上述用英语怎么说 上述英语翻译

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上述用英语怎么说 上述英语翻译

上述通常被翻译为" above"的意思,还经常被译作as said above,在《荷林斯英英小词典》中,共找到54个与上述相关的短语翻译和用法。


1. above

上述翻译为 above 。

示例:这是将在上述联合国会议结束时发布的宣言的草稿。 This is the draft of a declaration that will be issued at the end of the aforementioned U.N. conference.


2. as said above

上述翻译为as said above。

示例:上述的这些抱怨,我觉得,不过是冰山的一角。 The above complaints are, I suspect, just the tip of the iceberg.


3. aforementioned


示例:几个结论可从上述的那些结果中得出。 Several conclusions could be drawn from the results described above.


4. aforementioned

上述翻译为 aforementioned 。

示例:"...the Mesquite Bank in the aforementioned White City... 并抢劫德州的兰卓炼油厂



1. the said(上述)


2. above-mentioned(上述的


3. aforementioned(上述的


4. aforesaid(上述的

5. epitheses( 上述)

英语短语&俚语, above-mentioned aforesaid mentioned A M above mentioned ( 上述的 科技 )

Iterate as Needed ( 重复上述过程 )

Retype Password Confirm Password ( 再将上述密码输一遍 )

for the reasons given above ( 由于上述原因 )

said goods ( 上述的货物 )

the said goods ( 上述货物 )

afore mentioned rules The above provisions The above requirements ( 上述规定 )

loco citato l.c ( 上述引用文中 )


1. "...inform you... that under these circumstances...

译文:"... 通知你... 鉴于上述情况..."。

2. "that you have failed and refused to vacate said property,


3. and at least two or more sets of spring units held between the upper lid and the spring seat received in the body.


4. and a rotary mechanism, rotating the puncturing tool when the fastening tool pusher goes forward.


5. Because, if any one of those things hadn't happened,


6. Please countermand our order for same.

译文:对上述订单,请取消。 。

7. "The above reward will be paid to anyone

译文:"上述奖励将支付 任何人。

8. "This claim cannot be proven since precise records were not kept..."


9. OK, so that was Top Tip #2.

译文:好,上述就是最高秘诀 。

2 号。

10. * To call for hands of above *


11. Mr. Ramirez, former charges against the defendant,

译文:Ramirez 先生, 上述针对被告的指控。

12. Adam, how's this shot look right here does that look good?

译文:亚当,做出上述决定。 - 这是好?。

13. in a statement from the President, he said, and i quote,


14. Rifles were stored upstairs with Vitale and the rest of the team.

译文:上述枪支 维塔勒和休息。。

15. Each of those times, we were on the verge of complete collapse.

译文:上述时刻,我们都处在崩溃边缘。 。


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