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关于”诗歌的韵律“的英语句子59个,句子主体:the rhythm of poetry。以下是关于诗歌的韵律的专升本英语句子。

英文句子模板1:the rhythm of poetry


1、In the poetry art, does without authorization the seven-character lyu especially, the language light cutting, discusses energetically, opens the Song person harbinger.


2、Shanghai-based Xinmin Evening News reported fans have voiced great concerns after comparing "On the Moon" with Blue's "All Rise, " saying the two sound "almost the same" in terms of tune and rhythm.


3、It is called Le Tigre Tour Theme.


4、While the touching rhythms singing for life.


5、It is featured by the circling movements of the body, which represents the charm of both singing and dancing.


6、Integrate word pronouciation alteration principle is an exploration of the basic rules of rhythm alteration of vocal Chinese in the dynamic word stream process.


7、As to Debussy, he brought the impressionism of painting into his music , which stress the metre in verse of the language, the melody always changes with delicate change of the lyrics.


8、A theory of pure design; harmony, balance, rhythm is another learning library must add.


9、In Hamamet, he wrote into his diary: "the reeds and the bushes make a nice rhythm of blotches."


10、How do they pronounce words? What are the rhythmic structures of how they speak?


11、These words have the same way of combination in terms of sound, rhyme and tone.


12、It has its own rhythm and beat, its internal cycles of growth and decay.


13、What's important in My Fair Lady is to - repeat the repetitiousness of verse-- the rain in spain falls mainly on the plain -in terms of the tautology of the plot.


14、"Play note right, but doesn't sound good! " my mother complained "No singing sound. "

现代语言学家认为梨俱 吠 陀的《 吠 陀 本 集》韵律般的诗是更早期的,是由很多作者经过上百年来的口头传统 集结而成。

15、Modern linguists consider the metrical hymns of the Rigveda Samhita to be the earliest, composed by many authors over centuries of oral tradition.


16、Volcanic rocks compose with clastic rocks together, form sedimentary-eruption rhythm or cycle.


17、"The Essay on Tone and Rhyme" in The Literary Mind and Carved Dragon (Wenxin Diaolong) plays an important role in Chinese poetic theories , especially in those about poetic tone and rhyme.


18、The use of rhythm may tap into powerful nonverbal responses, much the way music does.


19、It is shown by the aesthetics of equilibrium, complication, cadence and of circumlocution.

舞蹈的水呀,在你的途中,泥砂祈求着你的韵律, 你愿携负泥砂的笨拙么?

20、The sands in your way beg for your song and movement, dancing water.

21、We can see that they work hard in this poem and their importance in history development in qilu poem, from their poem in quite impressive number and the proportion of the total number.钱起、刘长卿的七律在数量上、所占诗歌总数的比重上都是相当可观的,可以看出钱起、刘长卿在七律这一体裁上的用功之深,在七律发展史上的重要地位。

22、Seeking for the structural rules of the beautiful rhyme and rhythm in .探寻汉语声韵美的构成规律,有利于充分发挥汉语的表达功能的作用。

23、In this research, the role and the mechanism of prosodic features in disambiguating demonstrative ambiguous sentences were studied.研究了韵律特征对指代歧义的解歧作用及其机制。

24、The melody is limited to a few notes while the rhythm is in a quick duple meter—both elements common to Hungarian folksongs.匈牙利的民歌中也经常会出现这种以极快的速度滑过几个音符的双韵歌唱形式。

25、The architect created rhythm by mixing the depths of each volume.建筑师通过混合每一个体块的进深来创造出韵律和节奏感。

英文句子26:,26、The clay fits together in rhythm like a puzzle.把陶泥有韵律地组合在一起就像一个字谜。

27、Are metrics defined and applied to measure the departures from expectations?韵律学被定义而且申请测量来自期待的离开吗?。

28、Medvedik says that the watch makes use of nature's natural rhythms.麦徳沃鄂迪克说,手表是利用大自然的自然韵律。

29、Why are young people so gone on that loud tuneless ?为什么年轻人那么喜欢那个喧闹又没有韵律的流行音乐?

