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关于”如何保持健康“的英语句子45个,句子主体:How to Keep Healthy。以下是关于如何保持健康的专业英语句子。

英文句子模板1:How to Keep Healthy

浅层解释的情况: 与前者相反,这种情况的参与者要求思考他们如何才能保持身体健康。

1、Low-level construal condition: in contrast participants in this condition were asked to think about how they maintained their physical health.


2、If you start your day with a healthy breakfast like two hard-boiled eggs and a banana, it is easier to stay healthy throughout the rest of the day.


3、He provided detailed plans for how it would provide healthcare, pave roads and reorganize schools, and how it would mete out justice.


4、If you commit your health to God it will probably mean giving up some of your favorite foods.


5、The health insurance products offering by different insurance companies have no differences in insurance liabilities and insurance coverage, and lack of purposefulness.


6、February is heart health month, and VOA's Carol Pearson looks at a study that provides clues to young people about keeping their hearts healthy.


7、How they affect our mental health is all up to us and how we use them.


8、Objective:To investigate the mental state of sea training officers and soldiers concerning different training phrases and different troops and explore how to improve their psychiatric diatheses.


9、How to improve student's mentalhealth?


10、I always tell people if Yao was in the playoffs and Rafer (Alston) was healthy they win in the first round.


11、If you want to keep off the weight, keep up the healthy eating and exercise.


12、For some couples, the vaccine has raised agonizing questions over how to safeguard their children’s health.


13、If symptoms persist consult your healthcare practitioner.


14、A little lover's sweet as honey, happy and healthy bless you;

问: 什么是荒漠化? 如何对健康产生影响?

15、Q: What is desertification, and how does it impact health?


16、By following a few guidelines—which apply to anyone on any kind of diet—it’s easy to keep bones strong and healthy on a vegan diet.


17、Suddenly, they're forced to figure out how to keep their marriages healthy while working to keep their businesses afloat.


18、Self-reported health assessments in the 2002 World Health Survey: how do they correlate with education?


19、Learn how to floss your teeth properly and get expert tips and advice on how to maintain healthy teeth and gums in this free oral hygiene video.


20、Joan herself looks like she'd have no trouble passing the three-figure mark, and I asked her how she'd stayed so fit.

21、How does pine bark extract support health?松树皮提取物是如何支持健康?

22、If Lawrence Livermore National Security “doesn’t fund retiree health benefits, I have no health insurance.如果L.L.N.S“没有提供退休健康福利,我就也没有健康保险。”

23、Sustained fidelity in a long-term intimate relationship creates a healthy foundation for everything else you do.在一段长期的亲密关系中保持持久的忠诚,会为你做任何事情创造一个健康的基础。

24、Investigate what kind of recipes the book provides, and how you can utilise them to sustain your own health.查什么书提供的食谱,你可以利用它们,以及如何保持自己的健康。

25、How DB2 collects health-related informationDB2 如何收集与健康相关的信息

英文句子26:,26、If you have kept your investments in your value stocks (quality time, personal health), then everything else is essentially expendable.如果你保留对价值股的投资(珍惜时间,保持健康),那么其他的任何东西都消耗的起。

27、How bathroom posture affects your health.排便姿势是如何影响健康的

28、Learn how to clean around a dental implant and get expert tips and advice on keeping healthy teeth and oral hygiene in this free instructional video.了解如何清洗种植体周围,而且能保持在这个自由的教学视频健康的牙齿和口腔卫生专家提示和建议。

29、"If taking vitamins doesn't keep you healthy enough, try more laughter: The most wasted of all days is that on which one has not laughed. " Nicolas-Sebastien Chamfort.如果服用维他命药片不能保持健康的话,就试试开怀大笑。如果一个人一天都没有任何欢笑可言,那这天就白过了。

30、People everywhere, regardless of their place of birth or status in society, deserve the same protection from hazards to their health.无论何地,也不论出生何处,或社会地位如何,人们都应得到同等保护,以免健康受到危害。

31、He illustrates how to find these villages cut off from today's rush and discusses the nitty -gritty of staying healthy and clean on the road.主持人告诉我们如何找到这些与世隔绝的小村庄,并探讨旅程中保持清洁健康的秘诀。

32、The trip is fraught with many technical challenges, many of which are outranked by the question of keeping the crew healthy and sane.旅行中充满了许多技术挑战,其中许多都不如如何让船员保持身心健康这个问题重要性更高。

33、If they haven't or you want to know more about belly piercing care, here are some practical tips to help you understand how to keep pierced navels clean and healthy.如果他们没有或者您想知道更多关于腹部刺穿照顾,这里有一些实用技巧,帮助您了解如何保持刺穿肚脐清洁和健康。

34、If taking vitamins doesn't keep you healthy enough, try more laughter: The most wasted of all days is that on which one has not laughed.如果服用维他命药片不能保持健康的话,就试试开怀大笑。如果一个人一天都没有任何欢笑可言,那这天就白过了。

