珍惜生命用英语怎么说 珍惜生命英语翻译

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珍惜生命用英语怎么说 珍惜生命英语翻译

珍惜生命用英语说是"cherish life",在《英英汉-英英汉词典》中,共找到96个与珍惜生命相关的释义和例句。


1. cherish life

珍惜生命翻译为cherish life。


1、Across South Korea, people are using mortality as a personal motivator to learn how to better appreciate life, the Los Angeles Times reported.



1. value life( 珍惜生命;


2. cherish(珍惜


3. cherishment(珍惜

4. peents( 珍惜)

5. sherish( 珍惜)

英语短语&俚语, We must cherish life ( 我们要珍惜生命 )

Life is valued treasure time ( 珍惜时间就是珍惜生命 )

We should cherish life ( 我们应该珍惜生命 )

We Enjoy Our Life ( 我们珍惜生命 )

We Advocate Treasure Life ( 我们倡导珍惜生命 )

He treasure his life ( 他非常珍惜自己的生命 )

Let is treasure life ( 让我们把生命珍惜 )

dear life ( 珍惜宝贵的生命 )


1. The young... the weak... all God's creatures deserve a chance to live


2. But i presume he was concerned with the lives of others.

译文:但他大概珍惜 别人的生命。

3. The novel succeeds as a reminder of the transient nature of human existence.


4. "Cherish your life"is the concept that this whole clinic was built on... cherish your life... your life.

译文:"珍惜你的生命"这个概念 是整个诊所的经营理念 珍惜你的生命,你的生命。

5. You see, slaughtering all those men of yours has


6. Then you should treasure life even more


7. Suit yourself. Life is short.

译文:随你便吧 生命短暂 且行且珍惜。

8. "'Not caring for their lives' is it?

译文:他们不珍惜生命 是吗。

9. Then... perhaps you value the life of another a little more.

译文:那么... 也许你更珍惜某个人的生命。

10. Do you value your life, Mr. Tippin?

译文:你珍惜你的生命吗 提宾先生。

11. Treasure the Unromantic Living, Psalm of Life, the caritas is infinite.

译文:珍惜平淡生活,礼赞生命,大爱无边。 。

12. ♪ i'll take this life ♪ And live like i

译文:所以我会珍惜这生命,就如同 SoI 'lltakethislifeandlivelikeI。

13. ♪ So, i'll take this life ♪ And live like i

译文:所以我会珍惜这生命,就如同 SoI 'lltakethislifeandlivelikeI。

14. if we get a second chance at life why live it to the full?

译文:既然生命可以重来的话 又有什么好珍惜的?。

15. We have no riches. We do not make war. We value life.

译文:我们从不树敌参战 我们珍惜生命。


标签: 翻译 生命

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