30、In the first flood-tide of that joy I paid no heed to the bounds of metrical form, and as the stream does not flow straight on but winds about as it lists, so did my verse.在这种喜悦的第一阵浪潮中,我对韵律形式的束缚毫不在意。 就像溪流,不是笔直地流下去,而是依照自己的意愿,逶迤曲折地向前,我的诗歌也是如此。

31、His feel and groove was laid back sitting perfectly in the track and his drums had a very signature tone that I've always craved for in my productions.他打鼓的感觉与韵律跟歌曲完美结合在一起,他的鼓有一种很鲜明的特色,而这正是我一直想要的。

32、Beauty in sound indicates it has rhythm and of beat and it is easy to spell.其音美患上特质包孕有节奏感、韵律感、容易拼读;

33、When the metals clanged together, kuai and tin, he heard only consonance.硬币丢在锡碗里叮当作响,而他听到的只有金属碰撞的韵律。

34、Lake sedimentary rhythm provides important information on the reconstruction of the palaeoenvironment and palaeoclimate.盐类沉积韵律对研究湖泊环境及气候变迁有重要意义。

35、Mandarin especially Beijing dialect is a beautiful and expressive dialect with very tonal pronunciation and when speaking well and fluently has a rhythmic singing quality.普通话特别是北京话是一种优美的富有表达力的语言,语调富有节奏感,如果说得流畅通顺,有如歌的韵律。

36、In zither's playing, rhyme skills of "chanting, kneading, pressing, sliding" of the left hand are where the rhythm of the zither music is, and have the unique aesthetic feature.古筝演奏中,左手“吟、揉、按、滑、颤”等作韵技法是古筝音乐的韵律所在,是筝乐最独特的审美特征。

37、What is the thread that pulls together all of the narratives, laws and wisdom, prophecy, poetry, instruction and exhortation?那条把所有的叙事、律法和智慧,预言、诗歌、吩咐与劝勉连在一起的那条线究竟是什么呢?

38、I know that your teaching fellows will have handed out a meter exercise for you.我知道助教们会,发给你们一个韵律测试。

39、For seconds afterward, the pond is filled with the rhythmic beauty ofconcentric circles.此后数秒,池塘会布满富于韵律美的同轴圆圈。

40、To approach this, you'll need to know a little bit about meter.为了达到这个你需要稍微了解一下韵律。

41、This song has a perfect melody.这首歌的旋律真美。

42、First, I support rhythmic, harmonious, non-competitive movement activities like walking, hiking, and swimming.首先是韵律性强,和谐,没有竞争性的运动,比如走路,远足和游泳。

43、The prescription for anxiety is bringing order and rhythm into life again.重拾生命的秩序与韵律,是免于焦虑与徬徨的良方。

44、Whole space inside accumulate the rise and fall in scale relation is worn metrical .整个空间就在内蕴的比例关系里起落着韵律。

45、Figurative language, prosody, sonics, description, narrative are all a language unto themselves and some will come easier for you to write than others, as well as understand.比喻化的语言,韵律,音律,描写,叙述,这些都是诗人们表达自己的语言方式,而其中某些方式对于你来说可能比其它方式更易于表达,也更易于理解。

46、This gives rhythm the facades and breaks repetition.这使得建筑物的外观有韵律感,而且打破重复。

47、Linear quadrate fashion, auto-overflow structure, with level and concise aesthetic feeling of rhythm.直线方形造型,自溢水结构,极具层次感和简洁的韵律美。

48、That is, follow the tool space ( "vulgar"), rhythm ( "rhythm"), to accept the existence of animal;即是遵循工具时空(“俗”)的节律(“韵”),接受动物性的生存;

49、Walking gives you ideas, unblocks blockages, sets up rhythms in your head.步行给你灵感,排除阻碍,在你脑海中设置韵律。

50、Then, a prosody predictive module supporting accent had been trained with the corpus.其次,利用重音标注数据库,训练得到支持重音预测的韵律预测模型;

经典英文句子51:诗歌的韵律,51、I love Mozart 's melo zdy; I love Markov Process.吾爱莫扎特之韵律,吾亦爱马尔可夫过程。

52、For calligraphy is nothing but a study of rhythm and line and composition in the abstract.因为书法不外是对于抽象的韵律、线条和结构的一种研究。

53、The measured chant attracts the animals, who, always curious, first come to find out what the sound is, and are then almost hypnotised, as it were, by the monotony and rhythm of the chanting .整齐的的圣歌吸引着动物,那些好奇的就首先跑过了看看到底是什么声音,接着就好像被歌声的单调和韵律施了催眠术。

