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关于”积极向上的诗歌“的英语句子50个,句子主体:Positive Poetry.。以下是关于积极向上的诗歌的中考英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Positive Poetry.


1、"Higher still and higher", let's take a flight over the blue sky, because that is what we, engaged in translation, sing for our great joy.


2、The clerk had a positive and negative effect on the development of the society in Han Dynasty .


3、Along with the establishment of "scholarly painting" and "implicit painting" traditions, poetry and painting achieved harmony in terms of expressing the author's personality.


4、Due to Shangguan Wan'er's effort, poetic creation in this period matured in form, and prepared for the advent of apex of poetic creation of Tang Dynasty in content, imagery, style, etc.


5、Extraversion ---The tendency to experience positive emotions and moods and to feel good about oneself and the rest of the world.


6、Choosing a one-time, positive, life-oriented symbolic act to mark your success.


7、There is apparently big difference between Anita Mui on stage and Anita Mui of her real life.


8、The first chapter is about vector algebra, introduces the vector of linear operations, inner product of vectors, vector outer product, vector product and double mixed exterior product.


9、Yet again, Google, which is fighting the platform wars on multiple fronts, could be Apple's stiffest competition.


10、Each singer must take an active part in the performance.


11、Those who were played some positive music afterwards, were more hopeful about the future than those left in silence.


12、The flag shows the picture of"hands in hands"which stands for a symbol of unity, The hands look like a fledglings to fly upward, that means the positive and progressive spirit and their lofty ideal.


13、The Beach Boys have always accentuated the positive, and hers is a positive message about California Girls, so what’s not to like?


14、Sense of honor is a kind of excellent quality, so only those noble temperament and positive or well-educated people have.

Happy days summer days sunshines for You 回忆过去的景色 我也每天向前进 只要嘴角上扬 就感到靠近happy和lucy 用闪亮的笑容说hello 玩具箱也溢了出来 谱成积极的调子 唱歌的时候就要尽兴 Happy days summer days sunshine girl I like it!

15、Happy days summer days sunshines for You Happy days summer days sunshine girl I like it!


16、Do some target surveillance on the basis of general surveillance.


17、But a positive emotional perspective needs to be based on a positive self-image or it won’t be able to hold up under pressure.


18、And the best part of it is even less-than-great singers experienced the same positive effects.


19、We zealously deconstruct. We have that very active internal monologue.


20、I am convinced that with the support of our college leaders and the great efforts of our member, a brighter and more wonderful future will be in sight in front of us .

21、" up, fly up" to the blue sky, which is the paradise song for us translators.“向上,一直向上飞翔”,去翱翔那蓝蓝的天,那就是咱翻译人乐极的歌咏。

22、The poet emphasizes the People Character in the construction process and arouse the numerous people's boundless love and support for the new China.在这一建构中诗人极力突出“人民性”,激发广大人民群众对“新中国”的无限热爱和积极拥护。

23、So, I sat down and listed the positives and negatives of my life and found I had far more positives than negatives.于是,我坐下来,列出生活中的积极面和消极面,发现积极面远超过消极面。

24、The misunderstanding of Wang Wei's poem "Ode to the Frontier" not only damages the up-going significance and the rich and powerful character of the poem, but also reduces its aesthetic value.对王维边塞诗《使至塞上》的诸多误解、曲解,不仅损害该诗积极向上的思想意义、雄迈豪逸的格调,更贬低了它崇高的美学价值。

25、The use of "the principle of photography" not only plays an important role in forming the characteristics of Du Yunxie's poetry, but also digs out the positive possibilities of that artistic device.其中,“摄影主义”这一手法的运用,对杜运燮诗歌风格的形成起到了重要作用,也从另一角度发掘出这一手法所包孕的积极的诗艺可能性。

英文句子26:,26、LanGuiCheng thoughtfulness to the red flag new strength, she actively to the labor market.兰贵成的体贴给了文红旗新的力量,她积极地投向了劳务市场。

27、The epilogue reaffirms the positive role of Shi Guangnan and Shang Shi to the development of Chinese opera.结语部分再次肯定了施光南先生和歌剧《伤逝》对中国歌剧发展所具有的积极作用。

28、Obvious changes occurred in poetic style before and after Shu Ting: big subjects of ideal and belief were switched to those of life and individuals;舒婷前后期诗歌风格变化明显:题材上,理想、信念大题材转向生活化、个人化;

29、How can I channel my newfound energy into something positive?怎样将新生的能量引导到一些积极的事情上?

30、It's funny how we've noticed that this song has more positive feedback from you guys than BONAMANA.有意思的是,我们已经注意到这首歌相对这些家伙的BONAMANA有更多积极的反馈。

31、Among them some scholars could regard purpose of the text as the principle of interpretation at most and gave some contribution of The Book of Songs from scriptural to literary.其中部分学者能以文本之意为最高阐释原则,从而为《诗经》由经学阐释走向文学阐释作出了积极的贡献。

32、A positive attitude will have positive results,because attitudes are contagious.积极的态度会带来积极的结果,因为态度是具有感染力的。

33、This is called active SETI, or METI, where the "M" stands for messaging.这叫做积极的搜寻地外文明计划,或可以称作向地外文明发送信息。

