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关于”描写紧张“的英语句子49个,句子主体:Description of tension。以下是关于描写紧张的小升初英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Description of tension


1、If he's described as somebody who's insecure and nervous, you could interpret my activity as nervous twitches.


2、2--Yes, very.


3、Angiotensin I is then cleaved to form active angiotensin II by ACE, a zinc-containing enzyme located in the endothelial lining of the vasculature of the lungs.


4、But what if you're space-poor as well as time-poor?

日产 300zx持有的OEM同步带张紧紧张局势的同步带。

5、Contract manufacturing OEM timing belt tension April "300ZX" belt tension.


6、When I'm feeling upset or anxious, journaling almost always helps.

I am an exam jitter.我一考试就紧张。



8、Dark (intense and edgy)

将真空皮带脱水机的皮带(300)安装在驱 动辊(100)、张紧辊(200)上,通过张紧辊(200)将皮带(300)张紧。

9、A strap (300) of the vacuum strap dehydrator is disposed on the driving roll (100) and the tight roll (200), and the strap (300) is tensioned by the tight roll (200).


10、Soak your tension away.


11、Zhang says the competition, humor and office gossip in the book intrigued her.


12、But don’t panic.


13、The water tight said.


14、These are hectic days.


15、The North and South were at loggerheads.


16、A recently discoveredhomologue of angiotensin-converting enzyme(ACE)-ACE2-appears to negatively regular the RAS and protect heart function.


17、Other critics use the word tension to describe the opposition or conflicts operating within the text.


18、They are all equally nervous so there is no reason why you should be too.

19、I am an exam jitter 我一考试就紧张


20、Score in the range of 60T to 69T suggest middle levels of maladaptive stress and strain.

21、How much you write or how long you write depends upon how much stress you feel about the event.至于写多 少、写多长,这要取决于那件事给你带来的紧张有多大。

22、Most of the nervous students began intently scribbling out long dissertations.大多数学生很紧张,都开始专心地写他们的论文。

23、Why's she so uptight?她干吗那么紧张?

24、She is tense.她非常紧张。

25、Second, , spiral tensioning or hydraulic tension belt conveyor slip.第二种,螺旋张紧或液压张紧皮带输送机的打滑。

英文句子26:,26、Relax, take it easy. Blame it on me or blame it on you. Relax, take it easy, for there is nothing that we can do. Relax, take it easy.放轻松,别紧张。归咎于我或归咎于你。放轻松,别紧张,因为我们无能为力。放轻松,别紧张。

27、Some of this tension can be heard in the music Prokofiev wrote for "Cinderella."这种紧张的气氛多少可以在普罗科菲耶夫谱写的音乐剧《灰姑娘》中感受到。

28、Waists and legs of trousers are stationed by steam when use.裤腰和裤脚为气动张紧和夹紧。

29、No, I was too nervous.没有,我太紧张了。

30、But then he sniffed the air painfully.可是,忽然,他紧紧张张地嗅着空气。

31、The hunting activities of the royal relatives are showed tensely, vehemently but orderly.皇亲国戚们的狩猎洗动被描绘得有条不紊、紧张热烈。

32、They are intense, violent, delicate and paranoid on stage and definitely could not be described as shoegazing any more.紧张,暴戾,细腻,神经质可能是描述他们的最贴切的几个词汇。

33、The text trials were tense, even without the emcee repeatedly noting the tension.发短信比赛是紧张的,哪怕现场并没有主持人多次提到紧张气氛。

34、Introverted boss immediately tense up, quickly explained, but the more black.内向的老板马上紧张起来,赶紧解释,却越描越黑。

35、But critically, the reaction has been all over the map. Some critics applauded its depiction of the class tensions that so inform the British view of the world.但是,评论性的反应在全国各地都存在,有些评论家称赞电影中关于紧张的阶级关系的描写,认为这种阶级关系是如此恰当地反映了英国人的世界观。

36、You sit down to write an email on Monday, an email you've been nervous about writing, and somehow it comes out incredibly well: funny, self- deprecating , supportive and compassionate.在星期一,你会写一封信,一封你写得很紧张,但写的出奇地好的信:有趣、谦虚、有支持力和富同情心。

37、Should not be anxious, slowly said.不要紧张,慢慢说。

38、Tingting seems nervous.婷婷有点紧张。

39、He seems at little nervous. 他显得有点紧张。

40、Son, don’t be nervous.儿子,别太紧张了。

41、Product Description: Alleviates tensed skin around the eye area. Promotes blood circulation, improves dark under-eye circles condition and brighten your eyes.产品描述: 舒缓眼部紧张的肌肉,促进血液循环,改善黑眼圈,明亮你的双眸。

42、I tensely watched him.我紧张地瞧着他。

43、Jeremy: I was too nervous!文淞:我太紧张了!

44、Tensing opposing muscles is a major cause of tension.拉紧不利的肌肉是紧张的主要原因。

45、A man nearby fished a piranha. I rushed to see and made a few photos. I made a feature of its sharp teeth.旁边的人碰巧拉上来一条,我赶紧跑过去照了几张照片,还特别给那锋利的牙齿来了一张特写。

46、Last few days in Bangalore , LG and I are very busy.在班加罗尔的最后几天,我和LG是紧紧张张的。

47、I always felt insecure about my grammar and spelling.语法和拼写总让我紧张不安。

48、You're nervous.你太紧张。

49、Relaxaion is better than tension.缓和比紧张好。

50、He described Yang as "very meek and very nervous."他形容杨欣“紧跟其后,非常紧张”。

经典英文句子51:描写紧张,51、Which green is the low tension and the red indicates the high tension.绿色表示低度紧张,红色表示高度紧张。

52、Liz laughed nervously.莉斯紧张地笑了笑。

53、Don't be nervous.别紧张。

54、It only increases the tension.它只会增加紧张。

55、Dave: It'scrunch time, isn't it? I wasn't nervous before the meeting, but now I am.戴夫: 这是难关,对吧? 我开会前还不紧张的,但现在我紧张了。



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