答案回答用英语怎么说 答案回答英语翻译

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答案回答用英语怎么说 答案回答英语翻译

答案回答的英语说作"digital answer",其次还可以说成"rejoinder",在《牛津英汉双解词典》中,共找到88个与答案回答相关的翻译和例句。


1. digital answer

答案回答翻译为digital answer。

示例:There's a digital clock up there, okay? 28. There's a digital clock up there, okay?


2. rejoinder


示例:But pause for a moment: if government will do a worse job running the banks, the rejoinder is "worse than whom"? 但让我们停下来想一下:如果政府在经营银行时做的更差,反驳的话就变成“比谁更差?”


3. verists

4. wrong answer

答案回答翻译为wrong answer。

示例:- it was the wrong answer? - 这是错误的答案?



1. right answer( 正确答案;

2. digital answer(数字答案)

3. verists( 答案)

4. wrong answer(错误答案)


5. rejoinder(回答


1. And the answer is yes and no; it's deeper than all of that.

译文:答案既“是”,也“否” 还有更深层次的回答。

2. There's one question before you, and one answer is required.

译文:只有一个问题向你们提出 你们只需回答出一个答案。

3. They don't have a way to determine which way to answer this question; perhaps none of us do.

译文:他们无法回答这个问题; 也许我们也不知道答案。 。

4. i don't know. i can't answer the question.


5. Badiou: That's already contained in the first answer.

译文:巴迪乌:答案已经包含在第一个回答中了。 。

6. i am bound by the rule of one. One question, one answer.

译文:我的回答是受到限制的 一个问题一个答案。

7. incorrect. Obviously, the answer is cheese Danish.

译文:回答错误 答案显然是丹麦芝士焗烙。

8. Dreadful, thumbs down, embarrassing -- thank you, these are great answers, but they're answers to a different question.

译文:很糟糕,很差劲,很难堪。 谢谢你们提供这些答案 但这些答案没有回答我的问题 。

9. i'm not gonna answer the question, Because you know the answer.

译文:我不会回答的 因为你知道答案。

10. And the answer is yes and no; it's deeper than all of that.

译文:答案既“是”,也“否” 还有更深层次的回答 。

11. we ask the questions and you answer the questions that we ask, briefly and to the point.

译文:我们提出问题 你就问题作出回答 答案得简短抹要。

12. One answer is what we tell people, and the other answer is the truth.

译文:一个答案 就是我们告诉人们, 而对方的回答 就是这个道理。。

13. An answer, OK an answer to what?

译文:好吧回答 答案是什么呢?。

14. They don't have a way to determine which way to answer this question; perhaps none of us do.

译文:他们无法回答这个问题; 也许我们也不知道答案。。

15. i wanted answers to these questions but there was no one for me to ask.

译文:我想要知道这些问题的答案, 但没有人回答我。 。


标签: 翻译 答案

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