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关于”成分和五种基本句型“的英语句子56个,句子主体:Components and five basic sentence patterns。以下是关于成分和五种基本句型的托福英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Components and five basic sentence patterns


1、There are 562 genera accounting for 91.23% in total genera, which are the oligotypic and monotypic ones with less than

5 species.

诺基亚CEO斯蒂芬·埃洛普(Stephen Elop)本周五提到将要削减成本、进行裁员和再就业培训。

2、Nokia CEO Stephen Elop on Friday alluded to cost cutting, job retraining and layoffs ahead.


3、The theory of Cosmogony in Han Dynasty can be divided into two kinds: the physical principle and the spiritual one, according to its attribute.


4、Main ingredients:EGF, natural plant essence, ATB-2600, SG, and various kinds of vitamin, etc.


5、The mycelia of Tremella fuciformis can be obtained by single spore isolation, mycelia isolation in medium or tissue isolation .


6、Analyses are made for the influence factors of moulding characteristics such as coal type, size, distribution water content, moulding pressure and briquetting rate.


7、Red cultural landscape is a complex formed from red cultural heritage with both human and natural characteristics, which can be divided into

2 types as the centralized and decentralized ones.


8、The data models are divided into three classes, viz. , object-based logical models, record-based logical models and physical data models.


9、A method for separation and determination of monomer hydrocarbon composition of alkylate was introduced.


10、According to Buhler's classification of the language function, the English translator, translation theorist Newmark has divided texts into three types, namely expressive, informative and vocative.


11、It includes five models: growth stage model, shape development model, dry matter accumulation model, nutrient absorption model and yield model and so on.


12、The multiple fractal model can describe and prognosticate the wear particles fragmentizing and distribution more reasonably and effectively than traditional models based on statistics.


13、Composed of integration, subtraction, addition and some basic modules with fewer operations, novel algorithm is easy to realize.


14、The fifth chapter discusses the different historical origin of the diphthong in East Asia.


15、Sympatric speciation:a principal pattern of speciation?


16、Instead, there seems to be the network of theories, With each theory or model, our concepts of reality and of the fundamental constituents of the universe have changed.


17、The fifth step is to calculate the distribution ratio of the activity driver and distribute the activity cost to different objects of cost calculation.


18、Methods108 M. tuberculosis clinical isolates from sputum specimens were detected by PCR-SSCP and the traditional drug susceptibility testing.


19、For assigning costs to products, cost accountants must calculate the cost rates of all activities and corresponding cost pools.


20、Many retailers and branch-based financial institutions fit this model.

21、This article consists of five chapters: Chapter one and two introduce the basic information of VOR, including the source, definition, basic theory and value.本文主要分为五章。第


22、Based on the difference in the 5'-untranslated region (5'-UTR) of BVDV genome, it can be divided into two genotypes, genotype 根据BVDV基因组5’非翻译区(5’-UTR)序列的差异,我们将BVDV分为两种基因型,即基因1型(BVDV1)和基因2型(BVDV2)。

1 (BVDV1) and genotype

2 (BVDV2).

23、Basic physical properties, types, composition and processing forming technology of the membrane were de- scribed in details and its application and development prospects were forecast.本文详细介绍了膜材的基本物理性能、种类、组成和加工成型工艺,并对其应用和发展前景进行了展望。

24、According to their different behavior, implied acceptance can be divided into constructive acceptance and silent acceptance.依行为方式的不同,默示承诺可分为推定承诺和沉默承诺两种基本类型。

25、The first section mainly introduces the conception of cost-income theory, which mainly consists of two basic theories which are rational choice and cost-income theory.第一节受贿罪成本收益分析,主要论述了受贿罪成本收益分析理论下的两种基础理论,即理性选择理论和成本收益理论。

英文句子26:,26、On the basis of the locality, conditions, the gravel content and other factors, we divide the waste land into 根据立地条件及砾沙含量等因子,我们将本区宜林荒地分成4种立地类型和4种土壤类型。

4 locality types and

4 soil types.

27、This article mainly introduced the evolution process and structure of longitudinal cut device. A new developed longitudinal cut set was disclosed.主要介绍了浮法玻璃生产线纵掰纵分装置的发展过程、基本结构和一种新型纵掰纵分装置的开发。

28、The first part: on the basis of using the experience of academic correlative research, elaborating the concept and some exterior characteristics of the village rules and customs.本文正文分为五个部分:第一部分:在借鉴学术界相关研究成果的基础上,阐述村规民约的概念和它的一些外部特性。

29、On the base of two results with polymer flooding and water flooding, five evaluation methods are investigated. The cost conventional and after measure parameters are presented.在聚合物驱油与水驱相比所产生的两个效应的基础上,探讨和分析了五种评价方法,给出了聚合物驱油常规成本参数和采取措施后的成本参数。

30、The mineral-resources-based cities are quite different from the general cities, and their sustainable development is based on the exploitable mineral resources.在分析资源型城市成长动力和基本特征的基础上,提出了城市可持续发展的措施。

31、In this case, the circuit really consists of genes that can detect up to five cancer-specific molecules and their concentrations.特别的,这种电路真正是由能够检测多达五种癌症相关的分子和它们的浓度的基因组成的。

32、The second is called morphogenetic types, setting apart on the main agent combined with the basic topographic form.第二级分类依据主导营力和基本形态结合划出形态成因类型;

33、This thesis is divided into five parts: epigraph and Part I to Part IV .本文由引言和


34、Third, the distributed MEMS phase shifters, a key element in miniature phased array antennas, are designed and fabricated.基于微型无人机中MEMS集成系统的构思,本文研究了高阻硅基分布式MEMS移相器的优化设计和工艺制备。

