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关于”体现学科特色“的英语句子60个,句子主体:reflect the discipline characteristics。以下是关于体现学科特色的初中英语句子。

英文句子模板1:reflect the discipline characteristics


1、The new selected courses give prominence to characteristics of military medical university and incarnate modern educational theory and diversity.


2、I am studying in multi-agent laboratory of USTC.


3、Rongcheng District in educational philosophy, discipline construction, personnel training, etc. are fully reflect the Kazakhstan Institute of features.


4、Now, she works for the news agency associated with CERN. She also writes for magazines like New Scientist.


5、Expounds micro and macro evolution characteristics in sciences, and manifest the partial, and the whole self-similarity;


6、Chemistry course teaching in Middle School has vivid features, and meantime it is a key link for students to develop in an all-round way.

科学住宅的科学性体现在厨房。 独特的炉子能浮在半空中做饭。

7、The scientific house is most scientific in the kitchen where this unique stove is able to cook a meal in mid-air.


8、Morton's theory on the normative structure of science reflects the self-conscious endeavor of scientific community to maintain the "collective contract".


9、These two features of design make design a unique material cultural activity and the science of design a comprehensive discipline with the characteristics of both natural science and the humanities.

科 技体剂改革以来,我院已发展成为具有鲜明技术特色集科工贸一体的科技型企业。

10、Nowadays, the Institute has become a synthesis enterprise in combination of scientific research, technology development, product production, and marketing and selling.


11、The main characteristics embodied in the study are:

1, focus on research of broad – range and interdisciplinary design topics;


12、The ideal realm is the feature of Cheng Hao's philosophy, and is the real meaning of Confucian.


13、The Chinese medicine is a natural combination of philosophy and ancient science disciplines. The overall concept and Differential Treatment is the most basic features.


14、The melanosomes are so well preserved that scientists can actually reconstruct the color of dinosaur feathers. Sinosauropteryx's tail, for example, appears to have had reddish and white stripes.


15、The journal of new regular colleges should be based on reality and run it openly with its own feature, taking the road of sustainable development.


16、Understanding these complex phenomena requires knowledge of astronomy & astrophysics, earth science, meteorology, atmospheric science, space science, plasma physics, chemistry, and biology.


17、This kind of individual-based modeling has already become an important thinking paradigm for contemporary science, especially for complex sciences.


18、Competitive ability of university discipline has the characteristics of wholeness, variation, uniqueness, and self-learning.


19、Specialized in teaching children age 4-12 years old at Rise Immersion Subject English.


20、High-quality teaching is one of important symbols of school running level in physical education Institutes.

21、However, the advantages of comprehensive knowledge is the mode and character of building up a University, which combine the artistry, engineering quality and science.而工科类或综合类大学如何利用多学科优势将艺术性、工程性、科学性三者有机地结合是今后与办学特色的集中体现。

22、Third, seeing the new conditions of modern science, it shows that massive science requests scientists to take part in the popularization of science .其三,体察现代科学技术发展新情况,指出在大科学时代,投身科普事业科学家责无旁贷。

23、In modern mainstream psychology, behaviorist psychology embodied none of the characteristics of multi-dimensions of science, and it also universalized its narrow findings.在现代主流心理学中,行为主义心理学未能体现出科学的多重向度特征,而且还将狭隘的理解普同化。

24、Hickety, pickety, my black hen.黑科特,皮科特,我的黑色母鸡。

25、Through the 40 years of development, DUFL has now grown into a multi-disciplinary, well-rounded university.大连外国语学院经过xx年的建设,现已发展为一所以外语为特色,文经管工等多学科协调发展的外国语大学。

英文句子26:,26、Textile Engineering Department : Textile engineering discipline is the key discipline of Shandong Province and the characteristic & preponderant discipline of Qingdao University.纺织工程学科为山东省重点学科和青岛大学特色优势学科。

27、Higher institutions change their names in four aspects: level, discipline, district and type, which show a characteristic of progressiveness .高校校名的变更体现在层次、学科、地域和类型四个方面,并呈现出累进性特点。

28、Through the research between literature and law, I have excavated and explained one kind of rich characteristic Chinese modern literature phenomenon–Non-lawsuit.通过文学与法律的跨学科研究,发掘并阐释了一种富有特色的中国现代文学现象——“无讼”。

