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关于”所有的语法和句式总结“的英语句子30个,句子主体:Summary of all grammatical and sentence patterns。以下是关于所有的语法和句式总结的六级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Summary of all grammatical and sentence patterns


1、The conclusion summarizes the whole thesis, personal viewpoint of the researcher on the appropriate standpoint and attitude for researching Chinese traditional civil law is presented.


2、And that's why bilingual children can say that "Apples grow on noses" is said the right way: they are accustomed to resolving the conflict between form and meaning.


3、The appearance of dissyllabic words in Chinese history which is a phenomena of lexicalization implies the weakening of grammaticalization in language form.


4、Scholars both abroad and at home have made researches on female features in language use and have drawn conclusions mainly in the aspects of phonology, lexis and syntax.


5、Methods All 96 patients with nodule were operated by resection of only thyroid leave and its isthmus.


6、Through study on it, the combination of the language diachronic study and synchronic study has been realized and the interrelationship among word, syntax and discourse has been clarified.


7、By comparison of their MI-scores and PMW, similarities and differences between British English and American English are concluded.


8、But there are differences in how the pattern works in a functional versus object-oriented language, and in the results it yields.


9、Duchang dialect is of northern part's Gan-dialect and has its features in the grammar, in parts of speech, suffix, reduplication pattern and syntax compared as Putonghua.


10、"It makes number one because it was declared inoperative," said Global Language monitor President Paul JJ Payack.


11、Language is nearly endless in its forms. So the search for its behavioral fossils—genes associated with grammar and syntax—should keep scientists busy for decades to come.


12、All assignments are expected to have correct grammar, punctuation, spelling and referencing and use the APA style of referencing.


13、Phraseology has three kinds of usages: extension, intension and form.


14、It's a highly structured and ritualized tradition with a set form, language, and hierarchy.

它的语法有些令人困惑,但是基本上它是将结合了常规表达式和 XPath 的表达式进行公式化的方法。

15、The syntax is a little confusing, but basically it is a way of formulating expressions that are a combination of regular expressions and XPaths.


16、The research promotes study on position word and location word from word to sentence and semantic, may provide some help to grammer and semantic study.

尤迪斯.卡洛斯有一个博客,其内容就是关于email 礼仪,她还出版过这一方面的书籍; 她就抱怨道,写作的结构越松散,语句越简短,语法越不规范,这些语言背后所代表的想法和感情也就越肤浅。

17、Judith Kallos, who writes a blog and books about e-mail etiquette, complains that the looser, briefer and less grammatical the writing, the less deep the thoughts and emotions behind it.


18、Chi-square tests show there is no significant difference about the use of Determiners between two languages.

要验证 CONDITIONAL 模式的 passthrough 特性的有效性,在 solidDB 上执行 SQL 语句,如下所示。

19、To verify that the passthrough feature with CONDITIONAL mode works, execute the SQL statements on solidDB as shown below.


3 summarizes the invocation scheme used in all of these cases.

3 总结了所有这些案例中使用的调用模式。

21、Because SOAP is intended to be platform and language neutral, XSD does not define formats for encoding objects or structures unique to a single language.因为我们希望SOAP平台和语言无关,所以 XSD 没有为某种个别语言才有的编码对象和结构定义格式。

22、Iconicity mainly concerns the corresponding relationship between syntactic form and semantic function.象似性则主要涉及语法形式和语义结构之间的可论证性。

23、Translation trainees also need to be familiar with the syntax of indirect speech and various figures of speech in the source language such as hyperbole, irony, meiosis, and implicatures.翻译实践者还应熟悉间接引语的句式,和源语言中各种修辞手法,如夸张、反语、缓叙和言外之意。

24、The prepositional phrase those express manner, instruments, locative and object can form manner adverbial.表示方式义及工具、处所、对象等语义的介词结构也可以构成方式状语。

25、Whenever my code needed some sort of data-caching mechanism, I’ve tended to “roll my own,” as the saying goes.每当我的代码需要某种形式的数据缓存机制时,我总是倾向于“自己动手丰衣足食” 这句俗语所说的那样做。

英文句子26:,26、We have single rooms, double rooms, suites and deluxe suites in Japanses,British,Roman,French and presidential styles.我们有单人间,双人间,还有日式、英式、法式、罗马式和总统套房.

27、Spellings vary slightly, but the general notions of quantification, alternation, and sequencing exist in all EBNF-style language grammars.拼写稍有不同,但是量化、交替和定序这些一般概念都存在于所有EBNF样式的语言语法中。

28、The test base grammar format uses a format of parentheses and brackets to help specify the grammar to use.测试的基本语法格式是使用一种由圆括号和方括号组成的格式帮助指定所用的语法。

29、As what Chinese Grammer researches shows, most modifier-core structures can be divided into agglutinating-style structures and assorted structures, according to the existence of "de".汉语语法研究指出,多数偏正结构,可以根据是否带“的”,分为粘合式偏正结构和组合式偏正结构。

30、I believe my data from this work, conclusions and ideas, methods will be of great importance and significance to a reference work on study the Chinese two-type words.我相信在我的这项工作中所收集的数据、总结出的结论和探索的思路、方法对汉语兼类词研究具有参考意义。

