关于”点评常用“的英语句子52个,句子主体:Comments commonly used。以下是关于点评常用的xx年级英语句子。
英文句子模板1:Comments commonly used
1、Usually, is your post a supportive opinion or critical one?
2、For the evaluation of Project-based Learning, we evaluate applying authentic assessment.
3、Parenthetical comments in footnotes usually mean you haven't organized your ideas; you haven't figured out where to put this thought in a proper linear sequence.
4、The strategic goal, emphases and measure of Changde food industry in the future were commented also.
5、Its high precision compared with normal convert methods, such as Two Moments method, Point-Low Confidence Limit method and Two Points method, shows a priority in reliability evaluation.
6、Learn the art of empathy. Too often we judge people on too little information.
7、As we like to say in critiques, on that day "He didn't put a foot down wrong."
8、The evaluation organization is the core of the evaluation mechanism, and the evaluation elements consist of pre-purchasing evaluation and usage evaluation.
9、Explaining that one in a code review could be tricky.
10、she was in this yellow tshirt. 如果信息对你有用,请点个好评(^__^) 嘻嘻
11、The following points evaluate this architectural layer.
12、What the role of an appraiser is and how to conduct an appraisal.
13、Echocardiography is the most useful method for assessment of right ventricular function. In this article, we summarize the applications and developments of echocardiographic technique in this field.
14、Dr. Wolpert's view is widely shared. When I invoke common sense to defend or - more often - criticize a theory, scientists invariably roll their eyes.
15、Method:3855 drivers were included in this study, and assessed using self-appraisal and SCL-90 model.
16、Therefore, we emphasize the use of Formative Assessment, which is criterion-referenced instead of norm-referenced, over Summative Assessment.
17、Too often we judge people on too little information.
18、Participants used a seven-point scale to make these ratings, where
3 indicated that they strongly agreed that he could do such things.
19、In the last section, we talk about four criticizing methods of theirs. Each chapter has its main points and minor points.
20、Affected by Mao Duns viewpoints of criticism, commentators have always been paying special attention to the "problem novels" nature of Lu Yins novels and often neglected her strong romantic feelings.
21、FIT is the special scale for assessing the family relationship, which has widely used in Japan because of its peculiarity of projection.在日本,家庭印象测验常用于评估家庭关系,由于它的投射性质,可以弥补自陈量表的诸多缺点,所以得到广泛应用。
22、When we mentioned the word friend, what do you think?我的答案对你有用的话请点好评哦~
23、User testing is different from focus groups, which are a poor way of evaluating design usability.用户测试跟焦点小组不同,焦点小组是评估设计中可用性比较憋足的方法。
24、This thesis focuses on researching TCP/IP-based NATD according to CM needs. First of all, the basic network management theories are introduced briefly, and the functions request is also described.进而阐述网络拓扑搜索理论和常用实现方法,通过重点分析三种常用的网络拓扑搜索方法,评价其各自的特点和关键问题所在。
25、Perhaps the most unusual, and fun, application comes from a German ex-technical support worker, Andy Lürling.如果要评选GPS技术最超出常规而又有趣的应用,那来自德国的前技术支持人员安迪·勒琳的点子一定会上榜。
英文句子26:,26、Do you want to know where I am come from?我的答案对你有用的话请点好评哦~
27、On--this week because the first concept sheet is different than the rest -you were using the Daily Plate Dietary Assessment -we'll send out this week a sample concept sheet.这周,因为第一周的观点报告,与众不同,你们用了日常饮食评估表,我们这周会下发一个观点报告范例
28、Conventional measures used in the invulnerability and survivability evaluation of tactical communication networks were first discussed, and shortcomings of these measures were pointed out.首先,讨论了战术通信网的抗毁性和生存性评估中常用的测度指标,并指出了这些测度的缺点。
29、These are the five most common female dreams - and what psychologists think they symbolise...以下是女性最常做的五个梦及心理学家评点的象征意义
30、The author also pays attention to the combination of theory and practice, and put the study results into the self-evaluation practice in our university.文章还注意理论联系实际,将学位点评估理论研究结果运用到本校的学位点自评实践中。
31、There are two sorts of criticism of the idea that SSRIs are mostly a waste of money.有两种关于SSRIs通常是一种浪费钱的药品的观点的批评。
32、He's very, very able, more able than almost anybody I know, to take criticism and do something with it.他非常非常愿意,甚至比我认识的几乎任何人,都能接受批评,然后做点与之相关的事情。
33、"Extremely micro"is a drama criticizes the category in the practice of Jin Shengtan's "Western Chamber" proposes and utilizes.“极微”是金圣叹在评点《西厢记》时提出并运用于实践中的一个戏曲评点术语。
34、He Zhuo is the most important and famous scholar in the criticizing and annotating field of Zhao Ming Anthology.何焯是《文选》评点领域最重要以及最知名的评点家,录有其文学评点的《文选》刻本众多,版本复杂。
35、Note : Regularly medalled in several contests.点评: 常在不同竞赛中获奖。
36、Evaluate in the building consequently in, it is people commonly used, wide evaluate a method with a kind.因而在建筑物评估中,它是人们常用、广用的一种评估方法。
37、In this specific area, valuers believe that the value of a certain part of the shares equals to the result of the whole business value multiplying its percentage accordingly.对于这类资产评估,评估师的观点通常认为部分股权的价值等于公司整体评估价值乘以股权应占的份额。
38、Formative assessment generally adopts such methods as observation, self-evaluation, research work assessment card, offering feedback about research and intra-group assessment.形成性评价常用观察、自我评价、建立研究人员研究工作情况评价卡、提供研究工作反馈信息、组内互评等方法。
39、With Sidewiki, there is no expectation about what gets reviewed in the comments and no specific review criteria.而使用Sidewiki,人们不知道评论中的点评对象是什么,而且也没有具体的点评标准。
40、It is our custom to eat mooncakes on the Mid Autumn Festival.我的答案对你有用的话请点好评哦~
41、One such argument is that the various bond-rating agencies' ratings were inaccurate.其中一个观点就是各种各样的评级机构的信用评级时不准确的。
42、It is very appropriate to apply fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method contributing to the ambiguity of evaluation during the course of teaching quality.由于在进行教学质量评价时,使用的评语常带有模糊性,所以宜采用模糊综合评价方法。
43、My boss is a micromanager.我的老板事必躬亲。 Micromanager 是老美常用来批评上司的一个字眼。
44、Determination of remaining oil distribution in single layer with multiple fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method;在对危岩危险性评价中,采用模糊综合评判法具有准确、快速的优点。
45、Different reading skills have their corresponding emphases on evaluation, including accumulation, retelling, summarization, language sense, appreciation and comments, etc.语文阅读各种技能的评价,侧重点有所不同,可用积累、复述、概括、语感、赏析、评论等因素来评价。
46、Then use our Job Assessor tool to identify your personal priorities and rate the pros and cons of any job.然后使用我们提供的工作评估工具来辨识你的个人优先事物及评估任何工作中的优点和缺点。
47、Used to indicate that something is exceptionally solid, e. g. an anchor, a hold. See also bombproof.常用来表示一个固定点或把手点非常坚固。
48、Don't know how should I to show you I care for you 要是对您有用 亲点好评哈 谢谢!
49、As we evaluate risk, some very primitive factors take over to drive often-irrational thinking.当我们评估风险,一些非常原始的因素会起主导作用,使我们常常非理性地思考。
50、I often use it to review code that is changing.我通常会使用它去评审发生改变的代码。
经典英文句子51:点评常用,51、Comment: hot.评点:火暴。
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