投影仪用英语怎么说 英语

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投影仪的英语有两种说法,可以翻译为 projection,还可以翻译为 projecting apparatus,在《中小学生词典》中,共找到62个与投影仪相关的短语翻译和用法。


1. projection

投影仪翻译为 projection 。

示例:至少在投影仪的灯泡爆了之前,幻灯片还不错。 At least the slides were good, that is, until the bulb in the projector blew.


2. projecting apparatus

投影仪翻译为 projecting apparatus 。

示例:我们的主人从那所房子里牵出了一条长的延长导线,安置了一块屏幕和一个投影仪。 Our host ran a long extension cord out from the house and set up a screen and a projector.


3. projector


示例:投影仪将静脉网络的分布图直接投射到皮肤上。 A projector shines a map of the vein network directly on the skin.


4. overhead projector

投影仪翻译为 overhead projector 。

示例:i was just gonna ask if it was good, 'cause i don't remember it. and larger items in the overhead bins above your row. 2010.



1. projector(投影仪

2. projection apparatus(投影仪)

3. measuring projector(测量投影仪;轮廓投影仪)

4. episcopic projector(反射投影仪)

5. large projector(大型投影仪)

英语短语&俚语, overhead projector ( 透镜式投影仪 )

profile projector ( 轮廓光学投影仪 )

ortho-projector orthophotoscope ( 正射投影仪 )

optical projector optic projector optical projection instrument opticing projector ( 光学投影仪 光 )

spectrum projector ( 光谱投影仪 光 )

profile projector contour projector measuring projector outline projector ( 轮廓投影仪 )

endoscopic film projector ( 内窥镜照片投影仪 )

Twilight Turtle ( 空投影仪 )


1. i was setting up the projector when a classmate of mine said, "Why do you have to talk about this?

译文:我正在设置投影仪时, 一个同学说: “你为什么一定要谈这个? 。

2. also, be prepared to invest in black-out curtains, as HD projection images look the best in complete darkness.


3. They would, if it weren't for the holographic projectors there, and there and there.

译文:他们会吓坏我,如果没有那些激光全息投影仪... ...那里, 那里还有那里。

4. To me, it's a blank canvas. A projection screen for the mind.

译文:对我而言 那是一块空白的画布 心灵的投影仪。

5. My parents gave me a projector and now they're fighting.

译文:我爸妈送给我一台投影仪 然后他们现在在吵架。

6. The amygdala also acts as a kind of projector in which the signal can easily be received and, most of all, bounced back.

译文:杏仁核还充当 作为一种投影仪的 其中信号 可以很容易地接收 而且,最重要的是,反弹。。

7. And it had all of the projectors on it, so the projectors were creating the space around it, but you were drawn towards the flickering like a flame.

译文:所有投影仪都投在上面, 这些投影仪创作了它周围的空间, 但是你被像火焰一样 的闪烁吸引住了。 。

8. The use of animation and projection was a process of discovery.

译文:使用动画和投影仪是个探索的过程。 。

9. A desktop computer, screen, projector, and loudspeakers will be available.

译文:将提供台式计算机、屏幕、投影仪和扬声器。 。

10. Light is projected with a beamer via a mirror on the bottom of the VAT.

译文:光被投射以经由在缸的底部反射镜一个投影仪。 。

11. - J.D., will you do the projector?

译文:J. D. 你来弄投影仪吧 好的。

12. And we didn't like that, so we actually, in maybe a couple of weeks, we built these little enclosures that enclosed the projectors, and so we can leave them on all the time and they're completely silent.

译文:我们不喜欢那样,实际上 我们用了两三周的时间制作了这些投影仪的小附件, 那么现在我们可以一直让投影仪开着, 而它们完全没有噪音。 。

13. Will you be using an OHP?

译文:你用不用投影仪? 。

14. And we didn't like that, so we actually, in maybe a couple of weeks, we built these little enclosures that enclosed the projectors, and so we can leave them on all the time and they're completely silent.

译文:我们不喜欢那样,实际上 我们用了两三周的时间制作了这些投影仪的小附件, 那么现在我们可以一直让投影仪开着, 而它们完全没有噪音。。

15. Maybe i'll move into your room. There'd be more space for the projector.

译文:也许我应该搬进你的房间 地方更大 可以放投影仪。



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