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经典电影的英语翻译是"classic movie",还网络中常译为" Classic Movies",在《在线英语词典》中,共找到17个与经典电影相关的释义和例句。


1. classic movie

经典电影翻译为classic movie。

示例:你是xx年级的,修生物和化学,有上过电影课和法国经典电影。 Who is the third year in biology, chemistry, have film experience and French film classsics.


2. Classic Movies

经典电影翻译为 Classic Movies 。

示例:哇,这不是真的吧:三池+翻拍+小林的经典电影+3D。 Yeah, it seems unreal: Miike + Remake + Kobayashi's classic film + 3D.


3. maple tree Village

经典电影翻译为 maple tree Village 。

示例:What do a hummingbird, a moth, and a maple tree have in common? 蜂鸟、蛾子和枫树之间有什么共同之处呢?


4. classic movie -

经典电影翻译为 classic movie - 。

示例:You made the classic movie mistake. 你犯了电影中经典的错误



1. movie posters( 电影海报;

2. five classics(经典)

3. jutras( 经典)

4. literary classic(文学经典)

5. scripturing( 经典)

英语短语&俚语, The Best Cinema Classics Ever ( 史上最经典电影音乐 )

Great Movie Love Themes ( 经典电影爱情主题音乐 )

Turner Classic Movies TCM ( 特纳经典电影频道 )

Sony Pictures Classics ( 索尼经典电影 )

Sony Pictures Classics ( 索尼经典电影公司 )

Littlest The Reble Wee Willie Wirikie Little Miss Broaduay ( 秀兰邓波儿经典电影 )


1. Nothing. it's just not a classic is all.


2. Hey, i was thinking, for our first dance at the wedding what if we learn the final number from Dirty Dancing?

译文:我在想 要不婚礼开场时 咱们跳"辣身舞"中的最后一舞吧? (xx年经典电影)。

3. The 1963 film classic Charade, directed by Stanley Donen, starring Cary Grant and Audrey Hepburn.

译文:xx年的经典电影《谜中谜》 由斯坦利多南执导 加里.。

4. Um, actually, i'm sure we've all seen the classic movie "My Fair Lady. "

译文:事实上 我肯定我们都看过 <<我漂亮的女人>>这部经典电影。

5. Nina Dobrev is beautiful, but is she ready to make the leap to the big screen in such a legendary role?


6. They don't make classics like this anymore.

译文:现在已经没有这样的经典电影了 They don't make classics like this anymore.。

7. There's a screening of the classic film Mughal-e-Azam near the river.

译文:河堤附近要放经典电影 《我王莫卧儿》。

8. Your movie was on Turner Classics last night.


9. Prestige Worldwide' wide, wide, wide.


10. There's never been a classic movie made in Bruges until now.


11. His credits include numerous films... which America has come to love as old classics.

译文:他的著名作品中有许多电影... ...已被人们视为经典。

12. Artist Miwa Miwa's variant of the Rotating-Tilted-Lines illusion pays homage to "Vertigo, "the classic film by Alfred Hitchcock.


13. They show old movies on the side of the museum.


14. The stunt was part of a campaign in 26 cities worldwide promoting the Halloween premiere of the AMC television series "The Walking Dead. "


15. in the James Bond classic, "Goldfinger", the eponymous villain is sucked out of the window of just such an aircraft.



标签: 电影 经典

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