54、Well, that's a version of what we hear in the poem when we hear the forms of strained relation between Frost's dynamic speech sounds and the metrical pattern of his writing.这是我们从这首诗中领略到的一种版本,当我们感受到这种紧张的关系,在弗罗斯特的动态的语言音律,和他写作的韵律结构之间。

55、The possibility and restraint of prosodic translation has been theorized.韵律翻译既有可能性,也有局限性。

56、Twain helped define the rhythms of our prose and the contours of our moral map.马克∙吐温为我们确定了散文的韵律和道德规范的图谱。

57、Rather than the rhythm of pleasure followed by emptiness, or that of investment and then profit, friendships follow a rhythm that is 不同于空虚如影随形的那种快乐,也不同于先投资后收益的韵律,真正的友谊其韵律更微妙,也更持久。

15)at once subtler and more persistent.

58、The rhythmic sedimentary sequences within these basins reflect the tectonic evolutionary history of Tianshan orogen.盆地沉积序列的韵律性反映了天山造山带的构造演化历史。

59、It isaform of art involving body beauty, movement beauty and rhythm beauty.是一种集形体美、动作美、韵律美相结合的艺术形式。

60、Therefore, these two features were used for prediction of prosodic word based on TBL algorithm.基于这一特征,利用TBL转换学习算法进行了韵律词的预测。

61、Comparing the synthetic speech and the actual speech, it was found that the ability of this method to control prosodic parameters and its effect on synthetic speech quality was evaluated.实验结果表明,这种方法能够有效地控制语音韵律参数,实现较高质量的语音韵律合成。

62、The less their meaning is, the tenser the relation with rhyme scheme and tone.意义越虚,与韵律、语气的关系就越紧密。

63、I wanted to write a song that kept eating it's own end rhyming tail.当时我是想写一首能够跟得上它自己韵尾的歌曲。

64、Secondly, Disyllable is also the morphological marker of the nominalization of verbs.此外,双音节韵律模块还是普通话动词发生名物化的形态标记。

65、It used to use the tensile modelling, brilliant color and imply the rhythm to collocate.它往往运用充满张力的造型、明亮的颜色和暗示着韵律去搭配。

66、Through the repetitive verses , the author leads the young readers to explore the world of sound.藉由反覆的韵律,作者带著小读者一探声音的世界。

67、The TBL algorithm was also adopted for predicting prosodic phrase with Adjacent Degree.基于邻接度这一新特征,利用TBL算法进行了韵律短语的预测。

68、In this workshop we surrender to rhythm, letting go of what is holding us back.在这个工作坊里,我们放下所有包袱,向韵律臣服。

69、In the course of speech interaction, the prosodic feature is an effective form to transmit information.在人们的言语交流过程中,韵律特征是表达信息的有效方式。

70、Simple windmills in the wind rotation with Dutch prosody, passing the sound of running water.古朴的风车在风中旋转着荷的韵律,传递着水流的声音。

71、The oblique tones and rhyme of Ancient Chinese are lost in translation, and the loss about beauty of rhythmic undoubtedly become an irreparable regret.古汉语的平仄、韵脚在译文中荡然无存,东方韵律之美的丢失,无疑成为一种难以挽回的缺憾。

72、As a kind of typical phonetic language, English is rich in musical and rhythmical features.英语作为表音语言,富有音乐性及韵律感。

73、Strikingly characteristic of "oblique tone" and "anti-antithesis", this style of poetry differs completely from regulated verse in mood and emotion.它与格律严整的七律情趣迥异,其最重要的特征是用“仄韵”和“反对仗”。

74、It makes a considerable part of it in the profession of physic;a still greater perhaps in that of law;in poetry and philosophy it makes almost the whole.律师职业中或许所占比例更大; 而在诗歌和哲学领域里则几乎占了全部。

75、I was once very fond of this metre.曾经有段时期我非常喜欢这种韵律。

英文句子模板76:the rhythm of poetry,76、Have lots of music to develop their sense of rhythm and how to sing. It is important to sing in tune.有许多音乐去死少他们的韵律感,战如何称讲。唱歌没有跑调很尾要。

77、This is songwriting with a stress on the latter half of the word, where the hooks are in the syllables as much as they're in the melodies.正是这样的作词,这种强调词与词之间紧密联系的创作方法,使得歌词不仅在音节上紧密相连同时也达到了在韵律中的统


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