专升本的英语有两种说法,可以翻译为upgrade from junior college student to university student,在日常中也可以翻译为" Upgraded",在《郎文当代高级英语辞典》中,共找到23个与专升本相关的短语翻译和用法。
1. upgrade from junior college student to university student
专升本翻译为upgrade from junior college student to university student。
示例:专升本热潮的形成有其复杂的社会原因,解决之途当然是导胜于堵。 The form of the promotion has a complicated social causes. Its solution no doubt lies in the guidance not in the obstruction.
2. Upgraded
专升本翻译为 Upgraded 。
示例:广西师专升本并转型为多科性普通本科学院是有重要意义的。 The normal junior colleges in Guangxi that have transformed to Multi-Branch Undergraduate colleges have benefited significantly.
3. Top-up
专升本翻译为 Top-up 。
示例:目的探讨在护理专升本的课程设置中开设专题讲座的效果。 Objectives to probe into the effect of special nursing subjects in the training course for bachelor's degree.
4. College level
专升本翻译为 College level 。
示例:For a girl i was just about to break up with. -level gift
英语短语&俚语, Top-up Courses Top-up degrees Top-up Programme ( 专升本课程 )
Give me an advice ( 专升本的苦恼 )
Top-up program ( 先花xx年时间读专升本 )
Undergraduate Examination Management System ( 专升本考试管理系统 )
Pre- Sessional to BA Top- Up ( 艺术类专升本预备课程 )
package offer only ( 专升本硕连读项目 )
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