31、The manner expressing time in Chinese has two: by lexical form or by grammatical form; they have different degrees of grammaticalization.汉语表达时间的方式有词汇形式、语法形式,各种形式的语法化程度不一样;

32、In French, German, and Italian-, French, German and Italian cuisine of quite Sheng, but good quality.在法语、德语和意大利语区,法式、德式和意式烹饪的影响颇盛,但质量上乘。

33、Langage is actually the sum total of all known speech acts.言语活动实际上是所有已知言语行为的总和。

34、I can assure you that all the conference languages will be used in the summaries.我可以向您保证在总结中将使用所有的会议语言。

35、The conclusion summarizes Kahlo's uniqueness and her aesthetic taste in relation with the author's everyday personal experience of painting.结语部分结合自己的创作感悟,总结了卡罗创作的完美所在和审美情趣。

36、Mankind have first the language, having the writing behind, in perfect process in writing, people tally up an important theories for the literature is phonetic---grammar.人类先有语言,后有文字,在文字完美的过程中,人们总结出了文学语言的重要理论---语法。

37、Informative presupposition is due to the different language forms the speaker has adopted for sake of relevance of his utterance.信息预设是说话者在话语交际过程中基于话语的关联性而对语句形式所作的处理。

38、What you're referring to is the old grammar-translation method.你在这儿所指的是老式的语法—翻译方式。

39、Measurement method of activity coefficient of Associated and non-associated electrolyte solution was discussed.对缔合式、 非缔合式电解质溶液活度系数的各种测定方法进行了归纳和总结。

40、Multi-word units are dynamic and open to many choices of lexis in a specific grammatical structure and form a unity of semantic meaning, grammatical rule and pragmatic context.多词单位在一定的语法结构内可供词语选择的空间很大,具有开放性和动态性,形成了语义、语法和语境的结合体;

41、The special expressions used in English contract are difficult for non-professionals to understand.合同英语在词汇和句法等方面具有鲜明的文体特征。

42、That's what the optimist thinks-- not just for themselves individually, but for everybody, the total is always positive.那是乐观主义者的想法-,而且不但是对他们自己,而是对所有人,等式结果总是正数。

43、The epilog gives a summary of the whole thesis.结语对全文进行了归纳和总结。

44、The GOBACK statement specifies the logical end of a called program or invoked method.GOBACK 语句指定了所调用的程序或方法的逻辑结束部分。

45、Disposal-style is an important sentence structure in the development of Chinese grammar, and there's some imbalance in the development of history.处置式是汉语语法发展中的一个重要句式,在历时发展过程中存在着不平衡现象。

46、Graph or table representations for formal language grammars and network protocols形式语言语法和网络协议的图或表表示法

47、The entire language parser has been summed up in two productions.两个产生式中总结了全部的语言解析器。

48、Last section concludes expression LRAUC single-path testing.最后总结了表达式LRAUC 单路测试方法。

49、This thesis discusses the great values of law term for the history of Chinese grammar which based on the spring of forcing resultative complement and special syntax form.文中以使成式的产生与特殊句式为例说明了法律用语对汉语历史语法学研究的重要价值。

50、Fortunately, this process is easy to automate if you establish a one-to-one mapping between UML constructs and XML schema statements.所幸的是,只要在 UML 结构和 XML 模式语句间建立一对一的映射,这个过程很容易自动化。

经典英文句子51:所有的语法和句式总结,51、Chapter Two describes the structural, morphological and syntactic characteristics of the words of endearment which are used in conversation with children in Khorchin local dialect.第二章介绍了科尔沁土语用于和幼儿交流的昵语的形式结构、词法、句法等方面的特征。

52、Peroration is a summary of this research .结语部分对本课题研究所做的总结。

53、It is the collection of all the features of the linguistic form; it is abstract and de-contextualized.它是语言形式所有特征的总和,它是抽象且脱离语境的。

54、We introduce the syntax-directed editing model called template-driven approach, and present the functions, general structure as well as the implementation techniques of ASDE.本文首先介绍ASDE所采用的模板驱动方式的语法制导编辑模型,然后详细描述了ASDE的功能、总体结构和主要实现技术。

55、But present teaching materials have a few scientific induction and summary to form brief memory methods in teaching Programming with Assemble Language.但是,现有教材很少对抽象、繁多的指令语句进行科学的归纳总结,形成简明形象的记忆方式。

56、The design principles and methods of the post-xiaokang housing dwelling size pattern are formed.总结出了后小康住宅套型模式的设计原则和方法。

57、The third chapter summarizes the methods of expression in Russian loanwords —fetching in entirely and by changing to fetch in.第三章总结了俄语外来词的语言表现形式——外来词的完全借用和外来词的部分借用。

58、Grammaticalization is characterized by two effects: the narrowing of grammaticalizing element and the expansion of the construction (context) of which the grammaticalizing element is a part.语法化具有双重效应,即语法化项特征的“窄化”和语法化项及其所在构式的环境“扩展”。


标签: 总结 语法

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