35、The Italians know a thing or two about healthy snacking.意大利人懂得如何吃零食才健康。

36、How could this be? If the medications are supposedly "keeping them healthy, " how come they feel so bad?这怎么可能,如果药物是用来“让他们保持健康的”,现在他们怎么感觉不好呢。

37、If we want to be healthy as we age, we have to be the leading scientific country in the world.如果我们想要在年老时保持身体健康,我们的科技就必须领先全世界。

38、Rather than rush from one responsibility to another, do whatever is necessary to maintain your mental health.别忙着承担一个责任又一个责任。做任何必要的事保持你的精神健康。

39、"We have a moral dilemma: How do we protect the health of the poorest people in the world and allow them to develop, " Maslin said.马斯林说“我们陷入两难的境地:我们如何保护最贫穷人民的健康,并保持经济的发展”。

40、For enquiries, please call Health Education Unit, University Health Service at 2609 6428.如有查询, 请致电保健处健康教育组2609-6428。

41、How am I healthier you ask?你就要问了,写博是如何令我更健康的?

42、How the state-owned forest farm keep the economy sustainable and healthily development, affront the aboil market competition, along with innovation embed ceaselessly.随着改革不断深入,面对日趋激烈的市场竞争,国有林场如何才能保持经济持续健康发展。

43、Whether it be for work, for family, or for a holiday/vacation, I always find myself with the same quandry--how to stay healthy and fit while on the road?不论是去出差、探亲还是度假,我总是面临同样一个难题——如何在旅途中保持健康呢?

44、If you have any doubts about your health, you should check with your health care provider.如果对自己的健康有任何疑问,应该去卫生保健机构就医。

45、What are common health consequences of overweight and obesity?超重及痴肥如何影响健康?。

46、Healthcare - and how you pay for it - is one of life's big worries. In China few people have private health insurance but the market is growing.保健以及如何进行支付是人一生中的重大问题。在中国,很少有人进行私人健康保险,但是这个市场正在上升。

47、Just as physical activity is essential to maintaining a healthy body, challenging one’s brain, keeping it active, engaged, flexible and playful, is not only fun.正如身体活动对保持健康体魄很重要一样,挑战人们的大脑,使它保持活跃、参与、灵活和有趣,不仅是一种乐趣。

48、We urgently need to build our understandingof how climate change will affect health, especially through insect-borne disease.我们迫切需要建立我们对于气候变化如何影响健康的理解——特别是虫媒疾病如何影响健康。

49、What is desertification, and how does it impact health?什么是荒漠化? 如何对健康产生影响?

50、Understand these important health risks and know how to protect yourself.了解这些重大健康风险,认识如何保护你自己。

经典英文句子51:如何保持健康,51、How do nuclear accidents impact health?核事故如何影响人类健康

52、Therefore, to quicken the CBB development will ensure the banks' healthy development.因此,如何加快公司业务发展,是实现中国工商银行健康发展的保障。

53、Students in this major learn how to perform routine duties under the supervision of nurses or other supervisors in hospitals and similar health care settings.这个专业学习如何如何在护士等医院或类似的健康保健场所的管理人员监管下执行日常工作。

54、I'm glad to hear that. In case he is not insured, the hospital never accepts any patient.我很高兴他有,如果他没有健康保险,医院绝不会收任何病人的。

55、c.Other internal assurance functions (e.g., health and safety department)。其他内部保证部门(如,健康和安全部门)。

56、How Do Health Insurance Deductibles Work?健康保险免赔额如何工作的?。

57、And in many ways we can -- if we keep ourselves healthy -- actually improve our brains.如果我们保持自己的健康,我们可以在很多方面真正改善我们的大脑。

58、Q8:You looks so vigorous always. Please tell us how to keep good health and physical strength.你看起来总是那么有活力。请告诉我们如何维持健康与体力。

59、It's up to you to determine what's crucial for your health and well-being, and how to balance that with responsibilities that are truly "mission-critical."对你而言,什么对健康最有益、最关键,是由你自己决定的。 而如何在工作的责任和生活的健康两者中保持平衡,是更关键的议题。

60、How does NSI Bone Booster Complex ? support health?如何NSI的骨助推器复杂 ?支持健康?

61、Many of us jog or swim or hit the gym in an attempt to keep fit, and to help ward off ailments like heart disease and diabetes.很多人都选择通过慢跑、游泳或是到健身房健身来保持健康,不受诸如心脏病啊,糖尿病啊之类的疾病困扰。

62、It is our job to tip the balance in favour of continuing the unprecedented momentum for better health, especially for the poor, that marked the start of this century.何去何从,尚不明朗。 我们的任务是要发挥重要作用,争取保持本世纪初前所未有的增进健康尤其是增进穷人健康的势头。

63、Cycling is a great way to keep fit , and combined with a balanced diet rich in fruit and vegetables, can help keep your heart healthy.骑车是一种非常好的保持体重的方法,如果再辅以均衡的含丰富水果及蔬菜的饮食,将帮助人们保持心脏健康。



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