请查收的英语翻译是" Please find enclosed",还可以翻译为 ZLY,在《英语自学简明词典》中,共找到87个与请查收相关的释义和例句。
1. Please find enclosed
请查收翻译为 Please find enclosed 。
示例:请查收附在这封电子邮件中的开支报告。 Please find the expense report attached to this email.
2. ZLY
请查收翻译为 ZLY 。
示例:请查收好包装盒内物品是否和以上一致。 Please check whether the objects in the package box are in accordance with the above list.
3. Please check
请查收翻译为 Please check 。
示例:寄上样品两种, 请查收。 Please find two samples enclosed herewith.
4. enclosed please find
请查收翻译为 enclosed please find 。
示例:Please find enclosed a photo from one of those booths. 及 附有一张在临时照相亭拍的照片
1. please find enclosed( 请查阅附件;
2. mrli(木子;
3. please(请)
4. have round(请)
5. please do( 请吧;
英语短语&俚语, Please find the attachment Please find accessories ( 请查收附件 )
Please find attachment orders Please find Annex order Please find an attachment order ( 请查收附件订单 )
Please find accessories stowage plan Please find attachments stowage plan Please annex stowage plan( 请查收附件积载图 )
Curriculum vitae please find Please check your resume Resume please check ( 简历请查收 )
Please find information Please check your information ( 请查收资料 )
Please check your email Please find enclosed mail ( 请查收邮件 )
Please find the attachment information ( 请查收附件资料 )
Please check inspection reports Please find inspection reports ( 请查收验货报告 )
Attachment enclosed please Please find enclosed annex ( 附件请查收 )
1. Please, please, please, please, please...
译文:请,请,请, 请,请.。
2. - Hey, Gary. You get my e-mail?
译文:嗨 加里 帮我查收电邮了吗?。
3. A
1,000 copies have been confiscated.
译文:# 1000份仿制品已经被查收。
4. i left you a very nice tip. - Uh, make sure you get it.
译文:- 你记得查收。
5. ~ Please, Please ~ ~ Honey, please... ~
6. i'm going to call in the dogs, and your package is getting seized.
7. We enclose herewith, as request, approximate estimates. of the electrical apparatus, turb , and other material .
译文:现随函寄上贵方所需要的电气设备、轮机以及其他材料的估价单,请查收。 。
8. You check your email while you're sitting here.
译文:今天你可以坐在这里查收邮件 。
9. Please, please, please, please.
10. i inclose a cheque for $55. 00 which covers the cost of the book plus the postage charge of
14 cents a volume .
11. Please find two samples enclosed herewith.
译文:寄上样品两种, 请查收。 。
12. The Soviet military police questioned him for
20 days more.
译文:在审查收容所 他又被详细盘问了20天。
13. Examination and collection.
14. You check your email while you're sitting here.
15. And you've got to have done some research on those step parents.
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