关于”伤感的配图“的英语句子41个,句子主体:Sad Match。以下是关于伤感的配图的xx年级英语句子。
英文句子模板1:Sad Match
分配伤害给战斗发生的同格敌对生物, 伤害包含先前记录之伤害加成, 所有的伤害都必须被分配。
1、Assign damage from attack dice and any increased-damage abilities to enemies currently in the cell where combat is taking place. All damage must be assigned.
2、The map updating was based on RS images. Methods of RS image multinomial digital geometric correction, and RS image coordinate register for field base map updating were introduced.
3、Considering automatic registration of multi-spectrum, multi-sensor remote images, we put forward a two-step image registration algorithm based on edge center.
4、Star pattern recognition is to confirm the corresponding relations between the star map of observed stars in field of view (FOV) of star sensor and the star map of guide stars.
5、Requirements, Parametrics, and Allocations are new diagrams not available in UML.
6、The methods of image registration can be classified into two categories: the intensity-based matching approach and the feature-based matching approach.
7、See the Assembly Diagram view for this module in Figure
1 中此模块的装配图视图。
8、For fast relief of stuff noses, headache and chest congestion due to colds and nasal allergy. Ideal for use with oral colds and sinus medicines.
Ouchie.现在还是能感觉到工作时受伤脑震荡的副作用.。。 虽然撞青了不过这个颜色还是挺配我的.。。
9、Still feelin side effects from the Concussion I got on set…
10、Discussing carefully the problems of the image pre-processing, including image enhancement, radiometric and geometric correction, image registration and cloud removal.
11、Open up the assembly diagram.
12、The standard image and the images collected from printings are color-separated, then each pair of images with the same color is matched;
13、Each turret will be fully equipped with 1080p imaging cameras and will have multiple HD feeds streaming from the cameras within each turret.
14、A new image correlation-matching algorithm based on edge extraction is proposed.
15、The issues such as image correspondence, clustering, segmentation and vectorization involved in remote sensing are discussed.
16、The camera has a motor-driven megapixel varifocal lens that?is?perfectly tuned to the image sensor.
17、The most serious problems for change detection on high-resolution images are the sensitivity to registration and the complexity of terrain.
18、The glasses transmit images that match their perspective, but block images that match the other user's perspective.
19、The sketch of the multi-source image registration algorithm based on A1S is proposed, and how to realize the algorithm is introduced.
20、Sensors and Location: new APIs that enable suitably-equipped machines to report ambient light, user proximity, accelerometers and even geographic location.
21、Change the graph layout to tree layout or quick clusters layout.将图形配置变更为树状配置或快速丛集配置。
22、The critical technique of Image Mosaicing is image registration.图象拼接的关键技术就是图象配准。
23、The edge-based image registration method is common used technique in the image registration.基于特征的图像配准方法是图像配准中最常见的方法之
24、The simulation result shows:template correlation matching acts well in the automatic registration of remote sensing images.仿真结果表明,模板相关的匹配方法用于遥感图像的自动配准能获得很好的配准效果。
25、Match the dialogues with pictures below.将下列图片与对话配配看。
英文句子26:,26、Loku is horrified by this as the turtle is his tribe's totem and should not be hurt.因为乌龟是他的部落的图腾,并且不应该受伤, Loku因此感到恐惧。
27、Beautiful sand textures, beautiful composition and somehow a very sad story hidden behind the image.漂亮的构图,令人感到画面背后藏着一段忧伤的故事
28、Among them, a science-themed bestseller carries graphic images of brain injuries and a cover featuring a bloody brain.其中,一本畅销的科学类书籍里配有脑损伤的图片,封面是血腥的大脑图片。
29、All of these novels feature attractive illustrations and have an unequalled period feel that will grace the library, the bedside table or bureau.这些小说全部配备有吸引力的插图和无与伦比的时代感,将优雅的图书馆,床头或局。
