表达方式用英语怎么说 表达方式英语翻译

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表达方式用英语怎么说 表达方式英语翻译

表达方式的英语说作"means of expression",其次还可以说成" present",在《在线英语词典》中,共找到22个与表达方式相关的释义和例句。


1. means of expression

表达方式翻译为means of expression。

示例:笑是最具感染力的感情表达方式之 Laughter is one of the most infectious expressions of emotion.


2. present

表达方式翻译为 present 。

示例:虽然我们都有依恋的需要,但表达方式不同。 While we all have this need for attachment, the way we show it differs.


3. expression -

表达方式翻译为 expression - 。

示例:这种表达方式推翻了客观的呈现。 The expression overrides objective representation.


4. phraseology


示例:When i first met you, your phraseology with "lady wood,"我刚认识你时 你说你是"干柴"



1. means of expression(表达方式)

2. expression way( 表达方式)

3. form of words( 表达方式)

4. turn of expression(表达方式,措辞)

5. turns of expression(表达方式, 措辞)

英语短语&俚语, Expressions and Exercises ( 表达方式与练习 )

Presentation Format ( 演讲形式表达方式 )

Related expressions ( 相关表达方式 )

words and expressions ( 单词与表达方式 )

Practical Expressions ( 实用表达方式 )

Hello Hi ( 自然的表达方式 )

once a month ( 单位表达方式 )

shorthand ( 简略的表达方式 )

Key Expressions ( 重要的表达方式 )


1. There is no way that we should allow government to communicate the way they communicate.

译文:我们无法再允许政府 按照他们的表达方式进行表达,。

2. Your grandfather had a way with words.


3. -That's one way of putting it.

译文:- 有一种表达方式。

4. in contrast to that, that's almost exactly what you would say in Chinese.

译文:中文的表达方式跟英文恰恰相反。 。

5. i bet you've bumped him off.

译文:干掉他? 这是什么的表达方式?。

6. Which are it's most perfect expression,


7. it's an expression, Your Majesty.


8. -it's an expression, Scoob.

译文:-那只是一种表达方式, 史酷比。

9. The expression overrides objective representation.

译文:这种表达方式推翻了客观的呈现。 。

10. Yes, the way you delivered the lecture...


11. You have the funniest way of saying things.

译文:你的表达方式 真是太奇怪了。

12. Yeah, it's the way he said it.

译文:对 他的表达方式有问题。

13. Strange expression, right?

译文:奇怪的表达方式 Strange expression, right?。

14. There's a hierarchy of gestures specifically the affectionate kind.

译文:表达方式有几种层面 尤其是"示好"的表达方式。

15. The silent majority needs to know.

译文:沉默的大众需要 知道这些表达方式。 。


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