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1、Because sleep 80-100 minutes, people gradually from light sleep into deep sleep.


2、So drink before bed does not increase the total sleep time, but may make sleep lighter, is not conducive to sleep.

从脑电图来看, 睡眠周期中有慢波睡眠和快波睡眠两个阶段,两者交替出现。

3、From the point of electroencephalogram, MorpheusThere is slow wave in cycleMorpheusWith fast waveMorpheusTwo phase, both and alternant appear.


4、Non-REM sleep itself is divided into four stages defined purely by EEG patterns; the first two are collectively described as light sleep and the last two as deep or slow-wave sleep.


5、"One needs to separate someone who's just a natural longer sleeper from someone who's having disturbed sleep that's causing them to feel sleepy during the day, " she says.

结果 睡眠呼吸暂停事件在睡眠各期均可出现,但多见于浅睡眠期,以2期最明显。

6、Results Sleep apnea events were found in each different sleep stage. The events happened frequently in light sleep stage, most in stage



7、Lily: ‘Sleep quotient’ means the quality of your sleep. If you have high quality sleep,it means your sleep quotient is high.;on the contrary, you have low sleep quotient.


8、In between cycles of REM sleep, we have non-REM sleep, which includes deep or 'slow-wave' sleep.


9、If you sleep longer than about

20 minutes, you’ll pass out of REM and into other (deeper) phases of sleep.


10、In the human sleep cycle, deep sleep is known as R.

催眠,睡眠不好,睡觉睡得更好更深- 自我催眠,引导冥想,埃里克布朗。

11、Hypnosis- Sleep Well, Deeper Sleep to Sleep Better - Self Hypnosis, Guided Meditation, Erick Brown.


12、Method:Recorded changes on sleep electroencephalogram of sleep deprived children.


13、The sleep study didn’t show any evidence of restless legs or sleep apnea.


14、Whether you've got narcolepsy, insomnia, or simply aren't getting the sleep you need, sleep problems are serious.


15、Infants spend half of their sleep time in the REM phase, and premature infants spend up to 80% in REM.


16、Keep in mind that polyphasic sleep is not remotely the same as sleep deprivation.


17、Parasomnias include abnormal acts like eating disorders while asleep, nightmares, sleep paralysis and sleep aggression.


18、Some people need more sleep, but they don't give their body enough sleep.


19、Maintain reasonable bedtimes.


20、So many people in our sleep-deprived culture just aren’t getting enough z’s, or enough of the right kind of rest.

21、If you are having trouble sleeping, see your doctor or a sleep specialist.如果你睡眠有障碍,应该去看医生或者睡眠专家。

22、In addition, specific sleep disorders such as sleep apnea and periodic limb movement disorder are also associated with age, and affect sleep.另外,睡眠障碍,例如睡眠呼吸暂停、周期性肢动症等都与年龄有关,并且会影响睡眠质量。

23、Lengthen as Morpheus time, surprise appearance Morpheus period lengthen gradually, deep Morpheus period shorten.随着睡眠时间延长,异相睡眠期逐渐延长,深睡眠期缩短。

24、Hibernation is more than sleep. 冬眠不止是睡眠。

25、There is slow-wave sleep or "quiet sleep."第一种是慢波睡眠,“安静的睡眠”

英文句子26:,26、Polyphasic Sleep: The Return to Monophasic多相睡眠:单相睡眠的回归

27、Every night Morpheus the first periodic surprise appearance Morpheus period is shorter, deep Morpheus period longer.每晚睡眠第一个周期的异相睡眠期较短,深睡眠期较长。

28、Some of the common ones include Insomnia; sleep walking; sleep apnea, which is repetitive pauses in breathing; and Narcolepsy , which is characterized by excessive daytime sleepiness.比较常见的睡眠紊乱症有:失眠,梦游,睡眠呼吸暂停即反复的呼吸暂停,及嗜睡,其典型特征为白天过度嗜睡。

29、Objective To explore the clinical significance of sleeping structure and sleeping awakening of severe obstructive sleep apnea-hypopnea syndrome (OSAHS).目的探讨重度睡眠呼吸暂停低通气综合征(OSAHS)的睡眠结构和睡眠觉醒的临床意义。