29、This subject is that much pioneering, research field dominate apparent advantages and characteristic by its own great potentials.本学科点方向研究具有开创性,方向优势明显,学科有特色,有较强的发展潜力。

30、The emergence of cognitive science fully embodies the features of the modern interdisciplinary.作为一个例证,认知科学充分地体现了现代交叉科学的特点。

31、His idea of artistic life present the distinct character of assimilating art and life, all-inclusive science and art.他的艺术人生观又呈现出艺术与生活同


32、Two disciplines, Mongolian studies and life science, with their distinctive local and ethnic characteristics, enjoy high prestige at home and abroad.蒙古学和生命科学两个学科具有鲜明的民族特色和地区特色,在国内外享有盛誉。

33、The experiment of active human science has its own features different from that of other sciences.运动人体科学实验有着不同于其他学科的特征。

34、Scientists recently put together a complete Neanderthal skeleton and are working on the genome.科学家于近日拼成了一个完整的尼安得特人骨架,并且正在对染色体组进行研究。

35、Chinese traditional medicine is a best advantageous characteristic subject in the field of Chinese natural science.中药学 是我国在自然科学领域中最有优势、最具特色的学科之

36、Theauthor emphasizes that the medical education in sport science of human body must has its own special characteristics.提出体育院校运动人体科学专业的医学教学应区别于医学院校, 体现明显的自身专业特点。

37、Embodiment, Cognitive Science and the Development of the Traditional Theory of Meaning;认知科学充分地体现了现代交叉科学的特点。

38、People's educator Xu Teli's educational thoughts, policy characteristics, contents and "double-teacher" teaching staff embodies the characteristics of modern vocational education.人民教育家徐特立制定的教育思想、教育方针、办学特色、教育内容及学院“双师型”师资结构队伍,无不体现了当代高等职业教育的特色。

39、Such innovative meanings have two embodiments . Firstly, science historiography brings on scientific discovery straightway.这种创新意蕴主要体现为:一是通过科学史学直接促成科学发现;

40、Wholism is one of the characteristics of TCM.整体观是中医学的特色之

41、The author holds that scientific labor bears the character of twoness, and people must pay attention to study the concrete form and special rule of scientific labor of modern times.文章认为科学劳动具有二重性特征,应注意研究现代科学劳动的具体形式与特殊规律。

42、The particular campus culture shows and enriches the special features of running the university, as is exemplified by the formation of the characteristics of running Jimei University.独特的校园文化,体现着办学特色,也使得办学特色内涵更为丰富。集美大学办学特色的形成正说明了这一点。

43、Tadao Ando introduces the characteristic of the traditional architecture and the traditional esthetics into modern architectures, embodying rich regional characteristic in modernism.安藤忠雄在现代建筑中引入地方传统建筑特色及传统美学,在异常现代感中体现出浓郁的地域特色。

44、This revealed the women to favor pink, purple and white and the men to like blue and green, the journal Personality and Individual Differences reports.《人格与个体差异》称这些科学家发现,女性更喜欢粉色、紫色和白色,而男性更喜欢蓝色和绿色。

45、In the process of teaching vocational courses, theme unit as a carrier promotes vocational students' self-learning and teaching.在高职课程教学过程中,展现以主题单元为载体促进高职生自学和教学的特色。

46、The orientation should prioritize features like the goals of university development, disciplines and specialties, personnel training and scient…地方高校定位要突出办学特色,包括发展目标、学科专业、人才培养和科学研究特色。

47、The natural features of TCM are the representational form from national Chinese style and the natural contents from the scientific whole-movement regulation.中医学最本质的特点足以特殊的民族形式构成了中医学的表现形式,以科学的整体运动规律构成了中医学的本质内容。

48、The literary works of Shen Congwen are characterized by defamiliarization, especially in his novel The Border Town.而沈从文的文学作品具有鲜明的陌生化特色,这一特色集中体现在沈从文小说创作的代表作——《边城》中。

49、The essay mainly argues to construct the literary theorys scientific conformation dealing with the initiatives, personality and realism of literary theory.文学理论要体现原创性、系统性、个性化、当代性等科学特性,从而构建文学理论的科学形态。

50、This also represents the practical, humanistic and dialectic features of Chinese philosophy.从“实”“事”“史”“时”“势”来求“是”,体现了中国哲学富于实践性、人文性、辩证性的特色。

经典英文句子51:体现学科特色,51、Higher vocational electronics technology teaching should have larruping vocational feature college.电子技术课教学,应体现出与众不同的高职特色。