30、Injured/unavailable: Boateng &M Johnson (both knee), Given (shoulder), K Toure (club suspension)伤停情况:博阿滕和约翰逊(膝伤),吉文(肩伤),K.图雷(停赛)
31、Confession of Pain", which I expected for a long time, with CWT. The combination of director and actors made me feel so great."早上约了CWT看期盼已久的《伤城》,导演和演员的组合搭配让我感觉很好。
32、But there are also moments far from Mr. Zhao’s rigorous aesthetic — interviews with celebrity actors, for example, and the use of maudlin music.不过也有一些片断远离他严格的审美标准——比如对名演员的采访,配备的感伤音乐。
33、In order to accomplish fast and precise image matching, the image matching technique based on image grey-scale value and the technique based on characteristic points are combined together.为了实现快速、高精度的图像匹配,将基于灰度的图像匹配技术与基于特征的图像匹配技术相结合。
34、In order to exploit multisource information from remotely sensed data sufficiently, it is often necessary to match dissimilar images one another taken by different sensors.为了充分利用多源遥感信息,常常需要解决不同传感器图像之间的匹配问题。
35、Match pictures below with the dialogues.将下列图片与对话配配看。
36、Part mapping and separating assembly drawings.部件的测绘;由装配图拆画零件图。
37、Traditional image registration methods in frequency domain have two kinds:one is cross-correlation method; the other is phase-correlation method.传统的频率域图像配准方法有两种:基于互相关的图像配准方法和基于相位相关的图像配准方法。
38、Yet those rainbow prints were teamed with sleek suits, often in cyber blue.但是这些彩虹图案配合光滑质感的衬衫,通常是电子感觉的蓝色。
39、However, this method may lead to misregistration of MR and PET images sometimes as a result of neglected spacial information and the special sensitivity towards intensity variations.然而,由于其忽略了空间信息,且对图像灰度变化过于敏感,在MR/PET图像配准中,误配准情况时有发生。
40、The matching equivalent classes of graphs with the maximum matching root less than 本文刻画了匹配最大根小于2的图及其补图的匹配等价图类。
2 and their complement graphs are characterized.
41、The method of genetic algorithm integrated neural network(GANN)is proposed to optimize sens or placement based on damage detection for piezoelectric smart structures.提出了一种基于损伤检测的压电智能结构传感器优化配置的遗传神经网络(GANN)方法。
42、In transparent networks, the quality of optical signals is degraded owing to physical impairment, thus the impairment-aware-based connection provisioning has become a hot research topic.在透明网络中,光信号由于受到物理损伤的影响而质量降低,这使得损伤感知的连接指配日益成为人们研究的热点。
43、Match these pictures to the book genres underneath.请把这些彩图和下面的图书类型配对。
44、According to the calculations of the reinforcement situation draw reinforcement figure.根据计算书中的配筋情况绘出配筋图。
45、每次你的到来,只为再次离去,那么我最后求你一次,你是否,Put my name at the top of your list 每当你注视我的眼,纷纷扰扰顿时不见。
46、Match the dialogues and pictures below.将下列对话和图片配配看。
47、Image registration may be unstable since vignetting artifacts arise in the four images. An image obtained by a traditional camera is used as a template to get a stable image registration.由于四幅图像边缘有比较严重的渐晕现象,为了提高图像配准的稳定性,我们在基于特征点的图像配准算法的基础上提出了基于模板匹配的配准算法。
48、But there are also moments far from Mr. Zhao's rigorous aesthetic — interviews with celebrity actors, for example, and the use of maudlin music.不过也有一些片断远离他严格的审美标准——比如对名演员的采访,配备的感伤音乐。
49、So call it "Back to the same sea", so beautiful, and let us think of its sad story behind.回到一样的海,漂亮的构图,令人感到画面背后藏着一段忧伤的故事。
50、As a roadside panorama, the scene is harsh and melancholy, with violent brushstrokes bringing a certain sense of motion to an otherwise silent composition.作为对路边景色的描绘,此情此景暴烈而伤感。龚剑的笔触为静态的构图带来了动感。
经典英文句子51:伤感的配图,51、Draw up the draft: floor plan and schematic design.拟定草图:平面配置图及设计草案。
52、Genetic algorithms, which are rapid and efficient in global finding optima , are used to match the images.将稳态遗传算法快速而有效的全局寻优特点应用于遥感图像的匹配定位。
53、By using the powerful software ENVI for Remote Sensing Image Processing and its developing tool IDL, the edge detection and image registration algorithm is investigated deeply in this dissertation.本文利用功能强大的遥感图像处理软件ENVI及其二次开发工具IDL对遥感图像处理中的边缘检测算法和多图像配准算法进行了深入的研究。
标签: 英文
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