30、It displays whether you are awake or in light sleep, deep sleep, or REM sleep, in real time, all through the night.该装置能够实时显示你的睡眠状态:比如你是醒着,处在浅睡、深度睡眠还是快速眼动睡眠状态。

31、So catch up by going to sleep earlier.为了补充睡眠,早睡吧。

32、Like people, rats go through multiple stages of sleep, from slow-wave sleep to REM sleep.就像人一样,鼠类拥有复杂的睡眠阶段——从短波睡眠到REM睡眠。

33、Sleep status was represented using sleep latency and sleep duration per night. Mood status was measured with the Profile of Mood Status (POMS).睡眠状况由睡眠潜伏期和每晚睡眠的时间来表示,情绪状态用POMS量表评定。

34、PLMD usually causes insomnia (difficulty initiating and maintaining sleep) and, more rarely, excessive daytime sleepiness.PLMD经常会导致失眠(难以入睡和睡眠维持困难)以及白天严重嗜睡。

35、Troxel utilized sleep monitoring equipment to measure the patients’ length of continuous sleep, interrupted sleep, length of different stages of sleep, and body movements.Troxel运用了睡眠监测设备来测量参与者持续睡眠的时间,被影响了的睡眠,不同状态下的睡眠时长以及肢体动作。

36、The quality of life is positively related to age, marriage state, the parameters of nighttime PSG including the total sleep time, percentage of slow-wave sleep;已婚、年龄越大、睡眠脑电图参数中的总睡眠时间和慢波睡眠时间越长,原发性失眠患者生活质量评估越高;

37、Dreams during deep sleep are often 'thought-like' and are more typically anchored in reality.深度睡眠也被称作是“黄金睡眠”,也就是通常说的“金质睡眠”、“金子般的睡眠”。

38、Puts an opponent to sleep for 30 seconds. The slumber will only last until hit and you may only have one target asleep at a time.使目标睡眠30秒。 一次只能睡眠一个,攻击被睡眠的怪会打醒目标。

39、OSA is a sleep-related breathing disorder that causes one's body to stop breathing during sleep.阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停(OSA)是一种引起睡眠时呼吸停止的睡眠呼吸障碍。

40、The same study also found that quality of sleep is important.这份研究还发现睡眠质量很重要,换言之,与辗转反侧的轻度睡眠或不能马上入眠相比,深度的和不间断的睡眠更能让你远离感冒。

41、Polyphasic sleep involves taking multiple short sleep periods throughout the day instead of getting all your sleep in one long chunk.多相睡眠是指,在一天中用多次短暂的睡眠代替一个长时间睡眠。

42、The data of polysomnocinematograph(DPSG) including time of record, non-rapid eye sleep, rapid eye sleep, time of sleep, time of wake, rate of sleep, rate of disenchantment were recorded.睡眠监测的数据包括记录时间、非快动眼睡眠期、快动眼睡眠期、睡眠时间、觉醒时间、睡眠比、觉醒比。

43、Polyphasic sleep has a very different feel than monophasic sleep.多相睡眠和单相睡眠是完全不同的感觉。

44、Conclusion Measures should be taken to varify patients' sleep structure and improve their sleep quality.结论失眠症患者应采取应对措施,改变睡眠结构,提高睡眠质量。

45、And even on a monophasic sleep pattern, caffeine is known to cause sleep problems.即使是在传统的单相睡眠睡眠的状况下,喝咖啡依然会导致睡眠问题。

46、Being in a cot also disrupted sleep, with the babies’ brains less likely to make the transition between two types of sleep called active and quiet.由于婴儿的大脑很难在两种不同类型的睡眠状态——动态睡眠和静态睡眠之间实现过渡,在婴儿床入睡上还会影响睡眠。

47、In short, light sleepers do not produce as many sleep spindles as heavy sleepers.简而言之,睡眠浅的人并没有像睡眠深的人一样产生足够多的“睡眠梭形波”。

48、Tip:Know the first REM period occurs between 70 and 90 minutes after falling asleep.睡眠小贴士:深度睡眠期发生在睡觉后的70至90分钟。