52、The Fourth Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University is a comprehensive hospital integrated with medical treatment, teaching and scientific research as special characteristics.郑州大学第四附属医院是一所具有专科特色的融医疗、教学、科研为一体的综合性医院。

53、"The common mind is Dao"embodies a concentrated reflection of the Hongzhou Chan features.“平常心是道”集中体现了洪州禅学思想特色。

54、Densitometry: Science of measuring the light-stopping characteristics of film or filters.密度测定, 密度学: 测定胶片或滤色片的阻光特性的科学。

55、Academia hasn't thought much of the subject structure of criminal science, and there are paradoxical views on the scope and attribute of sub science.目前我国学界尚未对刑事科学整体学科结构体系问题引起重视,与此相关的是在子学科群的学科范围和若干学科属性方面表现出矛盾和混乱。

56、Eulji University Hospital in Korea is a comprehensive hospital with high quality of medical treatment, education and research.韩国乙支大学医院是一所集医疗、教学、科研为一体的综合医院。护理管理特色体现在实行目标管理;

57、Target: To be a first-class university in China. Promote certain disciplines to be first-class in the world. Turn WUT into a comprehensive, open, individualized and research-centered university.发展目标:把学校整体建设成国内一流水平,部分学科建成世界一流水平的多科性、开放式、有特色的研究型大学。

58、Logic is a much abused science. We are, doubtless, in the main logical animals, but we are not perfectly so. Charles Sanders Peirce.科学,实验科学,实证科学;是一种知识体系,是以可错论为假定出发点、以特定方法为基础的一种知识体系。

59、Specialized in teaching children age 3-12 years old at Rise Immersion Subject English.根据瑞思的教学特色,教授3-xx岁的少儿学科英语知识。

60、Using mathematic models to measure the discount rate risk of capital budgeting makes risk management exemplify the objective and scientific characters.以数学模型来度量资本预算折现率风险的大小,使风险管理体现了客观性和科学性的特点。

61、The characterization embodies and reflects not only for the leading subjects in universities, but also for regional culture, characteristic programs and self-integration.特色化既是学校优势学科的体现与反映,也是地域文化、特色栏目、自身个性综合化的体现与反映。

62、Compliance based on all subjects, and special subjects based on all excellence, this education based on the principle of human.基础学科人人达标,特色学科个个创优,体现教育的人本原则。

63、Looking from the theoretic feature, it has the idiosyncrasy of successive nature, innovative nature, opening nature, times nature, foresightedness and scientific nature, etc.从理论特质上看,中国特色社会主义理论体系具有继承性、创新性、开放性、时代性、前瞻性和科学性。

64、Chen Zhong: "A Town of Modern Construction Path", Chinese Social Sciences Weekly. 2009,陈忠:《有特色城镇现代化的建构路径》,《中国社会科学报》(北京)xx年xx月xx日。


65、Does Modern Chaos Furnish Evidence to Ontological Indeterminism?现代混沌学为“本体非决定论”提供了科学证据吗?。

66、The characteristics, competitive predominance, and academic reputation of a university are all exerted through its key disciplines.大学的特色、竞争优势和学术声誉,关键是通过重点学科的水平来体现。

67、Cytogenetics --- The study of chromosomes.研究染色体的学科。

68、The emergence of the concept of technoscience is a new feature of STS, and it attracts more and more attentions .“技性科学”这个新词的出现,是科学技术学研究的新特色,越来越引起世界STS学者的注意。

69、Modern science and postmodern science respectively embody two different modes of thinking, that is, reductionism and holism.现代科学和后现代科学分别体现的是还原论和整体论的思维方式。

70、Tibetan studies is a subject that studies the social history, politics, economy, culture and religion of Tibet.藏学在其发展历程中形成了传统藏学学科体系和现代藏学学科体系。

71、The school characteristic mainly manifests, in the agricultural science and technology education unifies on.学校的办学特色主要体现在农科教相结合上。

72、The characteristics of fast food restaurant, not only should reflect on fast food and snacks and drinks, and with the embodied in the environment.快餐店的特色,不仅要体现在快餐、点心和自配饮料上,还要体现在环境上。餐饮环境的各种要素都可以体现快餐店的特色。

73、Building special farm products bases by scientific planning and regional locations.科学规划与合理布局,建立特色农业生产基地;


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