35、This thesis is made up of seven parts, namely introduction, body (five chapters) and conclusion.本论文由绪论、主干五章和结语共七部分组成。

36、The results showed that the pattern was aggregating and the colony was the basic distribution component.结果表明:瓜实蝇幼虫呈聚集分布型,分布的基本成分是个体群。

37、Its molecular structure is made up of a five member, unsaturated lactone ring with two hydroxyl groups.其分子结构是由五个成员国,不饱和内酯环两个羟基。

38、Based on finite mixture models, we apply Bayesian method to compositional data and ordinal data clustering.本文将基于有限混合模型的贝叶斯聚类方法推广应用到成分数据和有序数据的聚类分析。

39、Potassium is an essential nutrient found in many natural and man-made food ingredients.钾是在许多天然食品和人造食品成分中存在的一种基本营养素。

40、This thesis introduces three kinds of reinforced concrete finite element method model which are assembled model, smeared model and discrete model.本文分析了三种钢筋混凝土有限元模型:组合式模型、整体式模型和分离式模型。

41、Gas-assisted co-injection molding, a new injection molding process, is developed based on gas-assisted injection molding and co-injection molding.气体辅助共注射成型是在气体辅助注射成型和共注射成型的基础上发展起来的一种新型注射成型工艺。

42、Secondly, two classical models of distributed parameter DLSP: power frequency model and time-domain model. Based on these two models dynamic phasor model has been deduced.其次,本文分析了同杆双回线分布参数的两种经典模型:工频量模型和时域模型,并在此基础上推导了时变动态相量模型。

43、Exactly based on this idea, sub-model decomposition approach to concave polygon and hierarchical model weighted measure are presented.本文正是基于这种分层的思想,定义了凹多边形的模式分解方法和分层加权测度模型。

44、Path, which is the basic element of constructing a hypertext, can be classified into two types: self-selected path and pre-defined path.超链接文本最基本的要素是文本路径,它可分为预先定义路径和自选路径。本文分别阐述了由这两种路径构成的超链接文本的连贯。

45、Np - anilino - naphthalene -1,8- dicarboxylic imide and N - allyl - naphthalene -1.8- dicarboxylic imide were synthesized, then their two modified polymers were also prepared.本文合成了N-对氨基苯基-1,8-萘二亚酸胺和N-烯丙基-1,8-萘二亚酰胺,并合成其修饰的两种聚苯乙烯高分子材料。

46、Based on the basic principle of 3-D and colour display, some attempts to the colour display by density separation and three primary colour composition are introduced.本文根据三维显示和彩色显示的基本原理和特点,介绍了利用密度分割和三基色合成方法进行彩色显示的各种尝试。

47、Soil division and climate zone coincide in this region, and was divided into five zones.本区土壤区带和气候区域的分带基本一致,共分为五个土壤气候带。

48、Results showed that the garlic genotypes, components of the culture medium, light and temperature affected the shoot regeneration and duration of the in vitro conservation.结果表明,大蒜基因型、培养基成分、光照及温度均影响大蒜种质资源的离体培养和保存周期。

49、A novel integration-based yield estimation method is developed for yield optimization of integrated circuits.本文提出了一种基于数值积分的集成电路成品率估计方法。

50、Some research results presented in the dissertation are being applied in the LPS-600A apparatus, and other would be the basis to improve the machine and SL process.本文部分研究成果已在LPS-600A系统上成功实现和运用,另外一部分将作为新一代成型设备及成型工艺改进的基础。

经典英文句子51:成分和五种基本句型,51、In this comparison with the decentralized sites, the Verbund concept yields savings of approximately € 500 million in infrastructure, energy and logistics costs annually.与这种地点分散模式型相比,一体化概念在基础设施、能源和物流成本方面每年大约可节省5亿欧元。

52、This article first gives a classification of English ambiguity phenomena, and then argues their causes from the five perspectives: phonology, vocabulary, syntax, rhetoric and punctuation.本文从音歧义、词汇歧义、句法歧义、修辞和标点歧义等五方面对英语的歧义进行分类、分析,并论证了歧义现象及其成因。

53、The thesis first expounds the basis component parts, the basic running principle and the running characteristic of Five-phase and Four-pole Permanent Magnet Brushless DC Motor (BLDCM).本文首先论述五相四极永磁无刷直流电流电机的基本组成环节、基本工作原理和运行特性。

54、Tested varieties are classified as resistant, tolerant and sensitive to water stress based on survival rate following a repeated drought treatment.根据品种反复干旱后成活率,供试品种对水分胁迫响应划分为抗旱型、耐旱型和敏感型。

55、Results: The 结果:葛根芩连方3种不同制剂主要成分基本一致,但各种成分比例具有较大差异。

3 kinds of multiple constituents were similar in Gegen Qinlian preparations, but their ratios were much more different in different Gegen Qinlian preparations.

56、The text concludes five chapters: chapter one introduces the natural and cultural environment of the field;正文分为五章:第一章,介绍田野点的自然和人文基本情况;

57、In the assignment of the cost of joint production, some scholars provided to establish the joint product model based on activity-based costing.在联产品成本分配方面,有学者基于作业成本法建立了联产品模型。

58、According to their working principle is basically divided into the gas pump and gas trapping two types of pumps.按其工作原理,基本上分为气体输送泵和气体捕集泵两种类型。

59、Objective On the base of mushroom extract, processed a new kind of biphasic culture for tuberculosis's culture.目的以平菇浸出液为基础成分,研制培养结核分支杆菌的一种新型双相培养基。

60、Basic Ingredients for Potato and Corn Chowder recipe;马铃薯和玉米基本浓汤配方成分;



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