49、Insomnia, early-morning wakefulness, or excessive sleeping失眠、早醒或睡眠过度

50、The researchers say sleeping pills do increase spindles, but they may interfere with other beneficial sleep stages.研究人员认为,睡眠药丸可增加睡眠纺锤波,但是也有可能影响有时出现的良好睡眠阶段。

经典英文句子51:睡眠,51、Ah, my sleep, precious sleep, which only waits for his touch to vanish.呵,我的睡眠,宝贵的睡眠,只等着他的摩触来消散。

52、Puts an opponent to sleep for 40 seconds. The slumber will only last until hit and you may only have one target asleep at a time.使目标睡眠40秒。 一次只能睡眠一个,攻击被睡眠的怪会打醒目标。

53、Overscheduled, stressed, or worried kids often start sleeping less than they should, and sleep deprivation has serious consequences.孩子需要睡眠。 如安排过度,压力大,或焦虑不安,孩子往往就开始睡眠不足,睡眠缺失会带来严重后果。

54、Can be seen that the role of alcohol is to make people sleepy sleepy, would appear to be useful for sleep, in fact it may interfere with sleep.到了下半夜,酒精的作用逐渐消失后,就会引起失眠与多梦,使总的睡眠质量下降。所以睡前喝酒并不能增加总的睡眠时间,反而有可能使睡眠变浅,不利于睡眠。

55、Results 46.4 percent of the recuperating officers had varying degrees of insomnia, including difficulty to fall asleep, decreased amount of sleep and obstruction of continued sleep.4%的疗养员有不同程度的失眠,表现为入睡困难、睡眠减少和睡眠持续障碍。

56、Get plenty of sleep. Sleep deprivation zaps memory.睡眠充足。缺乏睡眠会搞坏记忆。

57、Both ­distrusted sleep, fearing it as death’s mirror.两人都不相信睡眠,睡眠是死亡的镜子。

58、Sleep experts define "sleep efficiency" as the percentage of time lying down that you are actually sleeping.睡眠专家对“睡眠效率”的定义是真正睡眠时间占你躺在床上时间的比例。

59、Conclusion: Patients with OSAHS have obvious deprivation of deep and REM sleep; CPAP make it recover in some degree that disorder sleep structure and broken sleep proceeding.结论:OSAHS有明显的深睡眠及REM睡眠剥夺,CPAP治疗能使紊乱的睡眠结构及破碎的睡眠进程得到一定程度的恢复。

60、Some people also show symptoms of sleep eating, sleep talking and even somnambulism .有些人还出现的睡眠饮食,睡眠,甚至梦游交谈。

61、Methods 68 normal volunteers were studied with polysomnography to confirm the sleep stage of the apnea events.方法 分析68例健康志愿者的多导睡眠图资料,确定睡眠呼吸暂停事件发生的睡眠时相。

62、This coincided with my switch to polyphasic sleep as well.于此同时,我的睡眠也向着多相睡眠转变。

63、Sleep substances and most sleep centers are probably just modulators of sleep, only partly associated with any underlying benefits of sleep.睡眠物质与大多数睡眠中心可能只是睡眠调节器,只是与睡眠的主要功效有关。

64、The repeated arousals caused sleep fragmentation and, hence, daytime sleepiness.短暂的唤醒导致破碎的睡眠,从而需要过度的白天睡眠。

65、Unlike patients with obstructive sleep apnea, patients with central sleep apnea are more likely to remember their awakenings and complain of light and fragmented sleep.与阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停综合症不同,中枢性睡眠呼吸中止症患者对睡眠中断记得很清楚,并往往抱怨浅层睡眠和睡眠中断。

66、Results: The first night recordings showed longer sleep latency, decreased sleep efficiency and shorter delta and REM sleep.结果发现,第一晚的睡眠潜伏期延长,睡眠效率下降,深睡期和快动眼睡眠期减少。

67、But the greater the amount of stage 2期非REM睡眠的时间越长,受试者表现越好。 2期非REM睡眠是比较浅的无梦睡眠时间。

2 non-REM sleep, a lighter form of non-dreaming sleep, the better their performance, he found.


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