34、A sketch of his life story will be of considerable significance to fur-ther study of his poems and his thought.勾勒其生平事迹,对进一步研究刘过诗文及其思想有一定的积极意义。

35、Salehi's appointment is a positive signal to the West.一名要求不具名的分析人士表示:“任命Salehi等于向西方发出了积极信号。

36、Until now, she is more than the same period of singers actively participate in the film, singing career.直到现在,她还是比同期的歌手更积极参与电影、歌唱的事业。

37、The translation study is turning its steps to the most active element-translators.因而,翻译研究逐渐转向译者——这个翻译过程中最活跃、积极的因素。

38、Think of something positive, unique, and/or funny that you are doing, and give them a one line summary.用一些积极向上的、独一的东无二的东西或者你做过的一些有意思的事情给他们一个简单的概述。

39、Today, he is convinced, "new energy sources are the new way of development. I'm part of the future."今天,他坚信新的能源是今后发展的一条道路,我本人也要用向前看的态度来积极参与到新能源的道路上来。

40、Space charges might be due to the injection charges, the impurity ions and the orientation of small molecule dipoles , among which the orientation of small molecule dipoles seem predominate.认为空间电荷的积累包括注入电荷、杂质离子电荷和小分子偶极子的转向,其中以小分子偶极子的转向为主。

41、It reinforces the tower with circling steel structure can play a positive role in preventing further deformation.对塔体进行环向与轴向的贴体加固,对防止塔体进一步变形能起到积极的作用。

42、That will actually help us to make sure the direction of product form developing.这对于认清今后产品形态的发展方向有积极的现实意义。

43、Another thing I have learned since starting this blog - the world is full of nice, supportive and friendly people.自从开了这个博客后,我还懂得了另一个道理——这个世界到处都有积极向上又友好的好人。

44、Our CPOE10 will welcome the acceptance inspection of the leaders with our vitality, our developed mind and our energetic.我们中油海10平台将以一个充满活力、开拓思想、积极向上的面貌来迎接公司领导的检查和验收。

45、We shall keep our hold on the market with superexcellent quality and shine out our brilliance.京基陶瓷将积极把握市场,以卓越的品质面向市场,闪放光彩!

46、This feature has been criticized a lot, but on the other hand, his early works with purity are quite excellent.虽然这使得陈东东诗歌非议颇多,但他早期的澄澈之作是极其出色的。

47、It is virtuous and positive as a whole in which the ideal and desire of the general people consist.尊重读书人,推崇智慧,重视技艺,总体上是积极向善的,反映了下层民众的人生理想和追求。

48、The base electrode (基极电极(

3) is a metal layer deposited on top of the semiconducting material forming the first electrode.


一 电极的半导体材料上面的金属层。

49、At the same time also show a big A-League college students bring their positive spirit and temperament of endless struggle.同时也表现了大超联赛带给高校大学生们的积极向上的精神与奋斗无止境的气质。

50、It is urgent to realize features of current society and value orientation of modern designing art so as to develop designing culture in a positive way.认清当代社会的特性,正确把握当代设计艺术的价值取向,发展积极向上的设计文化是当今设计界迫在眉睫的任务。

经典英文句子51:积极向上的诗歌,51、Its difficulty lies in Milton's tendency in this poem to seek out what Dr. Johnson wonderfully calls remote allusions.诗的难点在于弥尔顿想要在诗中极力追求,被约翰逊绝妙地称为不切实际的幻想的倾向。

52、Now, as an ever thinking being I always try to extract positive, worthwhile information from my experiences. Always.现在,我作为一个有思想的人,我总是从我的成长经历中汲取那些积极向上、值得借鉴的信息。

53、Think positive, live day by day, set your goals and make sure you got the will to reach them.正面思考,积极向上,在日复xx日的生活循环中,设定你的目标并确保你拥有可以触及它们的意志。

54、"It means you can attract and attain some amazing people", says Laszlo Bock, senior vice president of people operations at Google.“这意味着你能吸引并得到那些优秀的人才”,谷歌的人事高级副总裁Lazlo Bock说,“这些人才非常难得,他们工作积极向上,但他们想要的可不仅仅是一个好工作和一份高收入。”

55、Psychological education is the action to ensure self and promote it to grow into active orientation, i. e. self-independence.心育是保正自我并促进其积极倾向―自立―的作为。

56、Positive brain responses could predict close to one-third of popular songs.积极的大脑回应能够成功预言近三分之一的流行歌曲。

57、Though Jia Dao's poems are clearly marked with the imprint of the aesthetic orientation of Zen, he is a Buddhist only outwardly.贾岛诗歌鲜明地打上了佛禅审美取向的烙印,但他只是形貌上的禅子而已。

58、Take note of their face, their enthusiasm and energy levels.注意他们脸上的表情,他们的积极性和动力。

59、She's a beautiful songwriter and she's a positive spirit for the society. Please welcome sister Tracy Chapman.他是一个美丽的作曲家,他对社会还有积极向上的热情。让我们有请出我们的姐妹特莱希夏曼。

60、How to stengthen its positive influence and reduce the negative affect?如何弱化双向流动带来的负面效应,最大限度地发挥其积极作用?

61、I was, to face the realities of life, do not hold any lucky psychology, holding the positive attitude towards life.我的原意是,正视人生的客观现实,不要抱着任何侥幸的心理,把持积极向上的人生态度。


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