感谢老师用英语怎么说 感谢老师英语翻译

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感谢老师用英语怎么说 感谢老师英语翻译

感谢老师的英语说作"appreciate teacher",还经常被译作 Appreciation For My Teacher,在《荷林斯英英小词典》中,共找到22个与感谢老师相关的短语释义和例句。


1. appreciate teacher

感谢老师翻译为appreciate teacher。

示例:今天你学到让你醍醐灌顶的知识和技能,你应该感谢老师; Thank your teacher for imparting the knowledge and skills to you !


2. Appreciation For My Teacher

感谢老师翻译为 Appreciation For My Teacher 。

示例:我要感谢老师的培养。 I want to thank the teacher training.


3. appreciate teacher

感谢老师翻译为 appreciate teacher 。

示例:他感谢老师对他提供的帮助。 He said thanks to his teacher for his help.


4. Thank you for my teacher

感谢老师翻译为 Thank you for my teacher 。

示例:See you later. i tell you. - Did you know he was my wood shop teacher?



1. Teacher Appreciation Week( 谢师周;


2. thank(感谢


3. owe acknowledgement to(感谢…


4. thank ... for( 感谢;

5. litist( 老师)

英语短语&俚语, Thanks being taught Thank the teachers to teach ( 感谢老师的教导 )

We should thank teacher We can thank the teacher ( 我们应该感谢老师 )


1. She teaches in a primary school.

译文:老师 , 小学老师。

2. i have to make some muffins for some bullshit teacher-appreciation day.

译文:教师节 我要送蛋糕感谢老师。

3. Thank you, teacher. thank you.

译文:谢谢老师 谢谢老师。

4. Moon-ok, Moon-ok, Moon-ok!

译文:老师 老师 老师!。

5. And on behalf of all of my teachers on whose shoulders i'm standing, thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

译文:感谢我所有的老师 他们的经验传承 谢谢,谢谢,谢谢。

6. Color is not a teacher teacher

译文:彩未老师 老师。

7. We did clinical testing on 70 menopausal women and 69 of them got their womanhood back.

译文:老师 老师...。

8. And on behalf of all of my teachers on whose shoulders i'm standing, thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

译文:感谢我所有的老师 他们的经验传承 谢谢,谢谢,谢谢 。

9. We appreciate teacher Guo, Li and Du for Wang Hanyi!

译文:衷心感谢郭老师、李老师、杜老师对王瀚谊的关爱! 。

10. Ends of the earth have to do at only Shien sight. Thank you, teacher!

译文:天涯海角有尽处,只有师恩无穷期。感谢您,老师! ! 。

11. i want to say thank you to all the HiU teachers and volunteers.

译文:我要对龙外的老师和志愿者们道一声感谢。 。

12. But your old gym teacher has a big mouth. Should write a thank-you note.

译文:但你的体育老师是个大嘴巴 你该给他写个感谢信。

13. Thanks to my mom and all of my speech therapists and teachers, the belief was instilled in me that i could overcome this challenge.


14. Thank you and his teachers for all you did for him.


15. - Teach, hey, Teach. We gotta...

译文:- 老师, 嘿, 老师,我们要...。


标签: 翻译 老师

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