergé deleted the drawing of the Jews of his own accord, when the serialised “The Shooting Star” became an album.xx年之后,埃尔热自行删去对犹太人的描写,当时,连载的“神秘流星”已经出书。

54、A friendly smile will help you to win others heart.友好的笑容能帮助你赢得别人的心.

55、He described a group of top intellectuals of non-mainstream society who were living in "Edge of Life."他所描写的是一批生活在“人生边上”的非主流社会的上层知识分子。

56、The grim daily life under Ceausescu's oppressive regime and the harsh treatment of Romanian Germans has featured strongly in her works.她的作品着重描写了齐奥塞斯库高压统治下人民的严峻生活和罗马尼亚德国人所受的残酷遭遇。

57、If there are recruiters out there telling job seekers to underplay their ambitions and qualifications, then certainly I could do better.如果有招聘人员告诉找工作的人对自己的雄心壮志和资历轻描淡写的话,那我肯定能比他们做得更好。

58、The most popular theme of this time was "new people and new stories", as well as national achievements in agriculture, industry and social construction.描写社会主义社会的新人新事以及工农业生产建设的成就,是版画创作的主要内容。

59、Three Pulitzer Prize winner Thomas Friedman in "The world is flat, " a book about, to inspire people.三次普利策奖得主托马斯· ��里德曼在《世界是平的》一书中的描写,给人以启发。

60、If you have a daybook, write down who you are trying to be, so that you can refer to this self-definition.如果你有日记本,写下你努力要成为什么样的人,如此你就可以参考这个自我描述。

61、The writing still baffles me. The downward slant and the upward slant look almost the same. The curve, the turn and the hook are difficult to make.汉字的书写更令人沮丧。撩和撇两种笔划几乎相同。弧线、折、钩很难描绘。

62、Anyway, he confirms it in his "self-summary": "Want a regular, down to earth guy?在他的“自我描述”中,他这样写道:“想要约会一个可靠踏实的男人?

63、In pages from a notebook da Vinci’s slanted “mirror” writing describes the guests at a dinner.达芬奇在一本倾斜倒写的笔记中描述了这一顿晚餐的客人们。

64、"In fact, not happy, " this song describes what is now a real human mind, everyone is hypocritical, and clearly prefer to pretend not happy happy.《其实不快乐》这首歌描写的是现在人的一种真实心态,每个人都是虚伪的,明明不快乐宁要假装快乐。

65、In his novel, he portrays the lives of three young people who are typical Gen -Xers.在他的小说中,他描写了三个年轻人的生活,他们都是典型的“X世代人”。

66、Some people wish come true, some people dream come true, the reality of sorrows and bitter, be downplay erased.有的人愿望实现,有的人梦想成真,而现实中的辛酸与苦涩,被轻描淡写抹去。

67、Greenfield recently wrote a post describing a near future scenario for non-technical people using the Web.Greenfield最近写了一篇文章,来描述在不久的将来,一个不懂任何技术的普通人如何去使用网络。

68、The phrase originated from a description of the removal of the Choctaw Nation in 1831.血泪之路这个词源于1831,人们对乔克托族部落迁徙的描写。

69、The watchdog’s report described these techniques, but went on to question their efficacy and note that other tactics were unauthorised.内部人员的报告描述了三种技术,但是之后就提到了其效用,并写道其他技术是未经允许的。

70、He had the most beautiful blue eyes I had never seen.她有一双我从未见过的漂亮蓝眼睛.

71、She eats too much these days ,so her face is getting round .她最近吃得太多了,所以她的脸变圆了.

72、His images often depict local residents, including this piece, which was part of a 2004 Parisian project called "Portrait of a Generation".他的图像通常描写当地居民,其中包括这一幅,是xx年巴黎“一代人肖像”项目的组成部分。

73、He admired Aeschylus and Pindar; but when some one was commending them, he said that Aeschylus and the Greeks, in describing Apollo and Orpheus, had given no song, or no good one.他尊敬埃斯库洛斯和品达,可当有人赞扬他们时,他却说:“埃斯库洛斯和希腊人在描写阿波罗和奥费尤利斯没有写出歌,或写得不好。

74、Fatuous, clichéd or selective depictions of Bangkok by visiting filmmakers are so commonplace that foreign residents quickly stop registering them.曼谷的昏庸,陈词滥调或选择性的描写访问电影人司空见惯,以至于外国人登记他们迅速停止。

75、The description of the wild ignorance and cruelty of the tribe chiefs' society has acidly exposed the absurdity and chaos of the human society.小说对土司世界的愚昧蛮野的描写揭示的是人类社会的荒诞混乱。

英文句子模板76:Describe people,76、The author introduces the outline of harmonious language life and discusses how to construct media in new time and harmonious language life.本文运用语言接触和语言和谐的理论对喀卓人的语言生活进行描写和分析。

77、Gideon Lichfield, the Jerusalem correspondent of The Economist, describes his obsession with what is lost in translation ...Gideon Lichfield,《经济学人》驻耶路撒冷通讯记者描写了萦绕于他的脑海中的那些在翻译中迷失了的东西。。。。。。

78、The writer in the literary production, has not been short take "the farmer" the image as the main description object.文人在文学创作上,没少以“农民”形象为主要描写的对象。

79、Morison's portrayal of the MacTeers tells us that the black people are possible to have a happy life.莫里森对麦克德尔一家的描写告诉人们黑人家庭是可以过上幸福的生活的。



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